

Key's attention was presently directed to something more important to his present purpose.The keen wind which he had faced in mounting the grade had changed,and was now blowing at his back.

His experience of forest fires had already taught him that this was too often only the cold air rushing in to fill the vacuum made by the conflagration,and it needed not his sensation of an acrid smarting in his eyes,and an unaccountable dryness in the air which he was now facing,to convince him that the fire was approaching him.It had evidently traveled faster than he had expected,or had diverged from its course.He was disappointed,not because it would oblige him to take another route to Skinner's,as Collinson had suggested,but for a very different reason.Ever since his vision of the preceding night,he had resolved to revisit the hollow and discover the mystery.He had kept his purpose a secret,--partly because he wished to avoid the jesting remarks of his companions,but particularly because he wished to go alone,from a very singular impression that although they had witnessed the incident he had really seen more than they did.To this was also added the haunting fear he had felt during the night that this mysterious habitation and its occupants were in the track of the conflagration.He had not dared to dwell upon it openly on account of Uncle Dick's evident responsibility for the origin of the fire;he appeased his conscience with the reflection that the inmates of the dwelling no doubt had ample warning in time to escape.But still,he and his companions ought to have stopped to help them,and then--but here he paused,conscious of another reason he could scarcely voice then,or even now.Preble Key had not passed the age of romance,but like other romancists he thought he had evaded it by treating it practically.

Meantime he had reached the fork where the trail diverged to the right,and he must take that direction if he wished to make a detour of the burning woods to reach Skinner's.His momentary indecision communicated itself to his horse,who halted.Recalled to himself,he looked down mechanically,when his attention was attracted by an unfamiliar object lying in the dust of the trail.

It was a small slipper--so small that at first he thought it must have belonged to some child.He dismounted and picked it up.It was worn and shaped to the foot.It could not have lain there long,for it was not filled nor discolored by the wind-blown dust of the trail,as all other adjacent objects were.If it had been dropped by a passing traveler,that traveler must have passed Collinson's,going or coming,within the last twelve hours.It was scarcely possible that the shoe could have dropped from the foot without the wearer's knowing it,and it must have been dropped in an urgent flight,or it would have been recovered.Thus practically Key treated his romance.And having done so,he instantly wheeled his horse and plunged into the road in the direction of the fire.

But he was surprised after twenty minutes'riding to find that the course of the fire had evidently changed.It was growing clearer before him;the dry heat seemed to come more from the right,in the direction of the detour he should have taken to Skinner's.This seemed almost providential,and in keeping with his practical treatment of his romance,as was also the fact that in all probability the fire had not yet visited the little hollow which he intended to explore.He knew he was nearing it now;the locality had been strongly impressed upon him even in the darkness of the previous evening.He had passed the rocky ledge;his horse's hoofs no longer rang out clearly;slowly and perceptibly they grew deadened in the springy mosses,and were finally lost in the netted grasses and tangled vines that indicated the vicinity of the densely wooded hollow.Here were already some of the wider spaced vanguards of that wood;but here,too,a peculiar circumstance struck him.He was already descending the slight declivity;but the distance,instead of deepening in leafy shadow,was actually growing lighter.Here were the outskirting sentinels of the wood--but the wood itself was gone!He spurred his horse through the tall arch between the opened columns,and pulled up in amazement.

The wood,indeed,was gone,and the whole hollow filled with the already black and dead stumps of the utterly consumed forest!More than that,from the indications before him,the catastrophe must have almost immediately followed his retreat from the hollow on the preceding night.It was evident that the fire had leaped the intervening shoulder of the spur in one of the unaccountable,but by no means rare,phenomena of this kind of disaster.The circling heights around were yet untouched;only the hollow,and the ledge of rock against which they had blundered with their horses when they were seeking the mysterious window in last evening's darkness,were calcined and destroyed.He dismounted and climbed the ledge,still warm from the spent fire.A large mass of grayish outcrop had evidently been the focus of the furnace blast of heat which must have raged for hours in this spot.He was skirting its crumbling debris when he started suddenly at a discovery which made everything else fade into utter insignificance.Before him,in a slight depression formed by a fault or lapse in the upheaved strata,lay the charred and incinerated remains of a dwelling-house leveled to the earth!Originally half hidden by a natural abattis of growing myrtle and ceanothus which covered this counter-scarp of rock towards the trail,it must have stood within a hundred feet of them during their halt!

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