

At least she could see the hills and if she could see them might there not come also the opportunity to reach them? If she could have but ten minutes--just ten little minutes! The flier was still there--she knew that it must be.Just ten minutes and she would be free--free forever from this frightful place; but the days wore on and she was never alone, not even for half of ten minutes.Many times she planned her escape.Had it not been for the banths it had been easy of accomplishment by night.Ghek always detached his body then and sank into what seemed a semi-comatose condition.It could not be said that he slept, or at least it did not appear like sleep, since his lidless eyes were unchanged; but he lay quietly in a corner.Tara of Helium enacted a thousand times in her mind the scene of her escape.She would rush to the side of the rykor and seize the sword that hung in its harness.Before Ghek knew what she purposed, she would have this and then before he could give an alarm she would drive the blade through his hideous head.It would take but a moment to reach the enclosure.The rykors could not stop her, for they had no brains to tell them that she was escaping.She had watched from her window the opening and closing of the gate that led from the enclosure out into the fields and she knew how the great latch operated.She would pass through and make a quick dash for the hill.It was so near that they could not overtake her.It was so easy! Or it would have been but for the banths! The banths at night and the workers in the fields by day.

Confined to the tower and without proper exercise or food, the girl failed to show the improvement that her captors desired.

Ghek questioned her in an effort to learn why it was that she did not grow round and plump; that she did not even look as well as when they had captured her.His concern was prompted by repeated inquiries on the part of Luud and finally resulted in suggesting to Tara of Helium a plan whereby she might find a new opportunity of escape.

"I am accustomed to walking in the fresh air and the sunlight,"she told Ghek."I cannot become as I was before if I am to be always shut away in this one chamber, breathing poor air and getting no proper exercise.Permit me to go out in the fields every day and walk about while the sun is shining.Then, I am sure, I shall become nice and fat.""You would run away," he said.

"But how could I if you were always with me?" she asked."And even if I wished to run away where could I go? I do not know even the direction of Helium.It must be very far.The very first night the banths would get me, would they not?""They would," said Ghek."I will ask Luud about it."The following day he told her that Luud had said that she was to be taken into the fields.He would try that for a time and see if she improved.

"If you do not grow fatter he will send for you anyway," said Ghek; "but he will not use you for food."Tara of Helium shuddered.

That day and for many days thereafter she was taken from the tower, through the enclosure and out into the fields.Always was she alert for an opportunity to escape; but Ghek was always close by her side.It was not so much his presence that deterred her from making the attempt as the number of workers that were always between her and the hills where the flier lay.She could easily have eluded Ghek, but there were too many of the others.And then, one day, Ghek told her as he accompanied her into the open that this would be the last time.

"Tonight you go to Luud," he said."I am sorry as I shall not hear you sing again.""Tonight!" She scarce breathed the word, yet it was vibrant with horror.

She glanced quickly toward the hills.They were so dose! Yet between were the inevitable workers--perhaps a score of them.

"Let us walk over there?" she said, indicating them."I should like to see what they are doing.""It is too far," said Ghek."I hate the sun.It is much pleasanter here where I can stand beneath the shade of this tree.""All right," she agreed; "then you stay here and I will walk over.It will take me but a minute.""No," he answered."I will go with you.You want to escape; but you are not going to.""I cannot escape," she said.

"I know it," agreed Ghek; "but you might try.I do not wish you to try.Possibly it will be better if we return to the tower at once.It would go hard with me should you escape."Tara of Helium saw her last chance fading into oblivion.There would never be another after today.She cast about for some pretext to lure him even a little nearer to the hills.

"It is very little that I ask," she said."Tonight you will want me to sing to you.It will be the last time, if you do not let me go and see what those kaldanes are doing I shall never sing to you again."Ghek hesitated."I will hold you by the arm all the time, then,"he said.

"Why, of course, if you wish," she assented."Come!"The two moved toward the workers and the hills.The little party was digging tubers from the ground.She had noted this and that nearly always they were stooped low over their work, the hideous eyes bent upon the upturned soil.She led Ghek quite close to them, pretending that she wished to see exactly how they did the work, and all the time he held her tightly by her left wrist.

  • 墨世情缘对对碰




  • 十绝魔尊


  • 白鹿之恋爱进行时


  • 科学养护宠物犬


  • 异界征战之一统天下


  • 豪门婚宠:老公,别过来


  • 福妻驾到


  • 加勒比海盗之奇迹的四海救赎


  • 九转玄功之横扫八荒

