

Catherine's spirits, however, were tranquillized but for an instant, for Eleanor's cheeks were pale, and her manner greatly agitated. Though evidently intending to come in, it seemed an effort to enter the room, and a still greater to speak when there. Catherine, supposing some uneasiness on Captain Tilney's account, could only express her concern by silent attention, obliged her to be seated, rubbed her temples with lavender-water, and hung over her with affectionate solicitude.

"My dear Catherine, you must not--you must not indeed--"were Eleanor's first connected words. "I am quite well.

This kindness distracts me--I cannot bear it--I come to you on such an errand!""Errand! To me!"

"How shall I tell you! Oh! How shall I tell you!"A new idea now darted into Catherine's mind, and turning as pale as her friend, she exclaimed, "'Tis a messenger from Woodston!""You are mistaken, indeed," returned Eleanor, looking at her most compassionately; "it is no one from Woodston.

It is my father himself." Her voice faltered, and her eyes were turned to the ground as she mentioned his name.

His unlooked-for return was enough in itself to make Catherine's heart sink, and for a few moments she hardly supposed there were anything worse to be told.

She said nothing; and Eleanor, endeavouring to collect herself and speak with firmness, but with eyes still cast down, soon went on. "You are too good, I am sure, to think the worse of me for the part I am obliged to perform. I am indeed a most unwilling messenger.

After what has so lately passed, so lately been settled between us--how joyfully, how thankfully on my side!--as to your continuing here as I hoped for many, many weeks longer, how can I tell you that your kindness is not to be accepted--and that the happiness your company has hitherto given us is to be repaid by-- But I must not trust myself with words. My dear Catherine, we are to part. My father has recollected an engagement that takes our whole family away on Monday. We are going to Lord Longtown's, near Hereford, for a fortnight.

Explanation and apology are equally impossible. I cannot attempt either.""My dear Eleanor," cried Catherine, suppressing her feelings as well as she could, "do not be so distressed.

A second engagement must give way to a first. I am very, very sorry we are to part--so soon, and so suddenly too;but I am not offended, indeed I am not. I can finish my visit here, you know, at any time; or I hope you will come to me. Can you, when you return from this lord's, come to Fullerton?""It will not be in my power, Catherine."

"Come when you can, then."

Eleanor made no answer; and Catherine's thoughts recurring to something more directly interesting, she added, thinkng aloud, "Monday--so soon as Monday;and you all go. Well, I am certain of-- I shall be able to take leave, however. I need not go till just before you do, you know. Do not be distressed, Eleanor, I can go on Monday very well. My father and mother's having no notice of it is of very little consequence.

The general will send a servant with me, I dare say, half the way--and then I shall soon be at Salisbury, and then I am only nine miles from home.""Ah, Catherine! Were it settled so, it would be somewhat less intolerable, though in such common attentions you would have received but half what you ought.

But--how can I tell you?--tomorrow morning is fixed for your leaving us, and not even the hour is left to your choice;the very carriage is ordered, and will be here at seven o'clock, and no servant will be offered you."Catherine sat down, breathless and speechless.

"I could hardly believe my senses, when I heard it;and no displeasure, no resentment that you can feel at this moment, however justly great, can be more than Imyself--but I must not talk of what I felt. Oh! That Icould suggest anything in extenuation! Good God! What will your father and mother say! After courting you from the protection of real friends to this--almost double distance from your home, to have you driven out of the house, without the considerations even of decent civility! Dear, dear Catherine, in being the bearer of such a message, I seem guilty myself of all its insult; yet, I trust you will acquit me, for you must have been long enough in this house to see that I am but a nominal mistress of it, that my real power is nothing.""Have I offended the general?" said Catherine in a faltering voice.

"Alas! For my feelings as a daughter, all that I know, all that I answer for, is that you can have given him no just cause of offence. He certainly is greatly, very greatly discomposed; I have seldom seen him more so.

His temper is not happy, and something has now occurred to ruffle it in an uncommon degree; some disappointment, some vexation, which just at this moment seems important, but which I can hardly suppose you to have any concern in, for how is it possible?"It was with pain that Catherine could speak at all;and it was only for Eleanor's sake that she attempted it.

"I am sure," said she, "I am very sorry if I have offended him.

It was the last thing I would willingly have done.

But do not be unhappy, Eleanor. An engagement, you know, must be kept. I am only sorry it was not recollected sooner, that I might have written home. But it is of very little consequence.""I hope, I earnestly hope, that to your real safety it will be of none; but to everything else it is of the greatest consequence: to comfort, appearance, propriety, to your family, to the world. Were your friends, the Allens, still in Bath, you might go to them with comparative ease; a few hours would take you there; but a journey of seventy miles, to be taken post by you, at your age, alone, unattended!""Oh, the journey is nothing. Do not think about that.

And if we are to part, a few hours sooner or later, you know, makes no difference. I can be ready by seven.

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