

For this quarter of an hour Raoul had sacrificed important interests and most precious time.Marie was perfectly ignorant of the life of such men,involved in complicated affairs and burdened with exacting toil.Women of society are still under the influence of the traditions of the eighteenth century,in which all positions were definite and assured.Few women know the harassments in the life of most men who in these days have a position to make and to maintain,a fame to reach,a fortune to consolidate.Men of settled wealth and position can now be counted;old men alone have time to love;young men are rowing,like Nathan,the galleys of ambition.Women are not yet resigned to this change of customs;they suppose the same leisure of which they have too much in those who have none;they cannot imagine other occupations,other ends in life than their own.When a lover has vanquished the Lernean hydra in order to pay them a visit he has no merit in their eyes;they are only grateful to him for the pleasure he gives;they neither know nor care what it costs.Raoul became aware as he returned from this visit how difficult it would be to hold the reins of a love-affair in society,the ten-horsed chariot of journalism,his dramas on the stage,and his generally involved affairs.

"The paper will be wretched to-night,"he thought,as he walked away.

"No article of mine,and only the second number,too!"Madame Felix de Vandenesse drove three times to the Bois de Boulogne without finding Raoul;the third time she came back anxious and uneasy.The fact was that Nathan did not choose to show himself in the Bois until he could go there as a prince of the press.He employed a whole week in searching for horses,a phantom and a suitable tiger,and in convincing his partners of the necessity of saving time so precious to them,and therefore of charging his equipage to the costs of the journal.His associates,Massol and du Tillet agreed to this so readily that he really believed them the best fellows in the world.

Without this help,however,life would have been simply impossible to Raoul;as it was,it became so irksome that many men,even those of the strongest constitutions,could not have borne it.A violent and successful passion takes a great deal of space in an ordinary life;but when it is connected with a woman in the social position of Madame de Vandenesse it sucks the life out of a man as busy as Raoul.Here is a list of the obligations his passion imposed upon him.

Every day,or nearly every day,he was obliged to be on horseback in the Bois,between two and three o'clock,in the careful dress of a gentleman of leisure.He had to learn at what house or theatre he could meet Madame de Vandenesse in the evening.He was not able to leave the party or the play until long after midnight,having obtained nothing better than a few tender sentences,long awaited,said in a doorway,or hastily as he put her into her carriage.It frequently happened that Marie,who by this time had launched him into the great world,procured for him invitations to dinner in certain houses where she went herself.All this seemed the simplest life in the world to her.Raoul moved by pride and led on by his passion never told her of his labors.He obeyed the will of this innocent sovereign,followed in her train,followed,also,the parliamentary debates,edited and wrote for his newspaper,and put upon the stage two plays,the money for which was absolutely indispensable to him.It sufficed for Madame de Vandenesse to make a little face of displeasure when he tried to excuse himself from attending a ball,a concert,or from driving in the Bois,to compel him to sacrifice his most pressing interests to her good pleasure.When he left society between one and two in the morning he went straight to work until eight or nine.He was scarcely asleep before he was obliged to be up and concocting the opinions of his journal with the men of political influence on whom he depended,--not to speak of the thousand and one other details of the paper.

Journalism is connected with everything in these days;with industrial concerns,with public and private interests,with all new enterprises,and all the schemes of literature,its self-loves,and its products.

When Nathan,harassed and fatigued,would rush from his editorial office to the theatre,from the theatre to the Chamber,from the Chamber to face certain creditors,he was forced to appear in the Bois with a calm countenance,and gallop beside Marie's carriage in the leisurely style of a man devoid of cares and with no other duties than those of love.When in return for this toilsome and wholly ignored devotion all he won were a few sweet words,the prettiest assurances of eternal attachment,ardent pressures of the hand on the very few occasions when they found themselves alone,he began to feel he was rather duped by leaving his mistress in ignorance of the enormous costs of these "little attentions,"as our fathers called them.The occasion for an explanation arrived in due time.

On a fine April morning the countess accepted Nathan's arm for a walk through the sequestered path of the Bois de Boulogne.She intended to make him one of those pretty little quarrels apropos of nothing,which women are so fond of exciting.Instead of greeting him as usual,with a smile upon her lips,her forehead illumined with pleasure,her eyes bright with some gay or delicate thought,she assumed a grave and serious aspect.

"What is the matter?"said Nathan.

"Why do you pretend to such ignorance?"she replied."You ought to know that a woman is not a child.""Have I displeased you?"

"Should I be here if you had?"

"But you don't smile to me;you don't seem happy to see me.""Oh!do you accuse me of sulking?"she said,looking at him with that submissive air which women assume when they want to seem victims.

Nathan walked on a few steps in a state of real apprehension which oppressed him.

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