

"It can't be Three Pines yet,"said a passenger's voice,in which the laziness of sleep still lingered,"or else we've snoozed over five mile.I don't see no lights;wot are we stoppin'for?"The other passengers struggled to an upright position.One nearest the window opened it;its place was instantly occupied by the double muzzle of a shot-gun!No one moved.In the awestricken silence the voice of the driver rose in drawling protestation.

"It ain't no business o'mine,but it sorter strikes me that you chaps are a-playin'it just a little too fine this time!It ain't three miles from Three Pine Station and forty men.Of course,that's your lookout,--not mine!"The audacity of the thing had evidently struck even the usually taciturn and phlegmatic driver into his first expostulation on record.

"Your thoughtful consideration does you great credit,"said a voice from the darkness,"and shall be properly presented to our manager;but at the same time we wish it understood that we do not hesitate to take any risks in strict attention to our business and our clients.In the mean time you will expedite matters,and give your passengers a chance to get an early tea at Three Pines,by handing down that treasure-box and mail-pouch.Be careful in handling that blunderbuss you keep beside it;the last time it unfortunately went off,and I regret to say slightly wounded one of your passengers.

Accidents of this kind,interfering,as they do,with the harmony and pleasure of our chance meetings,cannot be too highly deplored.""By gosh!"ejaculated an outside passenger in an audible whisper.

"Thank you,sir,"said the voice quietly;"but as I overlooked you,I will trouble you now to descend with the others."The voice moved nearer;and,by the light of a flaming bull's-eye cast upon the coach,it could be seen to come from a stout,medium-sized man with a black mask,which,however,showed half of a smooth,beardless face,and an affable yet satirical mouth.The speaker cleared his throat with the slight preparatory cough of the practiced orator,and,approaching the window,to Key's intense surprise,actually began in the identical professional and rhetorical style previously indicated by the miner.

"Circumstances over which we have no control,gentlemen,compel us to oblige you to alight,stand in a row on one side,and hold up your hands.You will find the attitude not unpleasant after your cramped position in the coach,while the change from its confined air to the wholesome night-breeze of the Sierras cannot but prove salutary and refreshing.It will also enable us to relieve you of such so-called valuables and treasures in the way of gold dust and coin,which I regret to say too often are misapplied in careless hands,and which the teachings of the highest morality distinctly denominate as the root of all evil!I need not inform you,gentlemen,as business men,that promptitude and celerity of compliance will insure dispatch,and shorten an interview which has been sometimes needlessly,and,I regret to say,painfully protracted."He drew back deliberately with the same monotonous precision of habit,and disclosed the muzzles of his confederates'weapons still leveled at the passengers.In spite of their astonishment,indignation,and discomfiture,his practiced effrontery and deliberate display appeared in some way to touch their humorous sense,and one or two smiled hysterically,as they rose and hesitatingly filed out of the vehicle.It is possible,however,that the leveled shot-guns contributed more or less directly to this result.

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