

There was nothing miraculous about it.That is to say, it was no more of a miracle than hundreds of similar cases in the World War.

The papers of those years were constantly printing stories of men over whose supposed graves funeral sermons had been preached, to whose heirs insurance payments had been made, in whose memory grateful communities had made speeches and delivered eulogiums--the papers were telling of instance after instance of those men being discovered alive and in the flesh, as casuals in some French hospital or as inmates of German prison camps.

Rachel Ellis had asked what was to hinder Albert's having been taken prisoner by the Germans and carried off by them.As a matter of fact nothing had hindered and that was exactly what had happened.Sergeant Speranza, wounded by machine gun fire and again by the explosion of the grenade, was found in the ruins of the cottage when the detachment of the enemy captured it.He was conscious and able to speak, so instead of being bayonetted was carried to the rear where he might be questioned concerning the American forces.The questioning was most unsatisfactory to the Prussian officers who conducted it.Albert fainted, recovered consciousness and fainted again.So at last the Yankee swine was left to die or get well and his Prussian interrogators went about other business, the business of escaping capture themselves.But when they retreated the few prisoners, mostly wounded men, were taken with them.

Albert's recollections of the next few days were hazy and very doubtful.Pain, pain and more pain.Hours and hours--they seemed like years--of jolting over rough roads.Pawing-over by a fat, bearded surgeon, who may not have been intentionally brutal, but quite as likely may.A great desire to die, punctuated by occasional feeble spurts of wishing to live.Then more surgical man-handling, more jolting--in freight cars this time--a slow, miserable recovery, nurses who hated their patients and treated them as if they did, then, a prison camp, a German prison camp.

Then horrors and starvation and brutality lasting many months.

Then fever.

He was wandering in that misty land between this world and the next when, the armistice having been signed, an American Red Cross representative found him.In the interval between fits of delirium he told this man his name and regiment and, later, the name of his grandparents.When it seemed sure that he was to recover the Red Cross representative cabled the facts to this country.And, still later, those facts, or the all-important fact that Sergeant Albert M.C.Speranza was not dead but alive, came by telegraph to Captain Zelotes Snow of South Harniss.And, two months after that, Captain Zelotes himself, standing on the wharf in Boston and peering up at a crowded deck above him, saw the face of his grandson, that face which he had never expected to see again, looking eagerly down upon him.

A few more weeks and it was over.The brief interval of camp life and the mustering out were things of the past.Captain Lote and Albert, seated in the train, were on their way down the Cape, bound home.Home! The word had a significance now which it never had before.Home!

Albert drew a long breath."By George!" he exclaimed."By George, Grandfather, this looks good to me!"It might not have looked as good to another person.It was raining, the long stretches of salt marsh were windswept and brown and bleak.In the distance Cape Cod Bay showed gray and white against a leaden sky.The drops ran down the dingy car windows.

Captain Zelotes understood, however.He nodded.

"It used to look good to me when I was bound home after a v'yage,"he observed."Well, son, I cal'late your grandma and Rachel are up to the depot by this time waitin' for you.We ain't due for pretty nigh an hour yet, but I'd be willin' to bet they're there."Albert smiled."My, I do want to see them!" he said.

"Shouldn't wonder a mite if they wanted to see you, boy.Well, I'm kind of glad I shooed that reception committee out of the way.Ipresumed likely you'd rather have your first day home to yourself--and us."

"I should say so! Newspaper reporters are a lot of mighty good fellows, but I hope I never see another one....That's rather ungrateful, I know," he added, with a smile, "but I mean it--just now."He had some excuse for meaning it.The death of Albert Speranza, poet and warrior, had made a newspaper sensation.His resurrection and return furnished material for another.Captain Zelotes was not the only person to meet the transport at the pier; a delegation of reporters was there also.Photographs of Sergeant Speranza appeared once more in print.This time, however, they were snapshots showing him in uniform, likenesses of a still handsome, but less boyish young man, thinner, a scar upon his right cheek, and the look in his eyes more serious, and infinitely older, the look of one who had borne much and seen more.The reporters found it difficult to get a story from the returned hero.He seemed to shun the limelight and to be almost unduly modest and retiring, which was of itself, had they but known it, a transformation sufficiently marvelous to have warranted a special "Sunday special.""Will not talk about himself," so one writer headed his article.

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  • 扑流萤


    《扑流萤》群号:58979669一场旅游风波,将云萱卷入几百年前的清朝.暖婆是谁?她与清朝有何渊源?她究竟是为何选中云萱?又为何要交给云萱那卷答案?云萱回到清朝又肩负着怎样的任务和使命?那玉佩又是怎么回事? 为什么会出现在古今两代?它是穿越时空的钥匙吗?云萱究竟还能不能回到现代?来到清朝的云萱又该怎样生活?没有洗刷用品的日子又该怎么过?面对宫廷斗争,云萱究竟该何去何从?她能否做到置身事外呢?胤禟说:“不要叫我放弃你,我做不到,除非我死。”胤祥说:“对不起,我不可能不爱你,如果你不爱我,那就让我来爱你吧!”胤祯说:“得不到你的爱,我没有能力灭江山,但我有能力毁灭你!”胤禛说:“我也许会因江山而误你,但我也有可能会因你而误江山。”究竟谁是云萱的真命天子?胤禟?胤祥?胤祯?还是胤禛?康熙说:“也许我看得透任何人,但我终究看不透你。”暖婆说:“正因为你的命没有定数,所以……”明稀说:“我人生最大的意外,就是遇见你!”迷蝶说:“你一直以为你置身事外,其实,你早已被卷入其中了。不,应该说,是你早已将我们卷入当中,因为你是风暴中心!”究竟是什么原因使他们说出这番话?一切谜底竟在<扑流萤>
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  • 当代学生成长必读的民俗故事

