

We have next to show that the movement of the heaven is regular and not irregular.This applies only to the first heaven and the first movement; for the lower spheres exhibit a composition of several movements into one.If the movement is uneven, clearly there will be acceleration, maximum speed, and retardation, since these appear in all irregular motions.The maximum may occur either at the starting-point or at the goal or between the two; and we expect natural motion to reach its maximum at the goal, unnatural motion at the starting-point, and missiles midway between the two.But circular movement, having no beginning or limit or middle in the direct sense of the words, has neither whence nor whither nor middle: for in time it is eternal, and in length it returns upon itself without a break.If then its movement has no maximum, it can have no irregularity, since irregularity is produced by retardation and acceleration.Further, since everything that is moved is moved by something, the cause of the irregularity of movement must lie either in the mover or in the moved or both.For if the mover moved not always with the same force, or if the moved were altered and did not remain the same, or if both were to change, the result might well be an irregular movement in the moved.But none of these possibilities can be conceived as actual in the case of the heavens.

As to that which is moved, we have shown that it is primary and simple and ungenerated and indestructible and generally unchanging; and the mover has an even better right to these attributes.It is the primary that moves the primary, the simple the simple, the indestructible and ungenerated that which is indestructible and ungenerated.Since then that which is moved, being a body, is nevertheless unchanging, how should the mover, which is incorporeal, be changed?

It follows then, further, that the motion cannot be irregular.For if irregularity occurs, there must be change either in the movement as a whole, from fast to slow and slow to fast, or in its parts.That there is no irregularity in the parts is obvious, since, if there were, some divergence of the stars would have taken place before now in the infinity of time, as one moved slower and another faster: but no alteration of their intervals is ever observed.Nor again is a change in the movement as a whole admissible.Retardation is always due to incapacity, and incapacity is unnatural.The incapacities of animals, age, decay, and the like, are all unnatural, due, it seems, to the fact that the whole animal complex is made up of materials which differ in respect of their proper places, and no single part occupies its own place.If therefore that which is primary contains nothing unnatural, being simple and unmixed and in its proper place and having no contrary, then it has no place for incapacity, nor, consequently, for retardation or (since acceleration involves retardation) for acceleration.Again, it is inconceivable that the mover should first show incapacity for an infinite time, and capacity afterwards for another infinity.For clearly nothing which, like incapacity, unnatural ever continues for an infinity of time; nor does the unnatural endure as long as the natural, or any form of incapacity as long as the capacity.But if the movement is retarded it must necessarily be retarded for an infinite time.Equally impossible is perpetual acceleration or perpetual retardation.For such movement would be infinite and indefinite, but every movement, in our view, proceeds from one point to another and is definite in character.Again, suppose one assumes a minimum time in less than which the heaven could not complete its movement.For, as a given walk or a given exercise on the harp cannot take any and every time, but every performance has its definite minimum time which is unsurpassable, so, one might suppose, the movement of the heaven could not be completed in any and every time.But in that case perpetual acceleration is impossible (and, equally, perpetual retardation: for the argument holds of both and each), if we may take acceleration to proceed by identical or increasing additions of speed and for an infinite time.The remaining alternative is to say that the movement exhibits an alternation of slower and faster: but this is a mere fiction and quite inconceivable.Further, irregularity of this kind would be particularly unlikely to pass unobserved, since contrast makes observation easy.

That there is one heaven, then, only, and that it is ungenerated and eternal, and further that its movement is regular, has now been sufficiently explained.

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