All of that afternoon Joe looked for a position among the various hotels of the Quaker City.But at each place he visited he received the same answer,that there was no help needed just then.
"This is discouraging,"he told himself,as he retired that night."Perhaps I'll have to go to the country or back to Riverside after all."Yet he was up bright and early the next day and just as eager as ever to obtain a situation.
He had heard of a new hotel called the Grandon House and visited it directly after breakfast.
As he entered the corridor he heard his name called and turning around saw Andrew Mallison.
"How do you do,Mr.Mallison,"said our hero,shaking hands."Ididn't expect to meet you here."
"I've got a little special business in Philadelphia,"said the hotel man."I came in last night and I am going back this afternoon.How are you making out?""It's all out so far,"and Joe smiled faintly at his own joke.
"No situation,eh?"
"That's it."
"Why don't you strike the people here.It's a new place and the proprietor may need help.""That is what I came for."
"I'll put in a good word for you,Joe.Come on."Andrew Mallison led the way to the office and called up a stout,pleasant looking man.
"Mr.Drew,this is a young friend of mine,Joe Bodley.He worked for me this summer,--around the boats and also in the hotel.
Now that the season is at an end he is trying to find something to do in the city.If you have an opening I can recommend him."Mr.Arthur Drew surveyed Joe critically.The new hotel was to be run in first-class style and he wanted his help to be of the best.He rather liked Joe's appearance and he took note of the fact that our hero's hands were scrupulously clean and that his shoes were blacked.
"I've got almost all the help I need,but I might take him on,"he said,slowly."One of my present boys does not suit me at all.He is too impudent.""Well,Joe is never impudent and he is very reliable,"answered Andrew Mallison.
"I'll give you a trial."
"Thank you,sir."
"The wages will depend upon whether you board here or outside.""How much will you give me if I stay at the hotel?""Four dollars a week."
"And what if I board outside?"
"Nine dollars a week."
"Can you give the boy a pretty fair room?"asked Andrew Mallison.
"I know yo'll like him after he has been here a while.""He can have a room with another boy.That lad yonder,"and the proprietor of the Grandon House pointed with his hand.
Joe looked and saw that the other lad was gentlemanly looking and rather pleasant.
"It will suit me to stay here,I think,"he said."Anyway,I am willing to try it.""When can you come to work?"
"Right away--or at least,as soon as I can get my suit case from where I have been stopping.""Then come in after dinner and I'll tell you what to do and turn you over to my head man.Randolph,come here!"At the call a bell boy came up.
"This is another boy who is to work here,"said Arthur Drew.He will room with you.""Thank you,Mr.Drew,I'll be glad to get rid of Jack Sagger,"said Frank Randolph.
"What's your name?"he went on to our hero.
"Joe Bodley."
"Mine is Frank Randolph.I guess we'll get along all right.""I hope so,Frank,"said Joe,and shook hands.
There was a little more talk and then Joe left,to get his dress suit case and a few other things which belonged to him.By one o'clock he was back to the Grandon House,and just in time to see Andrew Mallison going away.
"I am much obliged,Mr.Mallison,for what you have done,"said our hero,warmly.