

Now came the day desir'd.The skies were bright With rosy luster of the rising light:

The bord'ring people, rous'd by sounding fame Of Trojan feasts and great Acestes' name, The crowded shore with acclamations fill, Part to behold, and part to prove their skill.

And first the gifts in public view they place, Green laurel wreaths, and palm, the victors' grace:

Within the circle, arms and tripods lie, Ingots of gold and silver, heap'd on high, And vests embroider'd, of the Tyrian dye.

The trumpet's clangor then the feast proclaims, And all prepare for their appointed games.

Four galleys first, which equal rowers bear, Advancing, in the wat'ry lists appear.

The speedy Dolphin, that outstrips the wind, Bore Mnestheus, author of the Memmian kind:

Gyas the vast Chimaera's bulk commands, Which rising, like a tow'ring city stands;Three Trojans tug at ev'ry lab'ring oar;

Three banks in three degrees the sailors bore;Beneath their sturdy strokes the billows roar.

Sergesthus, who began the Sergian race, In the great Centaur took the leading place;Cloanthus on the sea-green Scylla stood, From whom Cluentius draws his Trojan blood.

Far in the sea, against the foaming shore, There stands a rock: the raging billows roar Above his head in storms; but, when 't is clear, Uncurl their ridgy backs, and at his foot appear.

In peace below the gentle waters run;

The cormorants above lie basking in the sun.

On this the hero fix'd an oak in sight, The mark to guide the mariners aright.

To bear with this, the seamen stretch their oars;Then round the rock they steer, and seek the former shores.

The lots decide their place.Above the rest, Each leader shining in his Tyrian vest;The common crew with wreaths of poplar boughs Their temples crown, and shade their sweaty brows:

Besmear'd with oil, their naked shoulders shine.

All take their seats, and wait the sounding sign:

They gripe their oars; and ev'ry panting breast Is rais'd by turns with hope, by turns with fear depress'd.

The clangor of the trumpet gives the sign;At once they start, advancing in a line:

With shouts the sailors rend the starry skies;Lash'd with their oars, the smoky billows rise;Sparkles the briny main, and the vex'd ocean fries.

Exact in time, with equal strokes they row:

At once the brushing oars and brazen prow Dash up the sandy waves, and ope the depths below.

Not fiery coursers, in a chariot race, Invade the field with half so swift a pace;Not the fierce driver with more fury lends The sounding lash, and, ere the stroke descends, Low to the wheels his pliant body bends.

The partial crowd their hopes and fears divide, And aid with eager shouts the favor'd side.

Cries, murmurs, clamors, with a mixing sound, From woods to woods, from hills to hills rebound.

Amidst the loud applauses of the shore, Gyas outstripp'd the rest, and sprung before:

Cloanthus, better mann'd, pursued him fast, But his o'er-masted galley check'd his haste.

The Centaur and the Dolphin brush the brine With equal oars, advancing in a line;And now the mighty Centaur seems to lead, And now the speedy Dolphin gets ahead;Now board to board the rival vessels row, The billows lave the skies, and ocean groans below.

They reach'd the mark.Proud Gyas and his train In triumph rode, the victors of the main;But, steering round, he charg'd his pilot stand More close to shore, and skim along the sand-"Let others bear to sea!" Menoetes heard;But secret shelves too cautiously he fear'd, And, fearing, sought the deep; and still aloof he steer'd.

With louder cries the captain call'd again:

"Bear to the rocky shore, and shun the main."He spoke, and, speaking, at his stern he saw The bold Cloanthus near the shelvings draw.

Betwixt the mark and him the Scylla stood, And in a closer compass plow'd the flood.

He pass'd the mark; and, wheeling, got before:

Gyas blasphem'd the gods, devoutly swore, Cried out for anger, and his hair he tore.

Mindless of others' lives (so high was grown His rising rage) and careless of his own, The trembling dotard to the deck he drew;Then hoisted up, and overboard he threw:

This done, he seiz'd the helm; his fellows cheer'd, Turn'd short upon the shelfs, and madly steer'd.

Hardly his head the plunging pilot rears, Clogg'd with his clothes, and cumber'd with his years:

Now dropping wet, he climbs the cliff with pain.

The crowd, that saw him fall and float again, Shout from the distant shore; and loudly laugh'd, To see his heaving breast disgorge the briny draught.

The following Centaur, and the Dolphin's crew, Their vanish'd hopes of victory renew;While Gyas lags, they kindle in the race, To reach the mark.Sergesthus takes the place;Mnestheus pursues; and while around they wind, Comes up, not half his galley's length behind;Then, on the deck, amidst his mates appear'd, And thus their drooping courage he cheer'd:

"My friends, and Hector's followers heretofore, Exert your vigor; tug the lab'ring oar;Stretch to your strokes, my still unconquer'd crew, Whom from the flaming walls of Troy I drew.

In this, our common int'rest, let me find That strength of hand, that courage of the mind, As when you stemm'd the strong Malean flood, And o'er the Syrtes' broken billows row'd.

I seek not now the foremost palm to gain;Tho' yet- but, ah! that haughty wish is vain!

Let those enjoy it whom the gods ordain.

But to be last, the lags of all the race!-Redeem yourselves and me from that disgrace."Now, one and all, they tug amain; they row At the full stretch, and shake the brazen prow.

The sea beneath 'em sinks; their lab'ring sides Are swell'd, and sweat runs gutt'ring down in tides.

Chance aids their daring with unhop'd success;Sergesthus, eager with his beak to press Betwixt the rival galley and the rock, Shuts up th' unwieldly Centaur in the lock.

The vessel struck; and, with the dreadful shock, Her oars she shiver'd, and her head she broke.

The trembling rowers from their banks arise, And, anxious for themselves, renounce the prize.

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