

In the mean time Palliser and Wortley kept up a regular volley, but no effects could be observed until the herd reached and began to ascend the steep bank on the opposite side.I had reloaded the four-ounce, and the heavy battery now began to open a concert with the general volley, as the herd scrambled up the precipitous bank.Several elephants fell, but recovered themselves and disappeared.At length the volley ceased, and two were seen, one dead on the top of the bank, and the other still struggling in the shallow water at the foot.Once more a general battery opened; and he was extinguished.Five were killed; and if noise and smoke add to the fun, there was certainly plenty of it.Wortley and my man Wallace now swam across the river and cut off the elephants' tails.

We returned to the horses, and moved to the 'Cave,' meeting with no farther incidents that day.

Dec.4--We saw nothing but deer the whole of the day, and they were so wild that we could not get a shot.It was therefore a blank.

Dec.5--We started early, and for five miles we tracked a large herd of elephants through fine open country, until we were at length stopped by impenetrable jungle of immense extent, forming the confines of the 'Park' on this side.We therefore reluctantly left the tracks, and directed our course towards Pattapalaar, about twelve miles distant.

We had passed over a lovely country, and were within a mile of our proposed resting-place, when Banda, who happened to be a hundred yards in advance, came quickly back, saying that he saw a rogue elephant feeding on the patina not far from us.Wortley had gone in another direction with old Medima a few minutes previous to look for a deer; and Palliser and I resolved to stalk him carefully.We therefore left all the people behind, except two gun-bearers, each of whom carried one of my double-barrelled rifles.I carried my four-ounce, and Palliser took the two-ounce.

It was most difficult ground for stalking, being entirely open, on a spot which had been high lemon grass but recently burnt, the long reeds in many places still remaining.

We could not get nearer than fifty yards in such ground, and Iaccordingly tried a shot at his temple with the four-ounce.The long unburnt stalks of the lemon grass waving to and fro before the sights of my rifle so bothered me that I missed the fatal spot, and fired about two inches too high.Stumbling only for a moment from the blow, he rushed down hill towards a jungle, but at the same instant Palliser made a capital shot with the long two-ounce and knocked him over.I never saw an elephant fall with such a crash: they generally sink gently down; but this fellow was going at such speed down hill that he fairly pitched upon his head.

We arrived at our resting-place, and having erected the tents, we gave them up to Banda and the servants, while we took possession of a large 'amblam', or open building, massively built by the late Major Rodgers, which is about twenty-five feet square.This we arranged in a most comfortable manner, and here we determined to remain for some days, while we beat the whole country thoroughly.

Dec.6.-We started at our usual early hour with Banda and the trackers, and after a walk of about a mile, we found fresh tracks and followed up.Crossing a small river upon the track, we entered a fine open forest, through which the herd had only just passed, and upon following them for about a quarter of a mile, we came to a barrier of dense chenar jungle, into which the elephants had retreated.

There was a rogue with this herd, and we were rather doubtful of his position.We stood in the open forest, within a few feet of the thick jungle, to the edge of which the elephants were so close that we could hear their deep breathing; and by stooping down we could distinguish the tips of their trunks and feet, although the animals themselves were invisible.We waited about half an hour in the hope that some of the elephants might again enter the open forest; at length two, neither of whom were above five feet high, came out and faced us.My dress of elastic green tights had become so browned by constant washing and exposure, that I matched exactly with the stem of a tree against which Iwas leaning, and one of the elephants kept advancing towards me until Icould nearly touch him with my rifle; still he did not see me, and I did not wish to fire, as I should alarm the herd, which would then be lost for ever.Unfortunately, just at this moment, the other elephant saw Palliser, and the alarm was given.There was no help for it, and we were obliged to fire.Mine fell dead, but the other fell, and, recovering himself immediately, he escaped in the thick jungle.

This was bad luck, and we returned towards the 'amblam' to breakfast.On our way there we found that the 'rogue' had concealed himself in a piece of thick jungle, backed by hills of very high lemon grass.From this stronghold we tried to drive him, and posted ourselves in a fine position to receive him should he break cover; but he was too cunning to come out, and the beaters were too knowing to go in to drive such bad jungle; it was, therefore, a drawn game, and we were obliged to leave him.

When within a short distance of the 'amblam', a fine black partridge got up at about sixty yards.I was lucky enough to knock him over with a rifle, and still more fortunate in not injuring him much with the ball, which took his wing off close to his body.Half an hour afterwards he formed part of our breakfast.

During our meal a heavy shower of rain came down, and continued for about two hours.

In the afternoon we sallied out, determined to shoot at any large game that we might meet.We had lately confined our sport to elephants, as we did not wish to disturb the country by shooting at other game; but having fired in this neighbourhood during the morning, we were not very particular.

  • 运气门


  • 裂缝主宰


  • 宠妻如命,误入郎口好欢喜


  • 秦时明月之良颜无双


  • 都市之天使降临


  • 似水流年—无良


  • 灰色都市


  • 骄傲公主嫁到


  • 天阙影


  • 轮回若虚

