

"Send one to O-Tar announcing that U-Dor brings two prisoners worthy of the observation of the great jeddak," said U-Dor; "one because of her extreme beauty, the other because of his extreme ugliness.""O-Tar sits in council with the lesser chiefs," replied the lieutenant; "but the words of U-Dor the dwar shall be carried to him," and he turned and gave instructions to one who sat his thoat behind him.

"What manner of creature is the male?" he asked of U-Dor."It cannot be that both are of one race.""They were together in the hills south of the city," explained U-Dor, "and they say that they are lost and starving.""The woman is beautiful," said the padwar."She will not long go begging in the city of Manator," and then they spoke of other matters--of the doings of the palace, of the expedition of U-Dor, until the messenger returned to say that O-Tar bade them bring the prisoners to him.

They passed then through a massive doorway, which, when opened, revealed the great council chamber of O-Tar, Jeddak of Manator, beyond.A central aisle led from the doorway the full length of the great hall, terminating at the steps of a marble dais upon which a man sat in a great throne-chair.Upon either side of the aisle were ranged rows of highly carved desks and chairs of skeel a hard wood of great beauty.Only a few of the desks were occupied--those in the front row, just below the rostrum.

At the entrance U-Dor dismounted with four of his followers who formed a guard about the two prisoners who were then conducted toward the foot of the throne, following a few paces behind U-Dor.As they halted at the foot of the marble steps, the proud gaze of Tara of Helium rested upon the enthroned figure of the man above her.He sat erect without stiffness--a commanding presence trapped in the barbaric splendor that the Barsoomian chieftain loves.He was a large man, the perfection of whose handsome face was marred only by the hauteur of his cold eyes and the suggestion of cruelty imparted by too thin lips.It needed no second glance to assure the least observing that here indeed was a ruler of.men--a fighting jeddak whose people might worship but not love, and for whose slightest favor warriors would vie with one another to go forth and die.This was O-Tar, Jeddak of Manator, and as Tara of Helium saw him for the first time she could not but acknowledge a certain admiration for this savage chieftain who so virilely personified the ancient virtues of the God of War.

U-Dor and the jeddak interchanged the simple greetings of Barsoom, and then the former recounted the details of the discovery and capture of the prisoners.O-Tar scrutinized them both intently during U-Dor's narration of events, his expression revealing naught of what passed in the brain behind those inscrutable eyes.When the officer had finished the jeddak fastened his gaze upon Ghek.

"And you," he asked, "what manner of thing are you? From what country? Why are you in Manator?""I am a kaldane," replied Ghek; "the highest type of created creature upon the face of Barsoom; I am mind, you are matter.Icome from Bantoom.I am here because we were lost and starving.""And you!" O-Tar turned suddenly on Tara "You, too, are a kaldane?""I am a princess of Helium," replied the girl."I was a prisoner in Bantoom.This kaldane and a warrior of my own race rescued me.

The warrior left us to search for food and water.He has doubtless fallen into the hands of your people.I ask you to free him and give us food and drink and let us go upon our way.I am a granddaughter of a jeddak, the daughter of a jeddak of jeddaks, The Warlord of Barsoom.I ask only the treatment that my people would accord you or yours.""Helium," repeated O-Tar."I know naught of Helium, nor does the Jeddak of Helium rule Manator.I, O-Tar, am Jeddak of Manator.Ialone rule.I protect my own.You have never seen a woman or a warrior of Manator captive in Helium! Why should I protect the people of another jeddak? It is his duty to protect them.If he cannot, he is weak, and his people must fall into the hands of the strong.I, O-Tar, am strong.I will keep you.That --" he pointed at Ghek--"can it fight?""It is brave," replied Tara of Helium, "but it has not the skill at arms which my people possess.""There is none then to fight for you?" asked O-Tar."We are a just people," he continued without waiting for a reply, "and had you one to fight for you he might win to freedom for himself and you as well.""But U-Dor assured me that no stranger ever had departed from Manator," she answered.

O-Tar shrugged."That does not disprove the justice of the laws of Manator," replied O-Tar, "but rather that the warriors of Manator are invincible.Had there come one who could defeat our warriors that one had won to liberty.""And you fetch my warrior," cried Tara haughtily, "you shall see such swordplay as doubtless the crumbling walls of your decaying city never have witnessed, and if there be no trick in your offer we are already as good as free."O-Tar smiled more broadly than before and U-Dor smiled, too, and the chiefs and warriors who looked on nudged one another and whispered, laughing.And Tara of Helium knew then that there was trickery in their justice; but though her situation seemed hopeless she did not cease to hope, for was she not the daughter of John Carter, Warlord of Barsoom, whose famous challenge to Fate, "I still live!" remained the one irreducible defense against despair? At thought of her noble sire the patrician chin of Tara of Helium rose a shade higher.Ah! if he but knew where she was there were little to fear then.The hosts of Helium would batter at the gates of Manator, the great green warriors of John Carter's savage allies would swarm up from the dead sea bottoms lusting for pillage and for loot, the stately ships of her beloved navy would soar above the unprotected towers and minarets of the doomed city which only capitulation and heavy tribute could then save.

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  • 佛说大乘圣吉祥持世陀罗尼经


  • 佛说大乘方等要慧经


  • 杏花天


  • 隋唐演义


  • 终极罪恶


  • 暖星的唐


  • 火影之最终幻想


  • 市场营销实务


  • 火澜


  • 道衍神纪


  • 明代中央司法审判制度


  • 驱神者


  • 亡灵审判者

