

This is a common sight in nearly every village, and each family appears to have its patch of cotton, as our own ancestors in Scotland had each his patch of flax.Near sunset an immense flock of the large species of horn-bill (Buceros cristatus) came here to roost on the great trees which skirt the edge of the cliff.They leave early in the morning, often before sunrise, for their feeding-places, coming and going in pairs.They are evidently of a loving disposition, and strongly attached to each other, the male always nestling close beside his mate.A fine male fell to the ground, from fear, at the report of Dr. Kirk's gun; it was caught and kept on board; the female did not go off in the mornings to feed with the others, but flew round the ship, anxiously trying, by her plaintive calls, to induce her beloved one to follow her:she came again in the evenings to repeat the invitations.The poor disconsolate captive soon refused to eat, and in five days died of grief, because he could not have her company.No internal injury could be detected after death.

Chibisa and his wife, with a natural show of parental feeling, had told the Doctor, on his previous visit, that a few years before some of Chisaka's men had kidnapped and sold their little daughter, and that she was now a slave to the padre at Tette.On his return to Tette, the Doctor tried hard to ransom and restore the girl to her parents, and offered twice the value of a slave; the padre seemed willing, but she could not be found.This padre was better than the average men of the country; and, being always civil and obliging, would probably have restored her gratuitously, but she had been sold, it might be to the distant tribe Bazizulu, or he could not tell where.Custom had rendered his feelings callous, and Chibisa had to be told that his child would never return.It is this callous state of mind which leads some of our own blood to quote Scripture in support of slavery.If we could afford to take a backward step in civilization, we might find men among ourselves who would in like manner prove Mormonism or any other enormity to be divine.

We left the ship on the 28th of August, 1859, for the discovery of Lake Nyassa.Our party numbered forty-two in all--four whites, thirty-six Makololo, and two guides.We did not actually need so many, either for carriage or defence; but took them because we believed that, human nature being everywhere the same, blacks are as ready as whites to take advantage of the weak, and are as civil and respectful to the powerful.We armed our men with muskets, which gave us influence, although it did not add much to our strength, as most of the men had never drawn a trigger, and in any conflict would in all probability have been more dangerous to us than the enemy.

Our path crossed the valley, in a north-easterly direction, up the course of a beautiful flowing stream.Many of the gardens had excellent cotton growing in them.An hour's march brought us to the foot of the Manganja hills, up which lay the toilsome road.The vegetation soon changed; as we rose bamboos appeared, and new trees and plants were met with, which gave such incessant employment to Dr.

Kirk, that he travelled the distance three times over.Remarkably fine trees, one of which has oil-yielding seeds, and belongs to the mahogany family, grow well in the hollows along the rivulet courses.

The ascent became very fatiguing, and we were glad of a rest.

Looking back from an elevation of a thousand feet, we beheld a lovely prospect.The eye takes in at a glance the valley beneath, and the many windings of its silver stream Makubula, or Kubvula, from the shady hill-side, where it emerges in foaming haste, to where it slowly glides into the tranquil Shire; then the Shire itself is seen for many a mile above and below Chibisa's, and the great level country beyond, with its numerous green woods; until the prospect, west and north-west, is bounded far away by masses of peaked and dome-shaped blue mountains, that fringe the highlands of the Maravi country.

After a weary march we halted at Makolongwi, the village of Chitimba.

  • 孔子家语


  • 菌阁琐谈


  • 佛说菩萨十住经


  • 佛说兜沙经一卷


  • 科举论


  • 我的校花妹妹


  • 太上仙气经


  • 冥王回归


  • 繁华落尽愿一世如初


  • 太空争霸


  • 重生之凤还朝


  • 老婆好爱你


  • 神级异能者


  • 末世之新世界


  • 极怖

