

"Of course I know that all right.And I'll tell you the idea that Imight 'ave of you--only might 'ave, mind you.Why, that you're a stuck-up ignorant sort of feller, that's been rolling up and down all over Europe, gets a bit of money, comes over and bullies his father, thinks 'e knows better than every one about things 'e knows nothing about whatever--""Look here, Thurston," Martin interrupted, stepping forward."I tell you I don't care a two-penny curse what a man like--""I only said might, mind you," said Thurston, smiling."It's only a short-sighted fool would think that of you really.And I'm not a fool.No, really, I'm not.I've got quite another idea of you.My idea is that you're one of us whether you want to be or not, and that you always will be one of us.That's why I like you and will be a friend to you too.""I tell you I don't want your damned friendship," Martin cried."Idon't want to have anything to do with you or your opinion or your plans or anything else.""That's all right," said Thurston."I quite understand.It's natural enough to feel as you do.But I'm afraid you'll 'ave to 'ave something to do with me.I'm not quite what you think me, and you're not quite what you think yourself.There's two of each of us, that's the truth of it.I may be a sham and a charlatan, one part of me, Idon't know I'm sure.I certainly don't believe all your governor does.I don't believe all I say and I don't say all I think.But then 'oo does? You don't yourself.I'll even tell you straight out that when I just came into the business I laughed at the lot of 'em, your father and all.'A silly lot o' softs they are,' I said to myself, 'to believe all that nonsense.' But now--I don't know.When you've been at this game a bit you scarcely know what you do believe, that's the truth of it.There may be something in it after all.Sometimes...well, it 'ud surprise you if you'd seen all the things I have.Oh, I don't mean ghosts and spirits and all that kind of nonsense.No, but the kind of thing that 'appens to people you'd never expect.You're getting caught into it yourself; I've watched you all along.But that isn't the point.The point is that I'm not so bad as you think, nor so simple neither.And life isn't so simple, nor religion, nor love, nor anything as you think it.

You're young yet, you know.Very young."

Martin turned back to the door.

"All very interesting, Thurston," he said."You can think what you like, of course.All the same, the less we see of one another--""Well," said Thurston slowly, smiling."That'll be a bit difficult--to avoid one another, I mean.You see, I'm going to marry your sister."Martin laughed.Inside him something was saying: "Now, look out.

This is all a trap.He doesn't mean what he says.He's trying to catch you.""Going to marry Amy? Oh no, you're not."

Thurston did not appear to be interested in anything that Martin had to say.He continued as though he were pursuing his own thoughts.

"Yes...so it'll be difficult.I didn't think you'd like it when you heard.I said to Amy, 'E won't like it,' I said.She said you'd been too long away from the family to judge.And so you have, you know.Oh! Amy and I'll be right enough.She's a fine woman, your sister."Martin burst out:

"Well, then, that settles it.It simply settles it.That finishes it.""Finishes what ?" asked Thurston, smiling in a friendly way.

"Never you mind.It's nothing to do with you.Has my father consented?""Yes...said all 'e wanted was for Amy to be 'appy.And so she will be.I'll look after her.You'll come round to it in time.""Father agrees...My God! But it's impossible! Don't you see?

Don't you see? I..."

The sudden sense of his impotence called back his words.He felt nothing but rage and indignation against the whole set of them, against the house they were in, the very table with the papers blowing upon it and the candle shining...Well, it made his own affair more simple--that was certain.He must be off--right away from them all.Stay in the house with that fellow for a brother-in-law? Stay when...

"It's all right," said Thurston, moistening his pale dry lips with his tongue."You'll see it in time.It's the best thing that could 'appen.And we've got more in common than you'd ever suppose.We 'ave, really.You're a religious man, really--can't escape your destiny, you know.There's religious and non-religious and it doesn't matter what your creed is, whether you're a Christian or a 'Ottentot, there it is.And if you're religious, you're religious.Imay be the greatest humbug on the market, but I'm religious.It's like 'aving a 'are lip--you'll be bothered with it all your life."But what more Thurston may have said Martin did not hear: he had left the room, banging the door behind him.On what was his indignation based? Injured pride.And was he really indignant? Was not something within him elated, because by this he had been offered his freedom? Thurston marry his sister?...He could go his own way now.Even his father could not expect him to remain.

And he wanted Maggie--urgently, passionately.Standing for a moment there in the dark passage he wanted her.He was lonely, disregarded, despised.

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  • 家教之听见风声


  • 千年之约:不变的誓言


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