

"It's no more a wild cat than I am!" cried Peterkin, taking it in his arms."It's quite tame.Poor pussy, cheetie pussy!"We now crowded around Peterkin, and were not a little surprised, and, to say truth, a good deal affected, by the sight of the poor animal's excessive joy.It rubbed its head against Peterkin's cheek, licked his chin, and thrust its head almost violently into his neck, while it purred more loudly than I ever heard a cat purr before, and appeared to be so much overpowered by its feelings, that it occasionally mewed and purred almost in the same breath.

Such demonstrations of joy and affection led us at once to conclude that this poor cat must have known man before, and we conjectured that it had been left either accidentally or by design on the island many years ago, and was now evincing its extreme joy at meeting once more with human beings.While we were fondling the cat and talking about it, Jack glanced round the open space in the midst of which we stood.

"Hallo!" exclaimed he; "this looks something like a clearing.The axe has been at work here.Just look at these tree-stumps."We now turned to examine these, and, without doubt, we found trees that had been cut down here and there, also stumps and broken branches; all of which, however, were completely covered over with moss, and bore evidence of having been in this condition for some years.No human foot-prints were to be seen, either on the track or among the bushes; but those of the cat were found everywhere.

We now determined to follow up the track as far as it went, and Peterkin put the cat down; but it seemed to be so weak, and mewed so very pitifully, that he took it up again and carried it in his arms, where, in a few minutes, it fell sound asleep.

About ten yards farther on, the felled trees became more numerous, and the track, diverging to the right, followed for a short space the banks of a stream.Suddenly we came to a spot where once must have been a rude bridge, the stones of which were scattered in the stream, and those on each bank entirely covered over with moss.In silent surprise and expectancy we continued to advance, and, a few yards farther on, beheld, under the shelter of some bread-fruit trees, a small hut or cottage.I cannot hope to convey to my readers a very correct idea of the feelings that affected us on witnessing this unexpected sight.We stood for a long time in silent wonder, for there was a deep and most melancholy stillness about the place that quite overpowered us; and when we did at length speak, it was in subdued whispers, as if we were surrounded by some awful or supernatural influence.Even Peterkin's voice, usually so quick and lively on all occasions, was hushed now; for there was a dreariness about this silent, lonely, uninhabited cottage, - so strange in its appearance, so far away from the usual dwellings of man, so old, decayed, and deserted in its aspect, -that fell upon our spirits like a thick cloud, and blotted out as with a pall the cheerful sunshine that had filled us since the commencement of our tour round the island.

The hut or cottage was rude and simple in its construction.It was not more than twelve feet long by ten feet broad, and about seven or eight feet high.It had one window, or rather a small frame in which a window might, perhaps, once have been, but which was now empty.The door was exceedingly low, and formed of rough boards, and the roof was covered with broad cocoa-nut and plantain leaves.

But every part of it was in a state of the utmost decay.Moss and green matter grew in spots all over it.The woodwork was quite perforated with holes; the roof had nearly fallen in, and appeared to be prevented from doing so altogether by the thick matting of creeping-plants and the interlaced branches which years of neglect had allowed to cover it almost entirely; while the thick, luxuriant branches of the bread-fruit and other trees spread above it, and flung a deep, sombre shadow over the spot, as if to guard it from the heat and the light of day.We conversed long and in whispers about this strange habitation ere we ventured to approach it; and when at length we did so it was, at least on my part, with feelings of awe.

  • 你应该懂点投资学


  • 赌书消得泼墨香


  • 十年如梦记


  • 快穿之沐轻枫


  • 然而然尔


  • 默临一笑


  • 一叹轮回


  • 逆天玄儒


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