

Francine was awakened the next morning by one of the housemaids,bringing up her breakfast on a tray.Astonished at this concession to laziness,i n an institution devoted to the practice of all virtues,she looked round.The bedroom was deserted.

"The other young ladies are as busy as bees,miss,"the housemaid explained."They were up and dressed two hours ago:and the breakfast has been cleared away long since.It's Miss Emily's fault.She wouldn't allow them to wake you;she said you could be of no possible use downstairs,and you had better be treated like a visitor.Miss Cecilia was so distressed at your missing your breakfast that she spoke to the housekeeper,and I was sent up to you.Please to excuse it if the tea's cold.This is Grand Day,and we are all topsy-turvy in consequence."Inquiring what "Grand Day"meant,and why it produced this extraordinary result in a ladies'school,Francine discovered that the first day of the vacation was devoted to the distribution of prizes,in the presence of parents,guardians and friends.An Entertainment was added,comprising those merciless tests of human endurance called Recitations;light refreshments and musical performances being distributed at intervals,to encourage the exhausted audience.The local newspaper sent a reporter to describe the proceedings,and some of Miss Ladd's young ladies enjoyed the intoxicating luxury of seeing their names in print.

"It begins at three o'clock,"the housemaid went on,"and,what with practicing and rehearsing,and ornamenting the schoolroom,there's a hubbub fit to make a person's head spin.Besides which,"said the girl,lowering her voice,and approaching a little nearer to Francine,"we have all been taken by surprise.

The first thing in the morning Miss Jethro left us,without saying good-by to anybody.""Who is Miss Jethro?"

"The new teacher,miss.We none of us liked her,and we all suspect there's something wrong.Miss Ladd and the clergyman had a long talk together yesterday (in private,you know),and they sent for Miss Jethro--which looks bad,doesn't it?Is there anything more I can do for you,miss?It's a beautiful day after the rain.If I was you,I should go and enjoy myself in the garden."Having finished her breakfast,Francine decided on profiting by this sensible suggestion.

The servant who showed her the way to the garden was not favorably impressed by the new pupil:Francine's temper asserted itself a little too plainly in her face.To a girl possessing a high opinion of her own importance it was not very agreeable to feel herself excluded,as an illiterate stranger,from the one absorbing interest of her schoolfellows."Will the time ever come,"she wondered bitterly,"when I shall win a prize,and sing and play before all the company?How I should enjoy making the girls envy me!"A broad lawn,overshadowed at one end by fine old trees--flower beds and shrubberies,and winding paths prettily and invitingly laid out--made the garden a welcome refuge on that fine summer morning.The novelty of the scene,after her experience in the West Indies,the delicious breezes cooled by the rain of the night,exerted their cheering influence even on the sullen disposition of Francine.She smiled,in spite of herself,as she followed the pleasant paths,and heard the birds singing their summer songs over her head.

Wandering among the trees,which occupied a considerable extent of ground,she passed into an open space beyond,and discovered an old fish-pond,overgrown by aquatic plants.Driblets of water trickled from a dilapidated fountain in the middle.On the further side of the pond the ground sloped downward toward the south,and revealed,over a low paling,a pretty view of a village and its church,backed by fir woods mounting the heathy sides of a range of hills beyond.A fanciful little wooden building,imitating the form of a Swiss cottage,was placed so as to command the prospect.Near it,in the shadow of the building,stood a rustic chair and table--with a color-box on one,and a portfolio on the other.Fluttering over the grass,at the mercy of the capricious breeze,was a neglected sheet of drawing-paper.

Francine ran round the pond,and picked up the paper just as it was on the point of being tilted into the water.It contained a sketch in water colors of the village and the woods,and Francine had looked at the view itself with indifference--the picture of the view interested her.Ordinary visitors to Galleries of Art,which admit students,show the same strange perversity.The work of the copyist commands their whole attention;they take no interest in the original picture.

Looking up from the sketch,Francine was startled.She discovered a man,at the window of the Swiss summer-house,watching her.

  • The Princess and the Goblin

    The Princess and the Goblin

  • 心目论


  • 入浮石山


  • 梨树县乡土志


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  • 蝴蝶少女:许夏译笙


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  • 龙族侍卫的记忆碎片


  • TFboyS三生有幸


  • 那双眼,装着什么


  • 行走在位面世界


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  • 冷酷冰山公主


  • 通灵校园

