

Pike told me you asked all about him from Mamie after you came last night, and, see here, don't you--""Oh, but I knew before that," she laughed."Ihad a correspondent in Canaan, one who has always taken a great interest in Mr.Louden.I asked Miss Pike only to get her own point of view.""I want to tell you, madam," he shouted, coming toward her, "that no member of my household--""That's another point we must take up to-day.

I'm glad you remind me of it," she said, thoughtfully, yet with so magically compelling an intonation that he stopped his shouting in the middle of a word; stopped with an apoplectic splutter."We must arrange to put the old house in order at once.""We'll arrange nothing of the sort," he responded, after a moment of angry silence."You're going to stay right here.""Ah, I know your hospitality," she bowed, graciously."But of course I must not tax it too far.And about Mr.Louden? As I said, I want to speak to you about him.""Yes," he intervened, harshly."So do I, and I'm going to do it quick! You'll find--"Again she mysteriously baffled him."He's a dear old friend of mine, you know, and I have made up my mind that we both need his help, you and I.""What!""Yes," she continued, calmly, "in a business way I mean.I know you have great interests in a hundred directions, all more important than mine; it isn't fair that you should bear the whole burden of my affairs, and I think it will be best to retain Mr.

Louden as my man of business.He could take all the cares of the estate off your shoulders."Martin Pike spoke no word, but he looked at her strangely; and she watched him with sudden keenness, leaning forward in her chair, her gaze alert but quiet, fixed on the dilating pupils of his eyes.He seemed to become dizzy, and the choleric scarlet which had overspread his broad face and big neck faded splotchily.

Still keeping her eyes upon him, she went on:

"I haven't asked him yet, and so I don't know whether or not he'll consent, but I think it possible that he may come to see me this afternoon, and if he does we can propose it to him together and go over things a little."Judge Pike recovered his voice."He'll get a warm welcome," he promised, huskily, "if he sets foot on my premises!""You mean you prefer I shouldn't receive him here?" She nodded pleasantly."Then certainly I shall not.Such things are much better for offices;you are quite right.""You'll not see him at all!"

"Ah, Judge Pike," she lifted her hand with gentle deprecation, "don't you understand that we can't quite arrange that? You see, Mr.Louden is even an older friend of mine than you are, and so Imust trust his advice about such things more than yours.Of course, if he too should think it better for me not to see him--"The Judge advanced toward her."I'm tired of this," he began, in a loud voice."I'm--"She moved as if to rise, but he had come very close, leaning above her, one arm out-stretched and at the end of it a heavy forefinger which he was shaking at her, so that it was difficult to get out of her chair without pushing him away--a feat apparently impossible.Ariel Tabor, in rising, placed her hand upon his out-stretched arm, quite as if he had offered it to assist her; he fell back a step in complete astonishment; she rose quickly, and released his arm.

"Thank you," she said, beamingly."It's quite all my fault that you're tired.I've been thoughtless to keep you so long, and you have been standing, too!" She swept lightly and quickly to the door, where she paused, gathering her skirts."Ishall not detain you another instant! And if Mr.

Louden comes, this afternoon, I'll remember.I'll not let him come in, of course.It will be perhaps pleasanter to talk over my proposition as we walk!"There was a very faint, spicy odor like wild roses and cinnamon left in the room where Martin Pike stood alone, staring whitely at the open doorway,

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