

The shape of the heaven is of necessity spherical; for that is the shape most appropriate to its substance and also by nature primary.

First, let us consider generally which shape is primary among planes and solids alike.Every plane figure must be either rectilinear or curvilinear.Now the rectilinear is bounded by more than one line, the curvilinear by one only.But since in any kind the one is naturally prior to the many and the simple to the complex, the circle will be the first of plane figures.Again, if by complete, as previously defined, we mean a thing outside which no part of itself can be found, and if addition is always possible to the straight line but never to the circular, clearly the line which embraces the circle is complete.If then the complete is prior to the incomplete, it follows on this ground also that the circle is primary among figures.And the sphere holds the same position among solids.For it alone is embraced by a single surface, while rectilinear solids have several.The sphere is among solids what the circle is among plane figures.Further, those who divide bodies into planes and generate them out of planes seem to bear witness to the truth of this.Alone among solids they leave the sphere undivided, as not possessing more than one surface: for the division into surfaces is not just dividing a whole by cutting it into its parts, but division of another fashion into parts different in form.It is clear, then, that the sphere is first of solid figures.

If, again, one orders figures according to their numbers, it is most natural to arrange them in this way.The circle corresponds to the number one, the triangle, being the sum of two right angles, to the number two.But if one is assigned to the triangle, the circle will not be a figure at all.

Now the first figure belongs to the first body, and the first body is that at the farthest circumference.It follows that the body which revolves with a circular movement must be spherical.The same then will be true of the body continuous with it: for that which is continuous with the spherical is spherical.The same again holds of the bodies between these and the centre.Bodies which are bounded by the spherical and in contact with it must be, as wholes, spherical;

and the bodies below the sphere of the planets are contiguous with the sphere above them.The sphere then will be spherical throughout; for every body within it is contiguous and continuous with spheres.

Again, since the whole revolves, palpably and by assumption, in a circle, and since it has been shown that outside the farthest circumference there is neither void nor place, from these grounds also it will follow necessarily that the heaven is spherical.For if it is to be rectilinear in shape, it will follow that there is place and body and void without it.For a rectilinear figure as it revolves never continues in the same room, but where formerly was body, is now none, and where now is none, body will be in a moment because of the projection at the corners.Similarly, if the world had some other figure with unequal radii, if, for instance, it were lentiform, or oviform, in every case we should have to admit space and void outside the moving body, because the whole body would not always occupy the same room.

Again, if the motion of the heaven is the measure of all movements whatever in virtue of being alone continuous and regular and eternal, and if, in each kind, the measure is the minimum, and the minimum movement is the swiftest, then, clearly, the movement of the heaven must be the swiftest of all movements.Now of lines which return upon themselves the line which bounds the circle is the shortest; and that movement is the swiftest which follows the shortest line.Therefore, if the heaven moves in a circle and moves more swiftly than anything else, it must necessarily be spherical.

Corroborative evidence may be drawn from the bodies whose position is about the centre.If earth is enclosed by water, water by air, air by fire, and these similarly by the upper bodies-which while not continuous are yet contiguous with them-and if the surface of water is spherical, and that which is continuous with or embraces the spherical must itself be spherical, then on these grounds also it is clear that the heavens are spherical.But the surface of water is seen to be spherical if we take as our starting-point the fact that water naturally tends to collect in a hollow place-'hollow' meaning 'nearer the centre'.Draw from the centre the lines AB, AC, and let their extremities be joined by the straight line BC.The line AD, drawn to the base of the triangle, will be shorter than either of the radii.Therefore the place in which it terminates will be a hollow place.The water then will collect there until equality is established, that is until the line AE is equal to the two radii.Thus water forces its way to the ends of the radii, and there only will it rest: but the line which connects the extremities of the radii is circular: therefore the surface of the water BEC is spherical.

It is plain from the foregoing that the universe is spherical.It is plain, further, that it is turned (so to speak) with a finish which no manufactured thing nor anything else within the range of our observation can even approach.For the matter of which these are composed does not admit of anything like the same regularity and finish as the substance of the enveloping body; since with each step away from earth the matter manifestly becomes finer in the same proportion as water is finer than earth.

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