

The color again rose in Mainwaring's cheek, but he had tact enough to reflect that any protest or hesitation on his part at that moment would only increase the difficulties of his gentle entertainers.He allowed himself to be ushered into the house by Mrs. Bradley, and shown to her husband's room, without perceiving that Miss Macy had availed herself of his absence to run to the end of the veranda, mischievously try to lift the discarded knapsack to her own pretty shoulder, but, failing, heroically stagger with it into the passage and softly deposit it at his door.This done, she pantingly rejoined her cousin in the kitchen.

"Well," said Mrs. Bradley, emphatically."DID you ever?Walking fifteen miles for pleasure--and with such lungs!"

"And that knapsack!" added Louise Macy, pointing to the mark in her little palm where the strap had imbedded itself in the soft flesh.

"He's nice, though; isn't he?" said Mrs. Bradley, tentatively.

"Yes," said Miss Macy, "he isn't, certainly, one of those provincial fine gentlemen you object to.But DID you see his shoes?I suppose they make the miles go quickly, or seem to measure less by comparison."

"They're probably more serviceable than those high-heeled things that Captain Greyson hops about in."

"But the Captain always rides--and rides very well--you know," said Louise, reflectively.There was a moment's pause.

"I suppose Jim will tell us all about him," said Mrs. Bradley,dismissing the subject, as she turned her sleeves back over her white arms, preparatory to grappling certain culinary difficulties.

"Jim," observed Miss Macy, shortly, "in my opinion, knows nothing more than his note says.That's like Jim."

"There's nothing more to know, really," said Mrs. Bradley, with a superior air."He's undoubtedly the son of some Englishman of fortune, sent out here for his health."


Miss Macy had heard a step in the passage.It halted at last, half irresolutely, before the open door of the kitchen, and the stranger appeared with an embarrassed air.

But in his brief absence he seemed to have completely groomed himself, and stood there, the impersonation of close-cropped,clean, and wholesome English young manhood.The two women appreciated it with cat-like fastidiousness.

"I beg your pardon; but really you're going to let a fellow do something for you," he said, "just to keep him from looking like a fool.I really can do no end of things, you know, if you'll try me.I've done some camping-out, and can cook as well as the next man."

The two women made a movement of smiling remonstrance, half coquettish, and half superior, until Mrs. Bradley, becoming conscious of her bare arms and the stranger's wandering eyes,colored faintly, and said with more decision:--

"Certainly not.You'd only be in the way.Besides, you need rest more than we do.Put yourself in the rocking-chair in the veranda,and go to sleep until Mr. Bradley comes."

Mainwaring saw that she was serious, and withdrew, a little ashamed at his familiarity into which his boyishness had betrayed him.But he had scarcely seated himself in the rocking-chair before Miss Macy appeared, carrying with both hands a large tin basin of unshelled peas.

"There," she said pantingly, placing her burden in his lap, "if you really want to help, there's something to do that isn't very fatiguing.You may shell these peas."

"SHELL them--I beg pardon, but how?" he asked, with smiling earnestness.

"How?Why, I'll show you--look."

She frankly stepped beside him, so close that her full-skirted dress half encompassed him and the basin in a delicious confusion,and, leaning over his lap, with her left hand picked up a pea-cod,which, with a single movement of her charming little right thumb,she broke at the end, and stripped the green shallow of its tiny treasures.

He watched her with smiling eyes; her own, looking down on him,were very bright and luminous."There; that's easy enough," she said, and turned away.

"But--one moment, Miss--Miss--?"

"Macy," said louise.

"Where am I to put the shells?"

"Oh! throw them down there--there's room enough."

She was pointing to the canyon below.The veranda actually projected over its brink, and seemed to hang in mid air above it.

Mainwaring almost mechanically threw his arm out to catch the incautious girl, who had stepped heedlessly to its extreme edge.

"How odd!Don't you find it rather dangerous here?" he could not help saying."I mean--you might have had a railing that wouldn't intercept the view and yet be safe?"

"It's a fancy of Mr. Bradley's," returned the young girl carelessly."It's all like this.The house was built on a ledge against the side of the precipice, and the road suddenly drops down to it."

"It's tremendously pretty, all the same, you know," said the young man thoughtfully, gazing, however, at the girl's rounded chin above him.

"Yes," she replied curtly."But this isn't working.I must go back to Jenny.You can shell the peas until Mr. Bradley comes home.He won't be long."

She turned away, and re-entered the house.Without knowing why, he thought her withdrawal abrupt, and he was again feeling his ready color rise with the suspicion of either having been betrayed by the young girl's innocent fearlessness into some unpardonable familiarity, which she had quietly resented, or of feeling an ease and freedom in the company of these two women that were inconsistent with respect, and should be restrained.

  • 玄牝之门赋


  • 明伦汇编家范典嫂叔部


  • 黙庵集


  • 八十一难经


  • 政论


  • 阴阳游记


  • 半天使伴恶魔


  • 黑道腹心讨丫头


  • 性保健食品


  • 此生有你不离不弃


  • 重生大明星:隐婚老公宠上瘾


  • 黎明未来


  • 腹黑医生娇萌妻


  • 恒河忆事录


  • 落花雨的飘摇

