
第19章 Chapter 7(3)

"Well, I don't know; it _is_ a pretty thing, and since nobody need make such things unless they like, I don't see why they shouldn't make them _if_ they like. Of course, if carvers were scarce they would all be busy on the architecture, as you callit, and then these `toys' (a good word) would not be made; but since there are plenty of good people who can carve--in fact, almost everybody, and as work is somewhat scarce, or we are afraid it may be, folk do not discourage this kind of petty work."He mused a little, and seemed somewhat perturbed; but presently his face cleared, and he said: "After all, you must admit that the pipe is a very pretty thing, with the little people under the trees all cut so clean and sweet;--too elaborate for a pipe, perhaps, but--"well, it is very pretty.""Too valuable for its use, perhaps," said I.

"What's that?"said he; "I don't understand."I was just going on in a helpless way to try to make him understand, when we came by the gates of a big rambling building, in which work of some sort seemed going on. "What building is that?" said I, eagerly;for it was a pleasure to see somethiing a little like what I was used to: "it seems to be a factory.""Yes, he said," "I think I know what you mean, and that's what it is;but we don't call them factories now, but Banded-workshops; that is, places where people collect who want to work together.""I suppose,"said I, "power of some sort is used there?""No, no,"said he. "Why should people collect together to use power, when they can have it at the places where they live or hard by, any two or three of them, or any one, for the matter of that? No; folk collect in these Banded-workahops to do handwork in which working together is necessary or convenient; such work is often very pleasant.

In therem for instance they make pottery and glass,--there, you can see the tops of the furnces. Well of course it's handy to have fair-sized ovens and kilns and glass-pots, and a good lot of things to use them for: though of course there are a good many such places, as it would be ridiculous if a man had a liking for pot-making or glass-blowing that he should have to live in one place or be obliged to forego the work he liked.""I see no smoke coming from the furnaces," said I.

"Smoke?"said Dick; "why should you see smoke?"I held my tongue, and he went on: "It's a nice place inside, though as plain as you see outside. As to the crafts, throwing clay must be jolly work: the glass-blowing is rather a sweltering job; but some folk like it very much indeed; and I don't much wonder: there us such a sense" of power, when you have got deft in it, in dealing with the hot metal. It makes a lot of pleasant work," said he, smiling, -- "for however" much care you take of such goods, break they will, one day or another, so there is always plenty to do.

I held my tongue and pondered.

We came just here on a gang of men road-mending, which delayed us a little; but I was not sorry for it; for all I had seen hitherto seemed a mere part of a summer holiday; and I wanted to see how this folk would set to on a piece of real necessary work. They had been resting, and had only just begun work again s we came up; so that the rattle of the picks was what woke me from my musing. There were about a dozen of them, strong young men, looking much like a boating party at Oxford would have looked in the days I remembered, and not more troubled with their work: their outer raiment lay on the roadside in an orderly pile under the guardianship of a six-year-old boy, who had his arm thrown over the neck of a big mastiff, who was as happily lazy as if the summer day had been made for him alone. As I eyed the pile of clothes, I could see the gleam of gold and silk embroidery on it, and judged that some of these workmen had tastes akin to those of the Golden Dustman of Hammersmith. Beside them lay a good big basket that had hints about it of cold pie and wine: a half-dozen of young women stood by watching the work or the workers, both of which were worth watching, for the latter smote great strokes and were very deft in their labour, and as handsome clean-built fellows as you might find of in a summer day. They were laughing and talking merrily with each other and the women, but presently their foreman looked up and saw our way stopped. So he stayed his pick and sang out, "Spell ho, mates!

here are neighbours want to get past." Whereon the others stopped also, and drawing around us, helped the old horse by easing our wheels over the half undone road, and then, like men with a pleasant task on hand, hurried back to their work, onlu stopping to give us a smiling good-day; so that the sound of the picks broke out again before Greylocks had taken to his jog-trot. Dick looked back over his shoulder at them and said:

"They are in luck today: it's right down good sport trying how much pick-work one can get into an hour; and I can see those neighbours know their business well. It is not a mere matter of strength getting on quickly with such work; is it, guest?""I should think not,"said I, "but to tell you the truth, I have never tried my hand at it.""Really?" said he gravely, "that seems a pity; it is good work for hardening the muscles, and I like it; though I admit it is pleasanter the second week than the first. Not that I am a good hand at it; the fellows used to chaff me at one job where I was working, I remember, and sing out to me, `Well rowed, stroke!' `Put your back into it, bow!'""Not much of a joke," quoth I.

"Well," said dick, "everything seems like a joke when we have a pleasant spell of work on, and good fellows merry about us; we feel so happy, you know." Again I pondered silently.

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