

After my long sickness my drinking continued to be convivial.Idrank when others drank and I was with them.But,imperceptibly,my need for alcohol took form and began to grow.It was not a body need.I boxed,swam,sailed,rode horses,lived in the open an arrantly healthful life,and passed life insurance examinations with flying colours.In its inception,now that I look back upon it,this need for alcohol was a mental need,a nerve need,a good-spirits need.How can I explain?

It was something like this.Physiologically,from the standpoint of palate and stomach,alcohol was,as it had always been,repulsive.It tasted no better than beer did when I was five,than bitter claret did when I was seven.When I was alone,writing or studying,I had no need for it.But--I was growing old,or wise,or both,or senile as an alternative.When I was in company I was less pleased,less excited,with the things said and done.Erstwhile worth-while fun and stunts seemed no longer worth while;and it was a torment to listen to the insipidities and stupidities of women,to the pompous,arrogant sayings of the little half-baked men.It is the penalty one pays for reading the books too much,or for being oneself a fool.In my case it does not matter which was my trouble.The trouble itself was the fact.

The condition of the fact was mine.For me the life,and light,and sparkle of human intercourse were dwindling.

I had climbed too high among the stars,or,maybe,I had slept too hard.Yet I was not hysterical nor in any way overwrought.My pulse was normal.My heart was an amazement of excellence to the insurance doctors.My lungs threw the said doctors into ecstasies.I wrote a thousand words every day.I was punctiliously exact in dealing with all the affairs of life that fell to my lot.I exercised in joy and gladness.I slept at night like a babe.But--Well,as soon as I got out in the company of others I was driven to melancholy and spiritual tears.I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses;nor could I laugh,nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage,with the silly superficial chatterings of women,who,underneath all their silliness and softness,were as primitive,direct,and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals.

And I was not pessimistic.I swear I was not pessimistic.I was merely bored.I had seen the same show too often,listened too often to the same songs and the same jokes.I knew too much about the box office receipts.I knew the cogs of the machinery behind the scenes so well that the posing on the stage,and the laughter and the song,could not drown the creaking of the wheels behind.

It doesn't pay to go behind the scenes and see the angel-voiced tenor beat his wife.Well,I'd been behind,and I was paying for it.Or else I was a fool.It is immaterial which was my situation.The situation is what counts,and the situation was that social intercourse for me was getting painful and difficult.

On the other hand,it must be stated that on rare occasions,on very rare occasions,I did meet rare souls,or fools like me,with whom I could spend magnificent hours among the stars,or in the paradise of fools.I was married to a rare soul,or a fool,who never bored me and who was always a source of new and unending surprise and delight.But I could not spend all my hours solely in her company.

Nor would it have been fair,nor wise,to compel her to spend all her hours in my company.Besides,I had written a string of successful books,and society demands some portion of the recreative hours of a fellow that writes books.And any normal man,of himself and his needs,demands some hours of his fellow men.

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