

It goes round and round,and you go round after it.""Well,I lost it entirely.First of all the street lamps,then the trees,and towards morning it got cloudy."Tibby,who preferred his comedy undiluted,slipped from the room.He knew that this fellow would never attain to poetry,and did not want to hear him trying.Margaret and Helen remained.

Their brother influenced them more than they knew:in his absence they were stirred to enthusiasm more easily.

"Where did you start from?"cried Margaret.

"Do tell us more."

"I took the Underground to Wimbledon.As I

came out of the office I said to myself,'I must have a walk once in a way.If I don't take this walk now,I shall never take it.'I had a bit of dinner at Wimbledon,and then--""But not good country there,is it?"

"It was gas-lamps for hours.Still,I had all the night,and being out was the great thing.I did get into woods,too,presently.""Yes,go on,"said Helen.

"You've no idea how difficult uneven ground is when it's dark.""Did you actually go off the roads?"

"Oh yes.I always meant to go off the roads,but the worst of it is that it's more difficult to find one's way.""Mr.Bast,you're a born adventurer,"laughed Margaret.

"No professional athlete would have attempted what you've done.It's a wonder your walk didn't end in a broken neck.Whatever did your wife say?""Professional athletes never move without lanterns and compasses,"said Helen."Besides,they can't walk.It tires them.Go on.""I felt like R.L.S.You probably remember how in Virginibus --""Yes,but the wood.This 'ere wood.

How did you get out of it?"

"I managed one wood,and found a road the other side which went a good bit uphill.I rather fancy it was those North Downs,for the road went off into grass,and I got into another wood.

That was awful,with gorse bushes.I did wish I'd never come,but suddenly it got light--just while I seemed going under one tree.

Then I found a road down to a station,and took the first train I could back to London.""But was the dawn wonderful?"asked Helen.

With unforgettable sincerity he replied,"No."The word flew again like a pebble from the sling.Down toppled all that had seemed ignoble or literary in his talk,down toppled tiresome R.L.

S.and the "love of the earth"and his silk top-hat.In the presence of these women Leonard had arrived,and he spoke with a flow,an exultation,that he had seldom known.

"The dawn was only grey,it was nothing to mention--""Just a grey evening turned upside down.I


"--and I was too tired to lift up my head to look at it,and so cold too.I'm glad I did it,and yet at the time it bored me more than I can say.And besides--you can believe me or not as you choose--I was very hungry.That dinner at Wimbledon--Imeant it to last me all night like other dinners.I never thought that walking would make such a difference.Why,when you're walking you want,as it were,a breakfast and luncheon and tea during the night as well,and I'd nothing but a packet of Woodbines.Lord,I did feel bad!Looking back,it wasn't what you may call enjoyment.It was more a case of sticking to it.I did stick.I--I was determined.

Oh,hang it all!what's the good--I mean,the good of living in a room for ever?There one goes on day after day,same old game,same up and down to town,until you forget there is any other game.You ought to see once in a way what's going on outside,if it's only nothing particular after all.""I should just think you ought,"said Helen,sitting on the edge of the table.

The sound of a lady's voice recalled him from sincerity,and he said:"Curious it should all come about from reading something of Richard Jefferies.""Excuse me,Mr.Bast,but you're wrong there.

It didn't.It came from something far greater."But she could not stop him.Borrow was imminent after Jefferies--Borrow,Thoreau,and sorrow.R.L.S.brought up the rear,and the outburst ended in a swamp of books.No disrespect to these great names.The fault is ours,not theirs.They mean us to use them for sign-posts,and are not to blame if,in our weakness,we mistake the sign-post for the destination.And Leonard had reached the destination.He had visited the county of Surrey when darkness covered its amenities,and its cosy villas had re-entered ancient night.

Every twelve hours this miracle happens,but he had troubled to go and see for himself.Within his cramped little mind dwelt something that was greater than Jefferies'books--the spirit that led Jefferies to write them;and his dawn,though revealing nothing but monotones,was part of the eternal sunrise that shows George Borrow Stonehenge.

"Then you don't think I was foolish?"he asked,becoming again the na?ve and sweet-tempered boy for whom Nature had intended him.

"Heavens,no!"replied Margaret.

"Heaven help us if we do!"replied Helen.

"I'm very glad you say that.Now,my wife would never understand--not if I explained for days.""No,it wasn't foolish!"cried Helen,her eyes aflame.

"You've pushed back the boundaries;I think it splendid of you.""You've not been content to dream as we have--""Though we have walked,too--"

"I must show you a picture upstairs--"

Here the door-bell rang.The hansom had come to take them to their evening party.

"Oh,bother,not to say dash--I had forgotten we were dining out;but do,do,come round again and have a talk.""Yes,you must--do,"echoed Margaret.

Leonard,with extreme sentiment,replied:"No,Ishall not.It's better like this."

"Why better?"asked Margaret.

"No,it is better not to risk a second interview.

I shall always look back on this talk with you as one of the finest things in my life.Really.I mean this.We can never repeat.

It has done me real good,and there we had better leave it.""That's rather a sad view of life,surely."

"Things so often get spoiled."

"I know,"flashed Helen,"but people don't."

  • 玉蟾记


  • 盘天经


  • The Elevator

    The Elevator

  • 赠别前蔚州契苾使君


  • 佛说琉璃王经


  • 记忆方城


  • 才能的充实(世界成功励志故事金典)


  • 纯阴女仙


  • 战地狂医


  • 带着神器混漫威


  • 顾盼知何夕


  • 过去集:郁达夫作品精选


  • 终极元神


  • 古明


  • 坑神的修仙日记

