

For instance,I shouldn't want that fine wych-elm spoilt.It hangs--Margaret,we must go and see the old place some time.It's pretty in its way.

We'll motor down and have lunch with Charles.""I should enjoy that,"said Margaret bravely.

"What about next Wednesday?"

"Wednesday?No,I couldn't well do that.

Aunt Juley expects us to stop here another week at least.""But you can give that up now."

"Er--no,"said Margaret,after a moment's thought.

"Oh,that'll be all right.I'll speak to her.""This visit is a high solemnity.My aunt counts on it year after year.She turns the house upside down for us;she invites our special friends--she scarcely knows Frieda,and we can't leave her on her hands.I missed one day,and she would be so hurt if Ididn't stay the full ten."

"But I'll say a word to her.Don't you bother.""Henry,I won't go.Don't bully me."

"You want to see the house,though?"

"Very much--I've heard so much about it,one way or the other.Aren't there pigs'teeth in the wych-elm?""Pigs'teeth?"

"And you chew the bark for toothache."

"What a rum notion!Of course not!"

"Perhaps I have confused it with some other tree.

There are still a great number of sacred trees in England,it seems."But he left her to intercept Mrs.Munt,whose voice could be heard in the distance:to be intercepted himself by Helen.

"Oh,Mr.Wilcox,about the Porphyrion--"she began,and went scarlet all over her face.

"It's all right,"called Margaret,catching them up."Dempster's Bank's better.""But I think you told us the Porphyrion was bad,and would smash before Christmas.""Did I?It was still outside the Tariff Ring,and had to take rotten policies.Lately it came in--safe as houses now.""In other words,Mr.Bast need never have left it.""No,the fellow needn't."

"--and needn't have started life elsewhere at a greatly reduced salary.""He only says 'reduced,'"corrected Margaret,seeing trouble ahead.

"With a man so poor,every reduction must be great.

I consider it a deplorable misfortune."

Mr.Wilcox,intent on his business with Mrs.Munt,was going steadily on,but the last remark made him say:"What?What's that?Do you mean that I'm responsible?""You're ridiculous,Helen."

"You seem to think--"He looked at his watch.

"Let me explain the point to you.It is like this.You seem to assume,when a business concern is conducting a delicate negotiation,it ought to keep the public informed stage by stage.The Porphyrion,according to you,was bound to say,'I am trying all I can to get into the Tariff Ring.I am not sure that I shall succeed,but it is the only thing that will save me from insolvency,and I am trying.'My dear Helen--""Is that your point?A man who had little money has less--that's mine.""I am grieved for your clerk.But it is all in the day's work.It's part of the battle of life.""A man who had little money,"she repeated,"has less,owing to us.Under these circumstances I do not consider 'the battle of life'a happy expression.""Oh come,come!"he protested pleasantly.

"You're not to blame.No one's to blame."

"Is no one to blame for anything?"

"I wouldn't say that,but you're taking it far too seriously.Who is this fellow?""We have told you about the fellow twice already,"said Helen."You have even met the fellow.He is very poor and his wife is an extravagant imbecile.He is capable of better things.We--we,the upper classes--thought we would help him from the height of our superior knowledge--and here's the result!"He raised his finger."Now,a word of advice.""I require no more advice."

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