

Charles need not have been anxious.Miss Schlegel had never heard of his mother's strange request.She was to hear of it in after years,when she had built up her life differently,and it was to fit into position as the headstone of the corner.Her mind was bent on other questions now,and by her also it would have been rejected as the fantasy of an invalid.

She was parting from these Wilcoxes for the second time.Paul and his mother,ripple and great wave,had flowed into her life and ebbed out of it for ever.The ripple had left no traces behind:the wave had strewn at her feet fragments torn from the unknown.

A curious seeker,she stood for a while at the verge of the sea that tells so little,but tells a little,and watched the outgoing of this last tremendous tide.Her friend had vanished in agony,but not,she believed,in degradation.Her withdrawal had hinted at other things besides disease and pain.Some leave our life with tears,others with an insane frigidity;Mrs.Wilcox had taken the middle course,which only rarer natures can pursue.

She had kept proportion.She had told a little of her grim secret to her friends,but not too much;she had shut up her heart--almost,but not entirely.It is thus,if there is any rule,that we ought to die--neither as victim nor as fanatic,but as the seafarer who can greet with an equal eye the deep that he is entering,and the shore that he must leave.

The last word--whatever it would be--had certainly not been said in Hilton churchyard.She had not died there.

A funeral is not death,any more than baptism is birth or marriage union.

All three are the clumsy devices,coming now too late,now too early,by which Society would register the quick motions of man.In Margaret's eyes Mrs.Wilcox had escaped registration.She had gone out of life vividly,her own way,and no dust was so truly dust as the contents of that heavy coffin,lowered with ceremonial until it rested on the dust of the earth,no flowers so utterly wasted as the chrysanthemums that the frost must have withered before morning.Margaret had once said she "loved superstition."It was not true.Few women had tried more earnestly to pierce the accretions in which body and soul are enwrapped.The death of Mrs.Wilcox had helped her in her work.She saw a little more clearly than hitherto what a human being is,and to what he may aspire.

Truer relationships gleamed.Perhaps the last word would be hope--hope even on this side of the grave.

Meanwhile,she could take an interest in the survivors.

In spite of her Christmas duties,in spite of her brother,the Wilcoxes continued to play a considerable part in her thoughts.She had seen so much of them in the final week.They were not "her sort,"they were often suspicious and stupid,and deficient where she excelled;but collision with them stimulated her,and she felt an interest that verged into liking,even for Charles.She desired to protect them,and often felt that they could protect her,excelling where she was deficient.

Once past the rocks of emotion,they knew so well what to do,whom to send for;their hands were on all the ropes,they had grit as well as grittiness,and she valued grit enormously.They led a life that she could not attain to--the outer life of "telegrams and anger,"which had detonated when Helen and Paul had touched in June,and had detonated again the other week.To Margaret this life was to remain a real force.She could not despise it,as Helen and Tibby affected to do.It fostered such virtues as neatness,decision,and obedience,virtues of the second rank,no doubt,but they have formed our civilization.They form character,too;Margaret could not doubt it:they keep the soul from becoming sloppy.How dare Schlegels despise Wilcoxes,when it takes all sorts to make a world?

"Don't brood too much,"she wrote to Helen,"on the superiority of the unseen to the seen.It's true,but to brood on it is mediaeval.Our business is not to contrast the two,but to reconcile them."Helen replied that she had no intention of brooding on such a dull subject.What did her sister take her for?The weather was magnificent.She and the Mosebachs had gone tobogganing on the only hill that Pomerania boasted.It was fun,but overcrowded,for the rest of Pomerania had gone there too.Helen loved the country,and her letter glowed with physical exercise and poetry.She spoke of the scenery,quiet,yet august;of the snow-clad fields,with their scampering herds of deer;of the river and its quaint entrance into the Baltic Sea;of the Oderberge,only three hundred feet high,from which one slid all too quickly back into the Pomeranian plains,and yet these Oderberge were real mountains,with pine-forests,streams,and views complete.

"It isn't size that counts so much as the way things are arranged."In another paragraph she referred to Mrs.Wilcox sympathetically,but the news had not bitten into her.She had not realized the accessories of death,which are in a sense more memorable than death itself.

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