

Some of the vivipara produce their young imperfect, others perfect; the one-hoofed and cloven-footed perfect, most of the many-toed imperfect.The reason of this is that the one-hoofed produce one young one, and the cloven-footed either one or two generally speaking; now it is easy to bring the few to perfection.All the many-toed animals that bear their young imperfect give birth to many.Hence, though they are able to nourish the embryos while newly formed, their bodies are unable to complete the process when the embryos have grown and acquired some size.So they produce them imperfect, like those animals which generate a scolex, for some of them when born are scarcely brought into form at all, as the fox, bear, and lion, and some of the rest in like manner; and nearly all of them are blind, as not only the animals mentioned but also the dog, wolf, and jackal.The pig alone produces both many and perfect young, and thus here alone we find any overlapping; it produces many as do the many-toed animals, but is cloven-footed or solid-hoofed (for there certainly are solid-hoofed swine).They bear, then, many young because the nutriment which would otherwise go to increase their size is diverted to the generative secretion (for considered as a solid-hoofed animal the pig is not a large one), and also it is more often cloven-hoofed, striving as it were with the nature of the solid-hoofed animals.For this reason it produces sometimes only one, sometimes two, but generally many, and brings them to perfection before birth because of the good condition of its body, being like a rich soil- which has sufficient and abundant nutriment for plants.

The young of some birds also are hatched imperfect, that is to say blind; this applies to all small birds which lay many eggs, as crows and rooks, jays, sparrows, swallows, and to all those which lay few eggs without producing abundant nourishment along with the young, as ring-doves, turtle-doves, and pigeons.Hence if the eyes of swallows while still young be put out they recover their sight again, for the birds are still developing, not yet developed, when the injury is inflicted, so that the eyes grow and sprout afresh.And in general the production of young before they are perfect is owing to inability to continue nourishing them, and they are born imperfect because they are born too soon.This is plain also with seven-months children, for since they are not perfected it often happens that even the passages, e.g.of the ears and nostrils, are not yet opened in some of them at birth, but only open later as they are growing, and many such infants survive.

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    爱亦难 ,恨亦难,怒看手中剑!天若有情天亦老 , 泪洒千古愁!!朝青丝,暮白发,灯下伤心人!一把清丽流光,妖冶妩媚的长虹剑,一位风华绝代,气吞山河的年轻霸主!一条紫光狂舞,冷厉绝狠的凤尾鞭,一位宛若天仙,绝世而独自的冰冷俏佳人!江湖血雨腥风,风云迭起!英雄多寂寥,策马风萧萧!美人如玉剑如虹!乱世群雄,逐鹿中原,问鼎天下!男人用生命开创自己的梦想,女人用爱情让世界更精彩!横马立刀笑傲天下在人性贪念,噩运,猜忌,杀戮的种种纷杂跌宕的沧桑巨变中,改变的是人的命运,留下的是永恒的传奇!沐易航:白衣裳凭朱栏立,箫丝音招众蝶狂!待人细心周到,维持着不远不近的距离,喜欢沉默着抗拒,喜欢温和地坚持。谦谦君子,温良如玉。俯瞰万里江山,危坐丹墀龙庭,睥睨共舞群臣,春秋任我隽永;唱罢千古兴亡,颂毕千秋伟业,破阵金戈铁马,天下归我问鼎;剑指天下群豪,决战四方英杰,宏策良谋筹划,江湖独我笑傲;英雄注定寂寞,天子必定孤独,笙歌浮华散尽,乾坤只我相随!浮华一梦三生过蝶舞(狼女):白衣翩翩飞胜雪,落梅横笛已三更!绝世而独自,冰冷俏美人!烈烈真性,脉脉柔情!为负血海深仇,前仆后继!玉骨冰心,生死相依!鞭指天下苍尘,尝遍世间冷暖!决战四方英杰,惊为天上人!爱恨注定难消,白发三千丈!
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