

They were not, taken altogether, a very fine collection, old maids and young girls, many of them apparently of the servant class, one or two sitting with open mouths and a vacancy of expression that seemed to demand a conjurer with a rabbit and a hat.Some faces were of the true fanatic cast, lit with the glow of an expectancy and a hope that no rational experience had ever actually justified.One girl, whom Maggie had seen with Aunt Anne on some occasion, had especially this prophetic anticipation in the whole pose of her body as she bent forward a little, her elbows on her knees her chin on her hands, gazing with wide burning eyes at Miss Avies.This girl, whom Maggie was never to see again hung as a picture in the rooms of her mind for the rest of her life--the youth, the desperate anxiety as of one who throws her last piece upon the gaming-table, the poverty of the shabby black dress, the real physical austerity and asceticism of the white cheeks and the thin arms and pale hands--this figure remained a symbol for Maggie.She used to wonder in after years, when fortune had carried her far enough away from all this world, what had happened to that girl.But she was never to know.

There were faces, too, like Miss Pyncheon's, calm, contented, confident, old women who had found in their religion the panacea of all their troubles.There were faces like Mrs.Smith's, coarse and vulgar, out for any sensation that might come along, and ready instantly to express their contempt if the particular "trick" that they were expecting failed to come off; other faces, again, like Amy Warlock's, grimly set upon secret thoughts and purposes of their own, faces trained to withstand any sudden attack on the emotions, but eager, too, like the rest for some revelation that was to answer all questions and satisfy all expectations.

Maggie wondered, as she looked about her, how she could have raised in her own imagination, around the Chapel and its affairs, so formidable an atmosphere of terror and tyrannic discipline.Here gathered together were a few women, tired, pale, many of them uneducated, awaiting like children the opening of a box, the springing into flower of a dry husk of a seed, the raising of the curtain on some wonderful scene.Maggie, as she looked at them, knew that they must be disappointed, and her heart ached for them all, yes, even for Amy Warlock, her declared enemy.She lost, as she sat there, for the moment all sense of her own personal history.She only saw them all tired and hungry and expectant; perhaps, after all, there WAS something behind it all--something for which they had a right to be searching; even of that she had not sure knowledge--but the pathos and also the bravery of their search touched and moved her.She was beginning to understand something of the beauty that hovered like a bird always just out of sight about the ugly walls of the Chapel.

"Whatever they want, poor dears," she thought, "I do hope they get it."Miss Avies opened the meeting with an extempore prayer: then they all stood up and sang a hymn, and their quavering voices were thin and sharp and strained in the stuffy close-ceilinged room.The hymn, like all the other Chapel hymns that Maggie had heard, had to do with "the Blood of the Lamb," "the sacrifice of Blood," "the Blood that heals." There was also a refrain:

And, when Thou comest, Lord, we pray That Thou wilt spare Thy sword, Or on that grim and ghastly day Who will escape the Lord? WHOwill escape the Lord?

There were many verses to this hymn, and it had a long and lugubrious tune, so that Maggie thought that it would never end, but as it proceeded the words worked their effect on the congregation, and at the last there was much emotion and several women were crying.

  • 暗能师传奇


  • 音谋世安


  • 再临争霸


  • 混之陆


  • 美国人眼中的朝鲜战争


  • 时光等着我长大


  • 别费劲了,我不爱你


    当你接手一个历练成绅士的男人,是否时刻都在想他的青葱岁月该是怎样的如花美眷陪在身旁,如今伊人又情归何方?没有故事的人,怕他某天厌烦了平淡生活,难以抵御不曾有过的诱惑;有故事的人,怕他心底保留的那片角落不知何时会再掀波澜,那到底该怎么选择?韩悦喜欢北方的冬天,可以穿厚厚的棉衣,单薄的身体裹在里面,就好像在体会一个轻轻的拥抱,过了这么多个春秋,恨嫁的心情一天胜过一天,却仍然执着找寻只属于自己的怀抱。大学时暗恋的阴影、为摆脱暗恋而陷入的另一场噩梦、到如今独自一人……韩悦看似单调的生活又好像过于丰富,这些让她疲惫不堪,但依旧试图努力工作,再从在混乱中理出头绪。勉为其难的一场相亲,陈浩和韩悦相识,在后面几次不经意的见面中,他惊奇地发现这女孩有很多面,一层层揭开,每层都不一样。当他开始感兴趣,就沦陷了。他的求爱之路似乎异乎寻常的艰难,只是口口声声嚷着不爱不爱的韩悦,是否真的了解自己的心意?渐渐成熟的80后, 有点辛酸,有点委屈,有点刺激,有点失望,也有点自己的穷开心。这里有爱、有心情、有故事。
  • 让你的爱非诚勿扰


  • 阴间快递员


  • 恋春

