

Upon giving a shout, Palliser and Wortley returned to the spot.They now explained the mystery.They were running on the fresh tracks in this glade, no elephants being then in sight, when they suddenly heard a rush in the jungle, and in another instant two elephants charged out upon them.Wortley and Palliser both fired, but without effect--the gun-bearers bolted,--an elephant knocked one man over, and tried to butt him against the ground; but two more shots from both Palliser and Wortley turned him; they were immediately obliged to run in their turn, as the other elephant charged, and just grazed Palliser with his trunk behind.Fortunately, they doubled short round, instead of continuing a straight course, and the elephants turned into the jungle.They followed them for some little distance, but the jungles were so bad that there was no chance, and they had returned when I had shouted.

The man who was hurt was obliged to be supported home.Two of the guns were lost, which the gun-bearers in their fright had thrown away.After a long search we found them lying in the high bushes.

We now returned along the line of hunt to cut off the elephants' tails.

I had fired at six, all of which were bagged; these we accordingly found in their various positions.One of them was a very large female, with her udder full of milk.Being very thirsty, both Wortley and I took a long pull at this, to the evident disgust of the natives.It was very good, being exactly like cow's milk.This was the elephant that I had killed doubly by the left-hand barrel exploding by accident, and the two balls were only a few inches apart in the forehead.

There had been very bad luck with this herd; the only dead elephant, in addition to these six, was that which Wortley and Palliser had both fired at in the river, and another which Palliser had knocked down in the high grass when we had just commenced the attack--at which time he had separated from us to cut off the three elephants that we had just seen among the rocks.

On arrival at the spot where the elephants had first burst from the jungle, a heavy shower came down, and the locks of the guns were immediately covered each with a large leaf, and then tied up securely with a handkerchief.A large banian tree afforded us an imaginary shelter, but we were drenched to the skin in a few seconds.In the meantime, Palliser walked through the high lemon grass to look for his dead elephant.

On arriving at the spot, instead of finding a dead elephant, he found him standing up, and only just recovered from the stunning effect of his wound.

The elephant charged him immediately; and Palliser, having the lock of his gun tied up, was perfectly defenceless, and he was obliged to run as hard as his long legs would carry him.

`Look out! look out! an elephant's coming! Look out!'

This we heard shouted as we were standing beneath the tree, and the next moment we saw Palliser's tall form of six feet four come flying through the high grass.Luckily the elephant lost him, and turned off in some other direction.If he had continued the chase, he would have made a fine diversion, as the locks were so tightly tied up that we could not have got a gun ready for some time.In a few minutes the shower cleared off, and on examining the place where the elephant had fallen, we found a large pool of clotted blood We now rode homeward, but we had not gone a quarter of a mile before we heard an elephant roaring loudly in a jungle close to as.Thinking that it was the wounded brute who had just hunted Palliser, we immediately dismounted and approached the spot.The roaring continued until we were close to it, and we then saw a young elephant standing in the bed of a river, and he it was who was making all the noise, having been separated from the herd in the late melee.Wortley shot him, this making eight killed.

When within a mile of the tent, as we were riding along a path through a thick thorny jungle, an immense rogue elephant stalked across our road.

I fired the four-ounce through his shoulder, to the great satisfaction of Banda and the natives, although we never had a chance of proving what the effect had been, as he was soon lost in the thick jungle.A short time after this we reached the tent, having had the perfection of sport in elephant-shooting, although luck had been against us in making a large bag.

Dec.2.--The scouts having been sent out at daybreak, returned early, having found another herd of elephants.On our way to the spot, Palliser fired at a rogue, but without effect.

On arrival at the jungle in which the elephants were reported to be, we heard from the watchers that a rogue was located in the same jungle, in attendance upon the herd.This was now a regular thing to expect, and compelled us to be exceedingly cautious.

Just as we were stalking through the jungle on the track of the herd, we came upon the rogue himself.Wortley fired at him, but without effect, and unfortunately the shot frightened the herd, which was not a quarter of a mile distant, and the elephants retreated to a large tract of thick jungle country, where pursuit was impracticable.Our party was too large for shooting 'rogues' with any degree of success.These brutes, being always on the alert, require the most careful stalking.There is only one way to kill them with any certainty.Two persons, at most, to attack; each person to be accompanied by only one gunbearer, who should carry two spare guns.One good tracker should lead this party of five people in single file.With great caution and silence, being well to leeward of the elephants, he can thus generally be approached till within twelve paces, and he is then killed by one shot before he knows that danger is near.What with our gun-bearers, trackers, watchers and ourselves, we were a party of sixteen persons; it was therefore impossible to get near a rogue unperceived.

  • 武乱天下


  • 妖孽总裁:杀手老婆小心宠


  • 与鬼的死亡游戏


  • 紫狐天下


  • 那个女孩有点妖


  • 福妻驾到


  • 时光亿万年


  • 唯你不娶


  • 妖精一箩筐


  • 黯淡青春转身后的荣耀

