
第28章 The Ten Commandments(23)

Just this is also the meaning and true interpretation of the first and chief commandment,from which all the others must flow and proceed,so that this word:Thou shalt have no other gods before Me,in its simplest meaning states nothing else than this demand:Thou shalt fear,love,and trust in Me as thine only true God.For where there is a heart thus disposed towards God,the same has fulfilled this and all the other commandments.On the other hand,whoever fears and loves anything else in heaven and upon earth will keep neither this nor any.

Thus the entire scriptures have everywhere preached and inculcated this commandment,aiming always at these two things:fear of God and trust in Him.And especially the prophet David throughout the Psalms,as when he says [Ps.147,11]:The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him,in those that hope in His mercy.As if the entire commandment were explained by one verse,as much as to say:The Lord taketh pleasure in those who have no other gods.

Thus the First Commandment is to shine and impart its splendor to all the others.Therefore you must let this declaration run through all the commandments,like a hoop in a wreath,joining the end to the beginning and holding them all together,that it be continually repeated and not forgotten;as,namely,in the Second Commandment,that we fear God and do not take His name in vain for cursing,lying,deceiving,and other modes of leading men astray,or rascality,but make proper and good use of it by calling upon Him in prayer,praise,and thanksgiving,derived from love and trust according to the First Commandment.In like manner such fear,love,and trust is to urge and force us not to despise His Word,but gladly to learn,hear,and esteem it holy,and honor it.

Thus continuing through all the following commandments towards our neighbor likewise,everything is to proceed by virtue of the First Commandment,to wit,that we honor father and mother,masters,and all in authority and be subject and obedient to them,not on their own account,but for God's sake.For you are not to regard or fear father or mother,or from love of them do or omit anything.But see to that which God would have you do,and what He will quite surely demand of you;if you omit that,you have an angry Judge,but in the contrary case a gracious Father.

Again,that you do your neighbor no harm,injury,or violence,nor in any wise encroach upon him as touching his body,wife,property,honor,or rights,as all these things are commanded in their order,even though you have opportunity and cause to do so and no man would reprove you;but that you do good to all men,help them,and promote their interest,howsoever and wherever you can,purely from love of God and in order to please Him,in the confidence that He will abundantly reward you for everything.Thus you see how the First Commandment is the chief source and fountainhead which flows into all the rest,and again,all return to that and depend upon it,so that beginning and end are fastened and bound to each other.

This (I say)it is profitable and necessary always to teach to the young people,to admonish them and to remind them of it,that they may be brought up not only with blows and compulsion,like cattle,but in the fear and reverence of God.For where this is considered and laid to heart that these things are not human trifles,but the commandments of the Divine Majesty,who insists upon them with such earnestness,is angry with,and punishes those who despise them,and,on the other hand,abundantly rewards those who keep them,there will be a spontaneous impulse and a desire gladly to do the will of God.

Therefore it is not in vain that it is commanded in the Old Testament to write the Ten Commandments on all walls and corners,yes,even on the garments,not for the sake of merely having them written in these places and making a show of them,as did the Jews,but that we might have our eyes constantly fixed upon them,and have them always in our memory,and that we might practice them in all our actions and ways,and every one make them his daily exercise in all cases,in every business and transaction,as though they were written in every place wherever he would look,yea,wherever he walks or stands.Thus there would be occasion enough,both at home in our own house and abroad with our neighbors,to practice the Ten Commandments,that no one need run far for them.

From this it again appears how highly these Ten Commandments are to be exalted and extolled above all estates,commandments,and works which are taught and practiced aside from them.For here we can boast and say:Let all the wise and saints step forth and produce,if they can,a [single]work like these commandments,upon which God insists with such earnestness,and which He enjoins with His greatest wrath and punishment,and,besides,adds such glorious promises that He will pour out upon us all good things and blessings.Therefore they should be taught above all others,and be esteemed precious and dear,as the highest treasure given by God.

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