


``So this is New York,'' said Frank to himself, as he emerged from the railway station and looked about him with interest and curiosity.

``Black yer boots? Shine?'' asked a bootblack, seeing our hero standing still.

Frank looked at his shoes.They were dirty, without doubt, but he would not have felt disposed to be so extravagant, considering his limited resources, had he not felt it necessary to obtain some information about the city.

``Yes,'' he said, ``you may black them.''

The boy was on his knees instantly and at work.

``How much do you make in a day?'' asked Frank.

``When it's a good day I make a dollar.''

``That's pretty good,'' said Frank.

``Can you show me the way to Broadway?''

``Go straight ahead.''

Our hero paid for his shine and started in the direction indicated.

Frank's plans, so far as he had any, were to get into a store.He knew that Broadway was the principal business street in the city, and this was about all he did know about it.

He reached the great thoroughfare in a few minutes, and was fortunate enough to find on the window of the corner store the sign:

``A Boy Wanted.''

He entered at once, and going up to the counter, addressed a young man, who was putting up goods.

``Do you want a boy?''

``I believe the boss wants one; I don't.Go out to that desk.''

Frank found the desk, and propounded the same question to a sandy-whiskered man, who looked up from his writing.

``You're prompt,'' he said.``That notice was only put out two minutes ago.''

``I only saw it one minute ago.''

``So you want the place, do you?''

``I should like it.''

``Do you know your way about the city?''

``No, sir, but I could soon find out.''

``That won't do.I shall have plenty of applications from boys who live in the city and are familiar with the streets.''

Frank left the store rather discomfited.

He soon came to another store where there was a similar notice of ``A Boy Wanted.'' It was a dry goods store.

``Do you live with your parents?'' was asked.

``My parents are dead,'' said Frank, sadly.

``Very sorry, but we can't take you.''

``Why not, sir?''

``In case you took anything we should make your parents responsible.''

``I shouldn't take anything,'' said Frank, indignantly.

``You might; I can't take you.''

Our hero left this store a little disheartened by his second rebuff.

He made several more fruitless applications, but did not lose courage wholly.He was gaining an appetite, however.It is not surprising therefore, that his attention was drawn to the bills of a restaurant on the opposite side of the street.He crossed over, and standing outside, began to examine them to see what was the scale of prices.While in this position he was suddenly aroused by a slap on the back.

Turning he met the gaze of a young man of about thirty, who was smiling quite cordially.

``Why, Frank, my boy, how are you?'' he said, offering his hand.

``Pretty well, thank you,'' said our hero bewildered, for he had no recollection of the man who had called him by name.

The other smiled a little more broadly, and thought:

``It was a lucky guess; his name is Frank.''

``I am delighted to hear it,'' he continued.``When did you reach the city?''

``This morning,'' said the unsuspecting Frank.

``Well, it's queer I happened to meet you so soon, isn't it? Going to stay long?''

``I shall, if I can get a place.''

``Perhaps I can help you.''

``I suppose I ought to remember you,'' ventured our hero, ``but I can't think of your name.''

``Jasper Wheelock.You don't mean to say you don't remember me? Perhaps it isn't strange, as we only met once or twice in your country home.

But that doesn't matter.I'm just as ready to help you.By the way, have you dined?''


``No more have I.Come in and dine with me.''

``What'll you take?'' asked Jasper Wheelock, passing the bill of fare to Frank.

``I think I should like to have some roast beef,''

said Frank.

``That will suit me.Here, waiter, two plates of roast beef, and two cups of coffee.''

``How are they all at home?'' asked Jasper.

``My mother has just died.''

``You don't say so,'' said Jasper, sympathetically.

``My sister is well.''

``I forgot your sister's name.''


``Of course--Grace.I find it hard to remember names.The fact is, I have been trying to recall your last name, but it's gone from me.''


``To be sure Frank Fowler.How could I be so forgetful.''

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the coffee and roast beet, which both he and his new friend attacked with vigor.

``What kind of pudding will you have?'' asked the stranger.

``Apple dumpling,'' said Frank.

``That suits me.Apple dumpling for two.''

In due time the apple dumpling was disposed of, and two checks were brought, amounting to seventy cents.

``I'll pay for both,'' said Jasper.``No thanks.We are old acquaintances, you know.''

  • 佛说无言童子经


  • 佛说出家缘经


  • 原阳子法语


  • 归心


  • 佛说方等泥洹经


  • 主宰星海


  • 愿为你接受千年的煎熬


  • 妖姬夜珠


  • 楼兰飞歌


  • 剑行九界


  • 血之镇歌


  • 我的都市明星生活录


  • 读书附志


  • 风华无双录


  • 孔雀王咒经一卷(妙辟印幢陀罗尼经)

