

The wine still retained its customary taste and scent.Not trusting, however, to this, Jean, after making sure that he was not observed, carried the bottle to his own room, and concealed it.After taking this precaution, he ordered one of the other servants to remain by the side of the Duke until the arrival of the doctor, and then went in search of Norbert.

For two hours his efforts were fruitless.Giving up his search in despair, he turned once more to regain the Chateau, and, taking the path through the wood, suddenly perceived a human form stretched on the turf beneath a tree.He moved cautiously towards the figure, and at once recognized Norbert.The faithful servant bent over his young master, and shook him by the arm to arouse him from his state of stupor.At the first touch, Norbert started to his feet with a shriek of terror.With mingled fear and pity, Jean noticed the look that shone in the young man's eyes, more like that of some hunted animal than a human being.

"Do not be alarmed, M.Norbert; it is only I," said he.

"And what do you want?"

"I came to look for you, and to entreat you to come back with me to Champdoce.""Back to Champdoce?" repeated Norbert hoarsely; "no, never!""You must, Master Norbert; for your absence now would cause a terrible scandal.Your place at this critical time is by the bedside of your father.""Never! never!" repeated the poor boy; but he yielded passively when Jean passed his arm through his, and led him away towards the Chateau.

Supported thus by the old man's arm, he crossed the courtyard, and ascended the staircase; but at his father's door he withdrew his hand, and struggled to get away.

"I will not; no, no, I cannot," gasped he.

"You must and you shall," returned the old man firmly."Whatever your feelings may be, no stain shall rest on the family honor."These words roused Norbert; he stepped across the room, and dropped on his knees by the bed, placing his forehead upon his father's icy hand.

He burst into a passion of tears and sobs, and the simple peasants, who surrounded the couch of the insensible nobleman, breathed a sigh;for, from his pallid face and burning eyes, they believed he must be mad.They were not far out in this surmise; but the tears relieved his over-wrought brain, and with this relief came the sense of intense suffering.When the physician arrived, he was able to appear before him merely as a deeply anxious son.

"There is no hope for the Duke, I regret to say," said the medical man, who felt that it was useless to keep Norbert in suspense."There is a feeble chance of saving his life; but even should we succeed in doing so, his intellect will be irretrievably gone.This is a sad truth, but I feel it my duty to inform you of it.I will come again to-morrow."As the doctor left the room, Norbert threw himself into a chair, and clasped his hands round his head, which throbbed until it seemed as if it would burst.For more than half an hour he sat motionless, and then started to his feet with a stifled cry; for he remembered the bottle into which he had poured the poison, and which had been left on the table.Had any one drunk from it? What had become of it? The agony of his mind gave him the necessary strength to descend to the dining-room; but the bottle was not on the table, nor was it in its customary place in the cupboard.The unhappy boy was looking for it everywhere, when the door silently opened, and Jean appeared on the threshold.The expression upon his young master's face so startled the faithful old man that he nearly dropped the lighted candle that he carried in his hand.

"Why are you here, Master Norbert?" asked he in a voice that trembled with emotion.

"I was looking for---- I wanted to find----," faltered Norbert.

Jean's suspicions at once became certainties; he walked up to his young master, and whispered in his ear,--"You are looking for the Duke's bottle of wine, are you not? It is quite safe; for I have taken it to my room.To-morrow the contents shall be emptied away, and there will be no proof existing."Jean spoke in such a low voice that Norbert guessed rather than heard his words, and yet it seemed that the accusing whisper resounded like thunder through the Chateau, filling the old house from cellar to roof-tree.

"Be quiet," said he, laying his hand on the old man's lips, and gazing around him with wild and affrighted glances.

A more complete confession could hardly have been made.

"Fear nothing, Master Norbert," answered Jean; "we are quite alone.Iknow that there are words which should never be even breathed; and if I have ventured to speak, it was because it was my duty to warn you, and to inculcate on you the necessity of caution."Norbert was filled with horror when he saw that the old man believed him to be really guilty.

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  • On Liberty

    On Liberty

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  • 诡帐:虐恋阴缘


  • 黑道大小姐引领风骚


  • 易烊千玺之年轮


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