

"But that's just where you misunderstand them, Drummond," said Courtland, smiling."They have no reason to keep up an attitude towards their neighbors, who still know them as 'Squire' so-and-so, 'Colonel' this and that, and the 'Judge,'--owners of their vast but crippled estates.They are not ashamed of being poor, which is an accident.""But they are of working, which is DELIBERATION," interrupted Drummond."They are ashamed to mend their fences themselves, now that they have no slaves to do it for them.""I doubt very much if some of them know how to drive a nail, for the matter of that," said Courtland, still good-humoredly, "but that's the fault of a system older than themselves, which the founders of the Republic retained.We cannot give them experience in their new condition in one day, and in fact, Drummond, I am very much afraid that for our purposes--and I honestly believe for THEIRgood--we must help to keep them for the present as they are.""Perhaps," said Drummond sarcastically, "you would like to reinstate slavery?""No.But I should like to reinstate the MASTER.And not for HISsake alone, but for freedom's sake and OURS.To be plain: since Ihave taken up this matter for the company, I have satisfied myself from personal observation that the negro--even more than his master--cannot handle his new condition.He is accustomed to his old traditional task-master, and I doubt if he will work fairly for any other--particularly for those who don't understand him.Don't mistake me: I don't propose to go back to the whip; to that brutal institution, the irresponsible overseer; to the buying and selling, and separation of the family, nor any of the old wrongs; but Ipropose to make the old master OUR OVERSEER, and responsible to US.

He is not a fool, and has already learned that it is more profitable to pay wages to his old slaves and have the power of dismissal, like any other employer, than be obliged, under the old system of enforced labor and life servitude, to undergo the cost of maintaining incompetence and idleness.The old sentiment of slave-owning has disappeared before natural common-sense and selfishness.I am satisfied that by some such process as this utilizing of the old master and the new freedom we will be better able to cultivate our lands than by buying up their estates, and setting the old owners adrift, with a little money in their pockets, as an idle, discontented class to revive old political dogmas, and foment new issues, or perhaps set up a dangerous opposition to us.

"You don't mean to say that those infernal niggers would give the preference to their old oppressors?""Dollar for dollar in wages--yes! And why shouldn't they? Their old masters understand them better--and treat them generally better.They know our interest in them is only an abstract sentiment, not a real liking.We show it at every turn.But we are nearing Redlands, and Major Reed will, I have no doubt, corroborate my impressions.He insists upon our staying at his house, although the poor old fellow, I imagine, can ill afford to entertain company.But he will be offended if we refuse.""He is a friend of yours, then?" asked Drummond.

"I fought against his division at Stony Creek," said Courtland grimly."He never tires of talking of it to me--so I suppose Iam."

A few moments later the train glided beside the Redlands platform.

As the two travelers descended a hand was laid on Courtland's shoulder, and a stout figure in the blackest and shiniest of alpaca jackets, and the whitest and broadest of Panama hats, welcomed him.

"Glad to see yo', cun'nel.I reckoned I'd waltz over and bring along the boy," pointing to a grizzled negro servant of sixty who was bowing before them, "to tote yo'r things over instead of using a hack.I haven't run much on horseflesh since the wah--ha! ha!

What I didn't use up for remounts I reckon yo'r commissary gobbled up with the other live stock, eh?" He laughed heartily, as if the recollections were purely humorous, and again clapped Courtland on the back.

"Let me introduce my friend, Mr.Drummond, Major Reed," said Courtland, smiling.

"Yo' were in the wah, sir?"

"No--I"--returned Drummond, hesitating, he knew not why, and angry at his own embarrassment.

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