

"Yes, this, and nothing more.Then the husband will explain that they found the poor lad half dead in a ditch by the side of the road, and that they took him home, and did what they could for him; and will add, this was in the beginning of September, 1856.You will offer to read him your description of the lad, but he will volunteer his own, which you will find exactly to tally with the one you have.Then Lorgelin will tell you what an excellent lad he was, and how the farm seemed quite another place as long as he remained there.All the family will join in singing his praises--he was so good-tempered, so obliging, and at thirteen he could write like a lawyer's clerk.And then they will produce some of his writing in an old copy book.But after all the old woman, with a tear in her eye, will say that she found the lad had not much gratitude in his composition, for at the end of the following September he left the farm where he had received so much kindness.Yes, he left them to go away with some strolling performers.You will be absolutely affected by the words of these worthy people, and before you leave they will show you the clothes the lad left behind him."Catenac was waiting for the conclusion, and then exclaimed, in rather a disappointed tone,--"But I do not see what we have gained when Lorgelin's story has been repeated to us."Mascarin raised his hand, as though to deprecate immediate criticism, and to ask for further patience on the part of his audience.

"Permit me to go on," said he."You would now not know what to do, but Perpignan will not hesitate for a moment.He will tell you that he holds the end of the clue, and that all that remains to be done is to follow it up carefully.""I think that you overrate Perpignan's talents.""Not a bit; each man to his own line of business.Besides, if he wanders off the course, you must get him back to it.In this you must act diplomatically.His first move will naturally be to take you to the office of the mayor of the township, where a register of licenses is kept.There you will find that in September, 1857, there passed through the place a troupe of travelling performers, consisting of nine persons, with the caravans, under the management of a man known as Vigoureux, nicknamed the Grasshopper."Catenac rapidly jotted down these items."Not so fast," said he; "Icannot follow you."

After a short pause, Mascarin continued.

"An attentive examination of the book will prove to you that no other troupe of itinerant performers passed through the place during that month; and it is clear that it must have been the Grasshopper with whom the lad went away.You will then peruse the man's description.

Vigoureux, born at Bourgogne, Vosges.Age, forty-seven.Height, six feet two inches.Eyes, small and gray, rather near-sighted.Complexion dark.Third finger of left hand cut off at first joint.If you confound him, after reading this, with any other man of his profession, you must certainly be rather foolish.""I shall now be able to find him," muttered Catenac.

"But that is Perpignan's business.You will see him put on an air of the greatest importance, and appear quite overjoyed at the news he has obtained at the office of the mayor.He will say that the inquiry at Vendome is over, and that it will be best to return to Paris at once.

Of course, you will make no objection.You will permit the Duke to make a handsome present to Lorgelin and Frejot; but take care not to leave him behind you.I advise you to regain Paris without a moment's delay.The wily Perpignan, on your return, will at once take you to the head police office, where Vigoureux will have left his papers, like other men of his profession.If there is any difficulty in obtaining a sight of them, the Duke de Champdoce will act as a talisman.You will then discover that in 1864, the man Vigoureux was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for disorderly conduct, and that he now keeps a wine-shop at the corner of the Rue Depleux.""Stop a bit," said Catenac, "and let me take down the address.""When you go there, you will recognize Vigoureux by the loss of his finger.He will at once admit that the lad followed him, and remained in the troupe for ten months.He was a good enough lad, but as grand as a peacock, and as lazy as a dormouse.He made great friends with an old Alsatian, called Fritz, who was the conductor of the orchestra, and by-and-by both were so fond of each other, that one day they went off in each other's company.Now you want to know what has become of Fritz? I know Vigoureux will get tired of this prolonged string of questions, and behave violently; then you will threaten him for having carried off a youth of tender years, and he will calm down, and become as mild as mother's milk, and will promise to gain information for you.In a week he will give the information that Fritz is to be found at the Hospital Magloire."Absolutely dumb with surprise, the audience listened to these strange assertions, which dovetailed so exactly into each other, and seemed to have been the work of years of research.

"Fritz," continued Mascarin, "is a sly old dog.You will find an old, rickety, blue-eyed man at the hospital, and remember to tell the Duke de Champdoce that he must not put too much faith in him.This wily old Alsatian will tell you of all the sacrifices he made for the dear lad.

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