
第60章 The Shropshire and the Crusader(8)

And now,lemme exhort you to-night--ah,As one that loves you--ah,To choose that good part,that Mary chose--ah,That the worrrr-uld kin neither give ner take away--ah."That went on until he was hoarse,then he prayed,and arose and sang his song.Other men spoke where they stood.Isaac always walked to the altar,faced the people,and he was tired out when he finished,but so proud of himself,so happy,and he felt so sure that his efforts were worth a warm bed,sausage,pancakes,maple syrup,and coffee for breakfast,that it was mighty seldom he failed to fool some one else into thinking so too,and if he could,he wouldn't have to walk four miles home on cold nights,with no overcoat.In summer,mostly,they let him go.Isaac always was fattest in winter,especially during revivals,but at any time mother said he looked like a sheep's carcass after the buzzards had picked it.It could be seen that he was perfectly strong,and could have fed and clothed himself,and Mandy and the children,quite as well as our father did us,if he had wanted to work,for we had the biggest family of the neighbourhood.So we children made fun of him and we had to hold our mouths shut when he got up all tired and teary-like,and began to quaver:

"Many dear childurn we know dew stan'

Un toon ther harps in the better lan',Ther little hans frum each soundin'string,Bring music sweet,wile the Anguls sing,Bring music sweet,wile the Anguls sing,--We shell meet them agin on that shore,We shell meet them agin on that shore,With fairer face,un angel grace,Each loved un ull welcome us ther.

"They uster mourn when the childurn died,Un said goo-bye at the river side,They dipped ther feet in the glidin'stream,Un faded away,like a loveli dream,Un faded away like a loveli dream."Then the chorus again,and then Isaac dropped on the front seat exhausted,and stayed there until some good-hearted woman,mostly my mother,felt so sorry about his shiftlessness she asked him to go home with us and warmed and fed him,and put him in the traveller's bed to sleep.The way we played it was this:we stood together at the edge of a roadside puddle and sang the first verse and the chorus exactly as Isaac did.Then I sang the second verse,and May was one of the "many dear childurn,"and as I came to the lines she dipped her feet in the "glidin'stream,"and for "fading away,"she jumped across.

Now May was a careful little soul,and always watched what she was doing,so she walked up a short way,chose a good place,and when I sang the line,she was almost birdlike,she dipped and faded so gracefully.Then we laughed like dunces,and then May began to sway and swing,and drone through her nose for me,and I was so excited I never looked.I just dipped and faded on the spot.I faded all right too,for I couldn't jump nearly across,and when I landed in pure clay that had been covered with water for three weeks,I went down to my knees in mud,to my waist in water,and lost my balance and fell backward.

A man passing on horseback pried me out with a rail and helped me home.Of course he didn't know how I happened to fall in,and I was too chilled to talk.I noticed May only said I fell,so I went to bed scorched inside with red pepper tea,and never told a word about dipping and fading.Leon whispered and said he bet it was the last time I would play that,so as soon as my coat and dress were washed and dried,and I could go back to school,I did it again,just to show him I was no cowardy-calf;but I had learned from May to choose a puddle I could manage before I faded.

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