
第2章 Chapter 2(1)

A Morning Bath Well, I awoke, and found that I had kicked my bed-clothes; and no wonder, for it was hot and the sun shining brightly. I jumped up and washed and hurried on my clothes, but in a hazy and half-awake condition, as if I had slept for a long, long while, and could not shake off the weight of slumber. In fact, I rather took it for granted that I was at home in my own room than saw that it was so.

When I was dressed, I felt the place so hot that I made haste to get out of the room and out of the house; and my first feeling was a delicious relief caused by the fresh air and pleasant breeze; my second, as I began to gather my wits together, mere measureless wonder; for it was winter when I went to bed last night, and now, by witness of the river-side trees, it was summer, a beautiful bright morning seemingly of early June. However, there was still the Thames sparkling under the sun, and near high water, as last night I had seen it gleaming under the moon.

I had by no means shaken off the feeling of oppression, and wherever Imight have been should scarce have been quite conscious of the place;so it was no wonder that I felt rather puzzled in despite of the familiar face of the Thames. Withal I felt dizzy and queer; and remembering that people often got a boat and had a swim in mid-stream, I thought I would do no less. It seems very early, quoth I to myself, but I daresay I shall find some one at Biffin's to take me. However, Ididn't get as far as Biffin's, or even turn to my left thitherward, because just then I began to see that there was a landing-stage right before me in front of my house; in face, on the place where my next-door neighbor had rigged one up, although somehow it didn't look like that either. Down I went on to it, and sure enough among the empty boats moored to it lay a man on his sculls in a solid-looking tub of a boat clearly meant for bathers. He nodded to me, and bade me good-morning as if he expected me, so I jumped in without any words and he paddled away quietly as I peeled for my swim. As we went, Ilooked down in the water, and couldn't help saying:

"How clear the water is this morning!"

"Is it?" said he; "I didn't notice it. You know the flood-tide alway s thickens it a bit.""H'm," said I, "I have seen it pretty muddy even at half-ebb."He said nothing in answer, but seemed rather astonished; and as he now lay just stemming the tide, and I had my clothes off, I jumped in without more ado. Of course when I had my head above water again Iturned towards the tide, and my eyes naturally sought for the bridge, and so utterly astonished was I by what I sought for the bridge, and so utterly astonished was I by what I saw, that I forgot to strike out, and went spluttering under water again, and when I came up made straight for the boat; for I felt I that I must ask some questions of my waterman, so bewildering had been the half-sight I had seen from the face of the river with the water hardly out of my eyes; though by this time I was quit of the slumbrous and dizzy feeling, and wide-awake and clear-headed.

As I got in up the steps which he had lowered, and he held out his hand to help me, we went drifting speedily up towards Cheswick; but now he caught up the sculls and brought her head round again, and said;"A short swim, neighbour; but perhaps you find the water cold this morning, after your journey. Shall I put you ashore at once, or would you like to go down to Putney before breakfast?"He spoke in a way so unlike what I should have expected from a Hammersmith waterman, that I stared at him, as I answered, "Please to hold her a little; I want to look about me a bit.""All right," he said; "It's no less pretty in its way here than it is off Barn Elms; it's jolly everywhere this time in the morning. I'm glad you got up early; it's barely five o'clock yet."If I was astonished with my sight of the river banks, I was no less astonished at my waterman, not that I had time to look at him and see him with my head and eyes clear.

He was a handsome young fellow, with a peculiarly pleasant and friendly look about his eyes,--an expression which was quite new to me then, though I soon became familiar with it. For the rest, he was dark-haired and berry-brown of skin, well-knit and strong, and obviously used to exercising his muscles, but with nothing rough or coarse about him, and clean as might be. His dress was not like any modern work-a-day clothes I had seen, but would have served very well as a costume for a picture of fourteenth-century life: it was of dark blue cloth, simple enough, but of fine web, and without a stain on it.

He had a brown leather belt around his waise, and I noticed that its clasp was of damascened steel beautifully wrought. In short, he seemed to be like some specially manly and refined young gentleman, playing waterman for spree, and I concluded that this was the case.

I felt that I must make some conversation; so I pointed to the Surrey bank, where I noticed some light plank stages running down the foreshore, with windlasses at the landward end of them, and said "What are they doing with those things here? If we were on the Tay, I should have said that they were for drawing the salmon-nets; but here--""Well," said he, smiling, "of course that is what they _are_ for.

Where there are salmon, there are likely to be salmon-nets, Tay or Thames; but of course they are not always in use; we don't want salmon _every_ day ot the season."I was going to say, "But is this the Thames?" but held my peace in my wonder, and turned my bewildered eyes eastward to look at the bridge again, and thence to the shores of the London river; and surely there was enough to astonish me. For though there was a bridge across the stream and houses on its banks, how all this was changed from last night! The soap-works with their smoke-vomiting chimneys were gone;the engineer's works gone; the lead-works gone; and no sound of riveting and hammering came down the west wind from Thorneycroft's.

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  • 侠道不孤


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  • 青少年人格塑造:马加爵案件的心理学思考


    震惊全国的马加爵杀人案从案发,抓捕凶犯到法院宣判马加爵死型,引发了们诜我猜测、分析、评论、和关注、仁者见仁、智者见智。马加爵的非逻辑性作案动机更成为人们尖注的集点,本书作者深入马加爵曾经生活过的家乡、学校及其相关部门,收集、采访了大理马加爵及其与之相关的原始资料,从心理学视野入手,通过其成长历程,用心理学的方法对其杀人动机形成的非偶然性做了客观、理性的解答。同时对马加爵的作案动机提出了新观点并进一步对马加爵杀人动面背后的心理因素及其人格缺陷做了较为详尽的分析和解读。 本书不仅仅对马加爵,而是通过对马加爵一案的分析,提出了青少年成长的过程中塑造健全人格的重要性和紧迫性.
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