


It was on a Wednesday morning that the Duke de Champdoce, instead of, as usual, going to his own or one of his friends' clubs to breakfast, took his seat at the table where his wife was partaking of her morning meal.He was in excellent spirits, gay, and full of pleasant talk, a mood in which his wife had never seen him since their ill-fated marriage.The Duchess could not understand this sudden change in her husband; it terrified and alarmed her, for she felt that it was the forerunner of some serious event, which would change the current of her life entirely.

Norbert waited until the domestics had completed their duty and retired, and as soon as he was alone with his wife he took her hand and kissed it with an air of gallantry.

"It has been a long time, my dear Marie, since I had resolved to open my heart to you entirely, and now a full and open explanation has become absolutely necessary.""An explanation!" faltered Marie.

"Yes, certainly; but do not let the word alarm you.I fear that I must have appeared in your eyes the most morose and disagreeable of husbands.Permit me to explain.Since we came here, I have gone about my own affairs, I have gone out early and returned extremely late, and sometimes three days have elapsed without our even setting eyes on each other."The young Duchess listened to him like a woman who could not believe her ears.Could this be her husband who was heaping reproaches upon himself in this manner?

"I have made no complaint," stammered she.

"I know that, Marie; you have a noble and forgiving nature; but, however, it is impossible, as a woman, that you should not have condemned me.""Indeed, but I have not done so."

"So much the better for me.On this I shall not have to find either defence or excuse for my conduct; you must know, however, that you are ever foremost in my thoughts, even when I am away from you."He was evidently doing his best to put on an air of tenderness and affection, but he failed; for though his words were kind, the tone of his voice was neither tender nor sympathetic.

"I hope I know my duty," said the Duchess.

"Pray, Marie," broke in he, "do not let the word duty be uttered between us.You know that you have been much alone, because it was impossible for the friends of Mademoiselle de Puymandour to be those of the Duchess de Champdoce!""Have I made any opposition to your orders?""Then, too, our mourning prevents us going out into the world for five months longer at least.""Have I asked to go out?"

"All the more reason that I should endeavor to make your home less dull for you.I should like you to have with you some person in whose society you could find pleasure and distraction.Not one of those foolish girls who have no thought save for balls and dress, but a sensible woman of the world, and, above all, one of your own age and rank,--a woman, in short, of whom you could make a friend.But where can such a one be found? It is a perilous quest to venture on, and upon such a friend often depends the happiness and misery of a home.

"But," continued he, after a brief pause, "I think that I have discovered the very one that will suit you.I met her at the house of Madame d'Ailange, who spoke eloquently of her charms of mind and body, and I hope to have the pleasure of presenting her to you to-day.""Here, at our house?"

"Certainly; there is nothing odd in this.Besides, the lady is no stranger to us; she comes from our own part of the country, and you know her."A flush came over his face, and he busied himself with the fire to conceal it as he added,--"You recollect Mademoiselle de Laurebourg?""Do you mean Diana de Laurebourg?"

"Exactly so."

"I saw very little of her, for my father and hers did not get on very well together.The Marquis de Laurebourg looked on us as too insignificant to--""Ah, well," interrupted he, "I trust that the daughter will make up for the father's shortcomings.She married just after our wedding had been celebrated, and her husband is the Count de Mussidan.She will call on you to-day, and I have told your servants to say that you are at home."The silence that followed this speech lasted for nearly a couple of minutes, and became exceedingly embarrassing, when suddenly the sound of wheels was heard on the gravel of the courtyard, and in a moment afterwards a servant came and announced that the Countess de Mussidan was in the drawing-room.Norbert rose, and, taking his wife's arm, led her away.

"Come, Marie, come," said he; "she has arrived."Diana had reflected deeply before she had taken this extraordinarily bold step.In paying a visit so contrary to all the usual rules of etiquette, she exposed herself to the chance of receiving a severe rebuff.The few seconds that elapsed while she was still alone in the drawing-room seemed like so many centuries; but the door was opened, and Norbert and his wife appeared.Then, with a charming smile, Madame de Mussidan rose and bowed gracefully to the Duchess de Champdoce, making a series of half-jesting apologies for her intrusion.She had been utterly unable, she said, to resist the pleasure she should experience in seeing an old country neighbor, the more so as they were now separated by so short a distance.She had, therefore, disregarded all the rules of etiquette so that they might have a cozy chat about Poitiers, Bevron, Champdoce, and all the country where she had been born, and which she so dearly loved.

The Duchess listened in silence to this torrent of words, and the expression of her face showed how surprised she was at this unexpected visit.A less perfectly self-possessed woman than Diana de Mussidan might have felt abashed, but the slight annoyance was not to be compared to the prospective advantages that she hoped to gain, and she brought all the mettle of her talent and diplomacy into play.

  • 授菩萨戒仪


  • 邓析子


  • 血门


  • 朱子语类


  • 剧谈录


  • 仙魄至尊


  • 傻丫头的玻璃心


  • 九天杀神


  • 福妻驾到


  • 红颜盛世:爷流氓


  • 惹火蜜爱:二婚娇妻好迷人


  • 妖国记事


  • 幻魔传说


    光辉战役之后十年,本来平衡的局面被渐渐打破,暗夜精灵与半兽人,亡灵族的联盟又在蠢蠢欲动。。。。。。。故事是围绕着梦想成为战士却逐渐成长为大魔导师的修及他的伙伴门发展的。。。。 处女作 谢谢吉斯镇是安洁拉大陆上最普通不过的小镇,由于地处凄凉之地与黑暗森林的边缘,使这个普通的小镇变的重要起来。这里从而拥有了安洁拉王国最大的军事要塞之一[闪光要塞]。自从光辉战役十年之后,凄凉之地的半兽人与黑暗森林的暗夜精灵便成为了一种传说,是吟游诗人家常便饭。人们也就渐渐的将之淡忘,吉斯镇也就逐渐兴旺起来。[编辑注]本作品由外围编辑狐妖推荐、给予加精。
  • 鬼司局催眠师


  • 圣樱学院:樱花公主的爱恋之路

