

Our course next day passed over the upper terrace and through a dense thorn jungle.Travelling is always difficult where there is no path, but it is even more perplexing where the forest is cut up by many game-tracks.Here we got separated from one another, and a rhinoceros with angry snort dashed at Dr. Livingstone as he stooped to pick up a specimen of the wild fruit morula; but she strangely stopped stock-still when less than her own length distant, and gave him time to escape; a branch pulled out his watch as he ran, and turning half round to grasp it, he got a distant glance of her and her calf still standing on the selfsame spot, as if arrested in the middle of her charge by an unseen hand.When about fifty yards off, thinking his companions close behind, he shouted "Look out there!"when off she rushed, snorting loudly, in another direction.The Doctor usually went unarmed before this, but never afterwards.

A fine eland was shot by Dr. Kirk this afternoon, the first we have killed.It was in first-rate condition, and remarkably fat; but the meat, though so tempting in appearance, severely deranged all who partook of it heartily, especially those who ate of the fat.Natives who live in game countries, and are acquainted with the different kinds of wild animals, have a prejudice against the fat of the eland, the pallah, the zebra, hippopotamus, and pig; they never reject it, however, the climate making the desire for all animal food very strong; but they consider that it causes ulcers and leprosy, while the fat of sheep and of oxen never produces any bad effects, unless the animal is diseased.

On the morning of the 9th, after passing four villages, we breakfasted at an old friend's, Tombanyama, who lives now on the mainland, having resigned the reedy island, where he was first seen, to the buffaloes, which used to take his crops and show fight to his men.He keeps a large flock of tame pigeons, and some fine fat capons, one of which he gave us, with a basket of meal.They have plenty of salt in this part of the country, obtaining it from the plains in the usual way.

The half-caste partner of Sequasha and a number of his men were staying near.The fellow was very munch frightened when he saw us, and trembled so much when he spoke, that the Makololo and other natives noticed and remarked on it.His fears arose from a sense of guilt, as we said nothing to frighten him, and did not allude to the murder till a few minutes before starting; when it was remarked that Dr. Livingstone having been accredited to the murdered chief, it would be his duty to report on it; and that not even the Portuguese Government would approve of the deed.He defended it by saying that they had put in the right man, the other was a usurper.He was evidently greatly relieved when we departed.In the afternoon we came to an outlying hamlet of Kambadzo, whose own village is on an island, Nyampungo, or Nyangalule, at the confluence of the Kafue.

The chief was on a visit here, and they had been enjoying a regular jollification.There had been much mirth, music, drinking, and dancing.The men, and women too, had taken "a wee drap too much,"

But had not passed the complimentary stage.The wife of the headman, after looking at us a few moments, called out to the others, "Black traders have come before, calling themselves Bazungu, or white men, but now, for the first time, have we seen the real Bazungu."

Kambadzo also soon appeared; he was sorry that we had not come before the beer was all done, but he was going back to see if it was all really and entirely finished, and not one little potful left somewhere.

This was, of course, mere characteristic politeness, as he was perfectly aware that every drop had been swallowed; so we proceeded on to the Kafue, or Kafuje, accompanied by the most intelligent of his headmen.A high ridge, just before we reached the confluence, commands a splendid view of the two great rivers, and the rich country beyond.Behind, on the north and east, is the high mountain-range, along whose base we have been travelling; the whole range is covered with trees, which appear even on the prominent peaks, Chiarapela, Morindi, and Chiava; at this last the chain bends away to the N.W., and we could see the distant mountains where the chief, Semalembue, gained all our hearts in 1856.

  • 達方鎮年表


  • 伯牙琴


  • 金锁玉关


  • 海雪堂峤雅集


  • 广艺舟双楫


  • 伪物之境界


  • 花畔


  • 福妻驾到


  • 临水忆城


  • 红尘飘香


  • 血雨记


  • 吾本为帝


  • 宗神


  • 虚荒帝尊


  • 暴乱三界之不灭魂灵

