

DICK.What a beastly thing--are you quite certain,Joy?

JOY.[Between her teeth.]Yes.

DICK.Then you must tell him,of course,even if you did overhear.

You can't stand by and see the Colonel swindled.Whom was he talking to?

JOY.I won't tell you.

DICK.[Taking her wrist.]Was it was it your Mother?

[Joy bends her head.]

But if it was your Mother,why does n't she--JOY.Let me go!

DICK.[Still holding her.]I mean I can't see what--JOY.[Passionately.]Let me go!

DICK.[Releasing her.]I'm thinking of your Mother,Joy.She would never--JOY.[Covering her face.]That man!

DICK.But joy,just think!There must be some mistake.It 's so queer--it 's quite impossible!

JOY.He won't let her.

DICK.Won't let her--won't let her?But [Stopping dead,and in a very different voice.]Oh!

JOY.[Passionately.]Why d'you look at me like that?Why can't you speak?

[She waits for him to speak,but he does not.]

I'm going to show what he is,so that Mother shan't speak to him again.I can--can't I--if I tell Uncle Tom?--can't I--?

DICK.But Joy--if your Mother knows a thing like--that--JOY.She wanted to tell--she begged him--and he would n't.

DICK.But,joy,dear,it means--

JOY.I hate him,I want to make her hate him,and I will.

DICK.But,Joy,dear,don't you see--if your Mother knows a thing like that,and does n't speak of it,it means that she--it means that you can't make her hate him--it means--If it were anybody else--but,well,you can't give your own Mother away!

JOY.How dare you!How dare you![Turning to the hollow tree.]It is n't true--Oh!it is n't true!

DICK.[In deep distress.]Joy,dear,I never meant,I didn't really!

[He tries to pull her hands down from her face.]

JOY.[Suddenly.]Oh!go away,go away!

[MRS.GWYN is seen coming back.JOY springs into the tree.

DICK quickly steals away.MRS.GWYN goes up to the chair and takes the scarf that she has come for,and is going again when JOY steals out to her.]


[MRS.GWYN stands looking at her with her teeth set on her lower lip.]

Oh!Mother,it is n't true?

MRS.GWYN.[Very still.]What is n't true?

JOY.That you and he are--

[Searching her Mother's face,which is deadly still.In a whisper.]

Then it is true.Oh!

MRS.GWYN.That's enough,Joy!What I am is my affair--not yours--do you understand?

JOY.[Low and fierce.]Yes,I do.

MRS.GWYN.You don't.You're only a child.

JOY.[Passionately.]I understand that you've hurt [She stops.]

MRS.GWYN.Do you mean your Father?

JOY.[Bowing her head.]Yes,and--and me.[She covers her face.]

I'm--I'm ashamed.

MRS.GWYN.I brought you into the world,and you say that to me?

Have I been a bad mother to you?

JOY.[In a smothered voice.]Oh!Mother!

MRS.GWYN.Ashamed?Am I to live all my life like a dead woman because you're ashamed?Am I to live like the dead because you 're a child that knows nothing of life?Listen,Joy,you 'd better understand this once for all.Your Father has no right over me and he knows it.We 've been hateful to each other for years.Can you understand that?Don't cover your face like a child--look at me.

[Joy drops her hands,and lifts her face.MRS.GWYN looks back at her,her lips are quivering;she goes on speaking with stammering rapidity.]

D'you think--because I suffered when you were born and because I 've suffered since with every ache you ever had,that that gives you the right to dictate to me now?[In a dead voice.]I've been unhappy enough and I shall be unhappy enough in the time to come.[Meeting the hard wonder in Joy's face.]Oh!you untouched things,you're as hard and cold as iron!

JOY.I would do anything for you,Mother.

MRS.GWYN.Except--let me live,Joy.That's the only thing you won't do for me,I quite understand.

JOY.Oh!Mother,you don't understand--I want you so;and I seem to be nothing to you now.

MRS.GWYN.Nothing to me?[She smiles.]

JOY.Mother,darling,if you're so unhappy let's forget it all,let's go away and I 'll be everything to you,I promise.

MRS.GWYN.[With the ghost of a laugh.]Ah,Joy!

JOY.I would try so hard.

MRS.GWYN.[With the same quivering smile.]My darling,I know you would,until you fell in love yourself.

JOY.Oh,Mother,I wouldn't,I never would,I swear it.

MRS.GWYN.There has never been a woman,joy,that did not fall in love.

JOY.[In a despairing whisper.]But it 's wrong of you it's wicked!

MRS.GWYN.If it's wicked,I shall pay for it,not you!

JOY.But I want to save you,Mother!

MRS.GWYN.Save me?[Breaking into laughter.]

JOY.I can't bear it that you--if you 'll only--I'll never leave you.You think I don't know what I 'm saying,but I do,because even now I--I half love somebody.Oh,Mother![Pressing her breast.]

I feel--I feel so awful--as if everybody knew.

MRS.GWYN.You think I'm a monster to hurt you.Ah!yes!You'll understand better some day.

JOY.[In a sudden outburst of excited fear.]I won't believe it--I--I--can't--you're deserting me,Mother.

MRS.GWYN.Oh,you untouched things!You--[Joy'looks up suddenly,sees her face,and sinks down on her knees.]

JOY.Mother--it 's for me!

GWYN.Ask for my life,JOY--don't be afraid.

[Joy turns her face away.MRS.GWYN bends suddenly and touches her daughter's hair;JOY shrinks from that touch.]

[Recoiling as though she had been stung.]I forgot--I 'm deserting you.

[And swiftly without looking back she goes away.Joy,left alone under the hollow tree,crouches lower,and her shoulders shake.

Here DICK finds her,when he hears no longer any sound o f voices.He falls on his knees beside her.]

DICK.Oh!Joy;dear,don't cry.It's so dreadful to see you!I 'd do anything not to see you cry!Say something.

[Joy is still for a moment,then the shaking of the shoulders begins again.]

Joy,darling!It's so awful,you 'll make yourself ill,and it is n't worth it,really.I 'd do anything to save you pain--won't you stop just for a minute?

[Joy is still again.]

Nothing in the world 's worth your crying,Joy.Give me just a little look!

JOY.[Looking;in a smothered voice.]Don't!

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