

Part of the process of recovering from my long sickness was to find delight in little things,in things unconnected with books and problems,in play,in games of tag in the swimming pool,in flying kites,in fooling with horses,in working out mechanical puzzles.As a result,I grew tired of the city.On the ranch,in the Valley of the Moon,I found my paradise.I gave up living in cities.All the cities held for me were music,the theatre,and Turkish baths.

And all went well with me.I worked hard,played hard,and was very happy.I read more fiction and less fact.I did not study a tithe as much as I had studied in the past.I still took an interest in the fundamental problems of existence,but it was a very cautious interest;for I had burned my fingers that time Iclutched at the veils of Truth and wrested them from her.There was a bit of lie in this attitude of mine,a bit of hypocrisy;but the lie and the hypocrisy were those of a man desiring to live.Ideliberately blinded myself to what I took to be the savage interpretation of biological fact.After all,I was merely forswearing a bad habit,forgoing a bad frame of mind.And Irepeat,I was very happy.And I add,that in all my days,measuring them with cold,considerative judgment,this was,far and away beyond all other periods,the happiest period of my life.

But the time was at hand,rhymeless and reasonless so far as I can see,when I was to begin to pay for my score of years of dallying with John Barleycorn.Occasionally guests journeyed to the ranch and remained a few days.Some did not drink.But to those who did drink,the absence of all alcohol on the ranch was a hardship.

I could not violate my sense of hospitality by compelling them to endure this hardship.I ordered in a stock--for my guests.

I was never interested enough in cocktails to know how they were made.So I got a bar-keeper in Oakland to make them in bulk and ship them to me.When I had no guests I didn't drink.But Ibegan to notice,when I finished my morning's work,that I was glad if there were a guest,for then I could drink a cocktail with him.

Now I was so clean of alcohol that even a single cocktail was provocative of pitch.A single cocktail would glow the mind and tickle a laugh for the few minutes prior to sitting down to table and starting the delightful process of eating.On the other hand,such was the strength of my stomach,of my alcoholic resistance,that the single cocktail was only the glimmer of a glow,the faintest tickle of a laugh.One day,a friend frankly and shamelessly suggested a second cocktail.I drank the second one with him.The glow was appreciably longer and warmer,the laughter deeper and more resonant.One does not forget such experiences.Sometimes I almost think that it was because I was so very happy that I started on my real drinking.

I remember one day Charmian and I took a long ride over the mountains on our horses.The servants had been dismissed for the day,and we returned late at night to a jolly chafing-dish supper.

  • 唐宋八大家(第二卷)


    韩柳三苏王曾欧阳是唐宋时期八大散文作家的合称,即唐代的韩愈、柳宗元和宋代的苏轼、苏洵、苏辙 (苏轼,苏洵,苏辙父子三人称为三苏)、欧阳修、王安石、曾巩。明初将韩愈、柳宗元、苏轼、苏洵、苏辙、 欧阳修、王安石、曾巩八个作家的散文作品编选在一起刊行的《八先生文集》,后唐顺之在《文编》一书中也选录了这八个唐宋作家的作品。明朝中叶古文家茅坤在前基础上加以整理和编选,取名《八大家文钞》,共160卷。“唐宋八大家”从此得名。给予后人深远的影响。
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  • 帝宠夫人


  • 白衣道主


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  • 【谁为青春买醉】


  • 修真学院的世界


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