

``He is pretty well, but he isn't as young as he was.''

``I think he looks older,'' said John.``But that is not surprising--at his age.He is seventy, isn't he?''

``Not quite.He is sixty-nine.''

``His father died at seventy-one.''


``But that is no reason why my uncle should not live till eighty.I hope he will.''

``We all hope so,'' said the housekeeper; but she knew, while she spoke, that if, as she supposed, Mr.

Wharton's will contained a generous legacy for her, his death would not afflict her much.She suspected also that John Wade was waiting impatiently for his uncle's death, that he might enter upon his inheritance.Still, their little social fictions must be kept up, and so both expressed a desire for his continued life, though neither was deceived as to the other's real feeling on the subject.

``By the way, Mrs.Bradley,'' said John Wade, ``how came my uncle to engage that boy to read to him?''

``He was led into it, sir,'' said the housekeeper, with a great deal of indignation, ``by the boy himself.

He's an artful and designing fellow, you may rely upon it.''

``What's his name?''

``Frank Fowler.''

``Fowler! Is his name Fowler?'' he repeated, with a startled expression.

``Yes, sir,'' answered the housekeeper, rather surprised at his manner.``You don't know anything about him, do you?''

``Oh, no,'' said John Wade, recovering his composure.

``He is a perfect stranger to me; but I once knew a man of that name, and a precious rascal he was.When you mentioned his name, I thought he might be a son of this man.Does he say his father is alive?''

``No; he is dead, and his mother, too, so the boy says.''

``You haven't told me how my uncle fell in with him?''

``It was an accident.Your uncle fell in getting out of a Broadway stage, and this boy happened to be near, and seeing Mr.Wharton was a rich gentleman, he helped him home, and was invited in.Then he told some story about his poverty, and so worked upon your uncle's feelings that he hired him to read to him at five dollars a week.''

``Is this all the boy does?''

``No; he is cash-boy in a large store on Broadway.

He is employed there all day, and he is here only in the evenings.''

``Does my uncle seem attached to him?'' asked John.

``He's getting fond of him, I should say.The other day he asked me if I didn't think it would be a good thing to take him into the house and give him a room.I suppose the boy put it into his head.''

``No doubt.What did you say?''

``I opposed it.I told him that a boy would be a great deal of trouble in the family.''

``You did right, Mrs.Bradley.What did my uncle say?''

``He hinted about taking him from the store and letting him go to school.The next thing would be his adopting him.The fact is, Mr.John, the boy is so artful that he knows just how to manage your uncle.No doubt he put the idea into Mr.Wharton's head, and he may do it yet.''

``Does my uncle give any reason for the fancy he has taken to the boy?'' demanded John``Yes,'' said the housekeeper.``He has taken it into his head that the boy resembles your cousin, George, who died abroad.You were with him, Ibelieve?''

``Yes, I was with him.Is the resemblance strong?

I took very little notice of him.''

``You can look for yourself when you go back,''

answered the housekeeper.

``What else did my uncle say? Tell me all.''

``He said: `What would I give, Mrs.Bradley, if I had such a grandson? If George's boy had lived, he would have been about Frank's age.And,'' continued the housekeeper, ``I might as well speak plainly.You're my master's heir, or ought to be;but if this artful boy stays here long, there's no knowing what your uncle may be influenced to do.

If he gets into his dotage, he may come to adopt him, and leave the property away from you.''

``I believe you are quite right.The danger exists, and we must guard against it.I see you don't like the boy,'' said John Wade.

``No, I don't.He's separated your uncle and me.

Before he came, I used to spend my evenings in the library, and read to your uncle.Besides, when Ifound your uncle wanted a reader, I asked him to take my nephew, who is a salesman in the very same store where that boy is a cash-boy, but although I've been twenty years in this house I could not get him to grant the favor, which he granted to that boy, whom he never met till a few weeks ago.''

``Mrs.Bradley, I sympathize with you,'' said her companion.``The boy is evidently working against us both.You have been twenty years in my uncle's service.He ought to remember you handsomely in his will.If I inherit the property, as is my right, your services shall be remembered,'' said John Wade.

``Thank you, Mr.John,'' said the gratified housekeeper.

``That secures her help,'' thought John, in his turn.

``She will now work hard for me.When the time comes, I can do as much or as little for her as Iplease.''

``Of course, we must work together against this interloper, who appears to have gained a dangerous influence over my uncle.''

``You can depend upon me, Mr.John,'' said Mrs.


``I will think it over, and tell you my plan,'' said John Wade.``But my uncle will wonder at my appetite.

I must go back to the library.We will speak of this subject again.''



  • 太上洞渊辞瘟神咒妙经


  • 穆天子传


  • 己酉避乱录


  • 大乘四斋日


  • 求幸福斋随笔


  • 福妻驾到


  • 无双界


  • 古时兵法今时用


  • 女配保卫法则


  • 世尊眷恋者


  • 眷恋之梦醒一世


  • 福妻驾到


  • 土豪,我们做朋友吧


  • 莫名而来的爱

