

"That is to say," added Diana thoughtfully, "if all goes as it should to-night."Daumon felt a cold shiver creep over him, but summoning up all his self-possession, he said, "I do not understand you.What is this that you hope will be accomplished to-night?"She turned so contemptuous and sarcastic a look on him, that the words died away in his mouth, and he at once saw his mistake in thinking that he could sport with the girl's feelings as a cat plays with a mouse; for it was she who was playing with him, and she, a simple girl, had made this wily man of the world her dupe.

"Success is, of course, a certainty," answered she coldly; "but Norbert is impetuous, and impetuous people are often awkward.But Imust return home at once.Ah, me!" she added, as her self-control gave way for a moment, "will this cruel night never pass away, and give way to the gentle light of dawn? Farewell, Counsellor.When we meet again, all matters will be settled, one way or other."The Parthian dart which Mademoiselle de Laurebourg had cast behind her went true to the mark; the allusion to Norbert's impetuosity and awkwardness rendered the Counsellor very unhappy.He sat down in his arm-chair, and, resting his head on his hands, and his elbows on his desk, he strove to review the position thoroughly.Perhaps by now all might be over.Where was Norbert, and what was he doing? he asked himself.

At the time that Daumon was reflecting, Norbert was on the road leading to Champdoce.He had entirely lost his head, but he found that his reason was clear and distinct.Those who have been accustomed to the treatment of maniacs know with what startling rapidity they form a chain of action, and the cloud that veiled Norbert's brain appeared to throw out into stronger relief the murderous determination he had formed.He had already decided how the deed was to be done.The common wine of the country was always served to the laborers at the table, but the Duke kept a better quality for his own drinking, and the bottle containing this was after meals placed on a shelf in a cupboard in the dining-room.It was thus within every one's reach, but not a soul in the household would have ventured to lay a finger upon it.

Norbert's thoughts fell upon this bottle, and in his mind's eye he could see it standing in its accustomed place.He crossed the courtyard, and the laborers, engaged in their tasks, gazed at him curiously.He passed them, and entered the dining-room, which was untenanted.With a caution that was not to be expected from the agitation of his mind, he opened each door successively, in order to be certain that no eyes were gazing upon him.Then, with the greatest rapidity, he took down the bottle, drew the cork with his teeth, and dropped into the wine, not one, but two or three pinches of the contents of the little vial.He shook the bottle gently, to facilitate the dissolution of the powder.A few particles of the poison clung to the lip of the bottle; he wiped off these, not with a napkin, a pile of which lay on the shelf beside him, but with his own handkerchief.

He replaced the bottle in its accustomed place, and seating himself by the fire, awaited the course of events.

  • 造化硬盘


  • 妃尝王爷


  • 李逵日记之聚义厅


  • 特种教官


  • 白色眷恋


  • 创灵师


  • 掌天帝缘


  • 惊蛰记桃花劫


  • 异能少女复仇录


  • 乱斗乾坤

