

"And went into a bank instead?"

"I told you all that,"said Helen;"and they reduced their staff after he had been in a month,and now he's penniless,and Iconsider that we and our informant are directly to blame.""I hate all this,"Leonard muttered.

"I hope you do,Mr.Bast.But it's no good mincing matters.You have done yourself no good by coming here.

If you intend to confront Mr.Wilcox,and to call him to account for a chance remark,you will make a very great mistake.""I brought them.I did it all,"cried Helen.

"I can only advise you to go at once.My sister has put you in a false position,and it is kindest to tell you so.

It's too late to get to town,but you'll find a comfortable hotel in Oniton,where Mrs.Bast can rest,and I hope you'll be my guests there.""That isn't what I want,Miss Schlegel,"said Leonard.

"You're very kind,and no doubt it's a false position,but you make me miserable.I seem no good at all.""It's work he wants,"interpreted Helen."Can't you see?"Then he said:"Jacky,let's go.We're more bother than we're worth.We're costing these ladies pounds and pounds already to get work for us,and they never will.There's nothing we're good enough to do.""We would like to find you work,"said Margaret rather conventionally."We want to--I,like my sister.You're only down in your luck.Go to the hotel,have a good night's rest,and some day you shall pay me back the bill,if you prefer it."But Leonard was near the abyss,and at such moments men see clearly."You don't know what you're talking about,"he said.

"I shall never get work now.If rich people fail at one profession,they can try another.Not I.I had my groove,and I've got out of it.I could do one particular branch of insurance in one particular office well enough to command a salary,but that's all.Poetry's nothing,Miss Schlegel.One's thoughts about this and that are nothing.

Your money,too,is nothing,if you'll understand me.I mean if a man over twenty once loses his own particular job,it's all over with him.

I have seen it happen to others.Their friends gave them money for a little,but in the end they fall over the edge.It's no good.

It's the whole world pulling.There always will be rich and poor."He ceased.

"Won't you have something to eat?"said Margaret.

"I don't know what to do.It isn't my house,and though Mr.Wilcox would have been glad to see you at any other time--as I say,I don't know what to do,but I undertake to do what I can for you.Helen,offer them something.Do try a sandwich,Mrs.Bast."They moved to a long table behind which a servant was still standing.Iced cakes,sandwiches innumerable,coffee,claret-cup,champagne,remained almost intact:their overfed guests could do no more.

Leonard refused.Jacky thought she could manage a little.Margaret left them whispering together and had a few more words with Helen.

She said:"Helen,I like Mr.Bast.I agree that he's worth helping.I agree that we are directly responsible.""No,indirectly.Via Mr.Wilcox."

"Let me tell you once for all that if you take up that attitude,I'll do nothing.No doubt you're right logically,and are entitled to say a great many scathing things about Henry.

Only,I won't have it.So choose.

Helen looked at the sunset.

"If you promise to take them quietly to the George,I will speak to Henry about them--in my own way,mind;there is to be none of this absurd screaming about justice.I have no use for justice.

If it was only a question of money,we could do it ourselves.But he wants work,and that we can't give him,but possibly Henry can.""It's his duty to,"grumbled Helen.

"Nor am I concerned with duty.I'm concerned with the characters of various people whom we know,and how,things being as they are,things may be made a little better.Mr.Wilcox hates being asked favours:all business men do.But I am going to ask him,at the risk of a rebuff,because I want to make things a little better.""Very well.I promise.You take it very calmly.""Take them off to the George,then,and I'll try.

Poor creatures!but they look tried."As they parted,she added:

"I haven't nearly done with you,though,Helen.You have been most self-indulgent.I can't get over it.You have less restraint rather than more as you grow older.Think it over and alter yourself,or we shan't have happy lives."She rejoined Henry.Fortunately he had been sitting down:these physical matters were important."Was it townees?"he asked,greeting her with a pleasant smile.

"You'll never believe me,"said Margaret,sitting down beside him."It's all right now,but it was my sister.""Helen here?"he cried,preparing to rise.

"But she refused the invitation.I thought she despised weddings.""Don't get up.She has not come to the wedding.

I've bundled her off to the George."

Inherently hospitable,he protested.

"No;she has two of her protégés with her,and must keep with them.""Let 'em all come."

"My dear Henry,did you see them?"

"I did catch sight of a brown bunch of a woman,certainly.

"The brown bunch was Helen,but did you catch sight of a sea-green and salmon bunch?""What!are they out beanfeasting?"

"No;business.They wanted to see me,and later on I want to talk to you about them."She was ashamed of her own diplomacy.In dealing with a Wilcox,how tempting it was to lapse from comradeship,and to give him the kind of woman that he desired!Henry took the hint at once,and said:"Why later on?Tell me now.No time like the present.""Shall I?"

"If it isn't a long story."

"Oh,not five minutes;but there's a sting at the end of it,for I want you to find the man some work in your office.""What are his qualifications?"

"I don't know.He's a clerk."

"How old?"


"What's his name?"

"Bast,"said Margaret,and was about to remind him that they had met at Wickham Place,but stopped herself.It had not been a successful meeting.

"Where was he before?"

"Dempster's Bank."

"Why did he leave?"he asked,still remembering nothing.

"They reduced their staff."

"All right;I'll see him."

  • 烽火大明之霸权天下


  • 地狱童子


  • 重炼轮回


  • 窃道无双


  • 万古道


  • Dark契约


  • 诛天逍遥


  • 谈美人


  • 你是我的暗恋我是你的初恋


  • 吃饭成仙

