

"I was Cinderella,"cried the child gayly."That's my glass slipper out there in the mud."Zeke would have liked to joke with her,but that was an impossibility in the august presence.He cast a curious glance at the little girl as he left the barn.He had received his mother's version of yesterday's experience."Well,it looks to me as if there was something those Christian Science folks know that the rest of us don't,"he soliloquized."I saw her with my own eyes,and felt her with my own hands.Mother says children get up from anything twice as quick as grown folks,but I don't know.""Don't you love a stable,grandpa?"exclaimed Jewel."Oh,I'm too happy to scuff,"and she kicked off the other rubber.Even while she spoke Essex Maid looked around and whinnied at sight of her master.

"She knows you,she knows you,"cried the little girl joyously,hopping up and down.

"Of course,"said Mr.Evringham,holding out his hand to the delighted child and leading her into the stall.The mare rubbed her nose against him."We couldn't get out this morning,eh,girl?"said the broker,caressing her neck,while Jewel smoothed the bright coat as high as she could reach.Her grandfather lifted her in his arms."Here,my maid,here's a new friend for you.In my pocket,Jewel."The child took out the lumps of sugar one by one,and Essex Maid ate them from the little hand,touching it gently with her velvet lips.

Zeke came in and whistled softly as he glanced at the group in the stall.

"Whew,"he mused."He's letting her feed the Maid.I guess she can put her shoes in histrunk all right."Mr.Evringham set Jewel on the mare's back and she smoothed the bright mane and patted the beautiful creature.

"I'd like to gallop off now over the whole country,"she said,her face glowing.

"I shouldn't be surprised either if you could do it bareback,"returned Mr.Evringham;"but you must never come into either of the stalls without me.You understand,do you?""Yes,grandpa.I'm glad you told me though,because I guess I should have."The child gave a quick,unconscious sigh.

"Well we'd better go in now."

"How kind you are to me,"said the child gratefully,as she slid off the horse's back with her arms around her grandfather's neck.

He had forgotten his rheumatic shoulder for the time.

"You can bring those rubbers in later,"he said to Zeke,and so carried Jewel out of the barn,through the rain,and into the house.

Mrs.Forbes watched the entrance."Breakfast is served,sir,"she said with dignity.She thought her employer should have worn a hat.

Jewel was not offered eggs this morning.Instead she had,after her fruit and oatmeal,a slice of ham and a baked potato.

Her roses were fresh this morning and opening in the warmth of the fire,but Mr.Evringham's eyes were caught by a mass of American Beauties which stood in an alcove close to the window.

"Where did those come from?"he demanded.

"They belong to Miss Eloise,"replied Mrs.Forbes."She asked me to take care of them for her.""Humph!Ballard again,I suppose,"remarked the broker.

"I hope so,"responded Mrs.Forbes devoutly.

Mr.Evringham had spoken to himself,and he glanced up from his paper,surprised by the prompt fervor of the reply.The housekeeper looked non-committal,but her meaning dawned upon him,and he smiled slightly as he returned to the news of the day.

"Dr.Ballard must love Cousin Eloise very much,"said Jewel,mashing her potato."He sent her a splendid box of candy,too."She addressed her remark to Mrs.Forbes,and in a low tone,in order not to disturb her grandfather's reading.

"Any girl can get candy and flowers and love,if she's only pretty enough,"returned Mrs.Forbes;"but she mustn't forget to be pretty."The speaker's tone appealed to Jewel as signifying a grievance.She looked up.

"Why,somebody married you,Mrs.Forbes,"she said kindly.

Mr.Evringham's paper hid a face which suddenly contorted,but the housekeeper's quick-glancing eyes could not see a telltale motion.

She gave a hard little laugh."You think there's hope for you then,do you?"she returned.

"I guess I'm not going to be married,"replied Jewel."Father says I'm going to be his bachelor maid when I grow up.""Shouldn't wonder if you were,"said Mrs.Forbes dryly.

The owner of the American Beauties and the beribboned bonbon box was taking her coffee as usual in bed.This luxurious habit had never been hers until she came to Bel-Air;but it was her mother's custom,and rather than undergo a tete-a-tete breakfast with her host,she had adopted it.

Now she had made her toilet deliberately.There was nothing to hurry for.Her mother's voice came in detached sentences and questions from the next room.

"Dear me,this rain is too trying,Eloise!Didn't you have some engagement with Dr.Ballard to-day?""He thought he could get off for some golf this afternoon.""What a disappointment for the dear fellow,"feelingly."He has so little time to himself!"Eloise gave a most unsympathetic laugh."More than he wishes he had,Ifancy,"she returned.

She came finally in her white negligee into her mother's room.Mrs.

Evringham was still in bed.Her eyeglasses were on and she regarded her daughter critically as she came in sight.She had begun to look upon her as mistress of the fine old Ballard place on Mountain Avenue,and the setting was very much to her mind.The girl sauntered over to the window,and taking a low seat,leaned her head against the woodwork,embowered in the lace curtains.

"How it does come down!"said Mrs.Evringham fretfully."And I lack just a little of that lace braid,or I could finish your yoke.Isuppose Forbes would think it was a dreadful thing if I asked her to let Zeke get it for me.""Don't ask anything,"returned Eloise.

"When you are in your own home!"sighed Mrs.Evringham.

"Don't,mother.It's indecent!"

  • 佛说贤者五福德经


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  • ABC's of Science

    ABC's of Science

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  • 六艺纲目


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  • 福妻驾到


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  • 霁月风华


  • 腹黑小娇妃:总裁皇上么么哒


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    这是一个童话一个荡气回肠的悲伤童话每个孩子心中都有过骑士、天使、恶魔......无论你对它信奉与否,都想让它好好伴着自己成长。此刻,只想用仅剩的感动去拥戴这个盛大而瑰丽的梦。殷藤学园两大校草, 伊丛落和夏七凌。一个如冰川般冰冷淡漠,一个如撒旦般张扬邪恶。她,安青藤,一只没有瞳仁的布娃娃,从小到大都温顺地守护着邪恶的夏七凌。这中间到底有什么不为人知的秘密呢?别人遇见的都是一只天使,一只恶魔,而我遇见的两只都是恶魔,每天都要防备他们随时伸过来的魔爪!伊丛落,从她进入第一贵族学校――殷藤学园便一心带着她去寻找遗失的过去,而夏七凌则百般阻挠……那段茫然的记忆到底是美好?血腥?还是弥漫着罪恶?安青藤,竭尽所能揭开夏家那片被埋藏在紫罗兰花海的秘密,最终她发现原来,安家4代人的血泪史,竟然是两个哀怨的灵魂传承了70多年的较量史……到底那段被埋藏的怨念有多沉重?……夏七凌从小到大,从来没有给过安青藤任何值得怀念的温存,每时每刻都将她丢在时间的缝隙里遗忘再遗忘……他到底是天使还是魔鬼?到底那埋藏在面具背后的眼泪,是酸涩还是,无比的晶莹剔透……夏七凌和伊丛落,同是上天生来鼓惑苍生的谜……是否,她要花上一生的恨,一生的精力,一生的血泪,才能将他们的爱读懂?……
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