

Instead of taking to the jungle, he turned short and quickly after me, and a fair race commenced.I had about three feet start of him, and Isaw with delight that the ground was as level and smooth as a lawn;there was no fear of tripping up, and away I went at the fastest pace that I ever ran either before or since, taking a look behind me to see how the chase went on.I saw the bullet-mark in his forehead, which was covered with blood; his trunk was stretched to its full length to catch me, and was now within two feet of my back; he was gaining on me, although I was running at a tremendous pace.I could not screw an inch more speed out of my legs, and I kept on, with the brute gaining on me at every stride.He was within a foot of me, and I had not heard a shot fired, and not a soul had come to the rescue.The sudden thought struck me that my brother could not possibly overtake the elephant at the pace at which we were going, and I immediately doubled short to my left into the open plain, and back towards the guns.The rogue overshot me.I met my brother close to his tail, which position he had with difficulty maintained; but he could not get a shot, and the elephant turned into the jungle, and disappeared just as I escaped him by a sharp turn.This was a close shave; had not the ground been perfectly level I must have been caught to a certainty, and even as it was, he would have had me in another stride had I not turned from my straight course.It was nearly dark, and we returned to the tent, killing several peacocks and ducks on our way, with which the country swarmed.

We passed a miserable night, not being able to sleep on account of the mosquitoes, which were in swarms.I was delighted to see the first beam of morning, when our little winged enemies left us, and a 'chatty' bath was most enjoyable after the restless tossings of a sleepless night.The Moormen were out at dawn to look for elephants, the guns were cleaned, and I looked forward to the return of the trackers with peculiar interest, as we had determined to 'catch an elephant.' The Moormen were all full of excitement and preparation.These men were well practised in this sport, and they were soon busied in examining and coiling their hide ropes for the purpose.

At about mid-day the trackers returned, having found a herd about five miles from the village.We were all ready, and we set off without a moment's delay, our party consisting of my brother, myself, four gun-bearers, and about thirty Moormen, each of whom carried a coil of finely-twisted rope made of thongs of raw deer's hide; these ropes were each twenty yards in length, and about an inch in diameter.

  • 与寂寞有染·疯癫


  • 君临天下之破灭


  • 中华人民共和国矿山安全法


  • 福妻驾到


  • 中国发展战略概论


  • 皇妃逃逃甩手逆袭


  • 妖精来袭:甜宠娇妻


  • 影士历险记


  • 明熹宗七年都察院实录


  • 无限炼精化气

