

"I don't know how.It apparently did itself.It was the day before we went out to be fired at, and he said his name was Kruger Roberts, and I fed him some empty jam tins.""A huge black boy with bristly hair?" she interpolated.

"Yes, and a mouth so large that one wonders how his face can hold it all."She sat up alertly, resting her folded arms on the edge of the table.

"This becomes interesting.Kruger Roberts is Syb's avowed and lawful lover."Weldon laughed.

"Mine also, as it appears.As I say, I fed him jam tins.There were four of them, and they were very jammy.Then we became interested in the Boers, and I forgot Kruger Roberts.When I came back, yesterday morning, dead tired and my horse all in a mess, I found Kruger Roberts calmly sitting on my extra blankets, cleaning my shoes with Paddy's best dishcloth.Paddy was in a wild state of mutiny, and told me that that chattering baboon had vowed he was Trooper Weldon's boy.Since then, I have tried in vain to dislodge him; but it is no use.The Nig is like a piece of satin, and it is all I can do to keep my compressed-paper buttons from winking defiance at the Boers on the northern edge of Sahara."Alice Mellen laughed with the air of one who understood the situation.

"You builded better than you knew, Mr.Weldon, and your jam tins will be no house of cards.The Kaffirs are an unaccountable race of beings, lazy and good-natured.Once let them love or hate, though, and all their strength goes into the working out of the feeling.

Kruger Roberts obviously has a sweet tooth; the day may come when your enemies may find it changed to a poisoned fang.Do you want the advice of one who knows the country?""I do," he assented heartily.

"Then keep your Kruger Roberts," she said decisively.

"But what shall I do with him?"

"Let him do for you."

"As a valet? I've never been used to such luxury," he protested, laughing.

She shook her head.

"Not only valet.He will be groom, cook, guide, interpreter and, whether you wish it or not, your chum.Moreover, he will do it all with the face of a clown and the manner of a tricksy monkey.As a panacea for the blues, you will find him invaluable."There was a little pause.Then she added, with a complete change of tone, "My cousin has spoken of you so often, Mr.Weldon.""And of you," he returned.

The directness of her answer pleased him.

"Then we ought to start as friends, and not waste time over mere acquaintance.""I thought there were no acquaintances out here," he answered lightly."In camp, our first question is: Friend, or foe?""In the towns, we have every grade between.Often the same person slides through all the grades in a single day.But you haven't answered me."His eyes met her eyes frankly.

"About the friendship? I thought that wasn't necessary.""Customary, however," she suggested, with a smile.

"But, as I say, there are no customs here," he retorted."At least, I should have said so, this morning.Now I am not so sure." Then he laughed."I've bungled that horribly, Miss Mellen.What I meant was that you have given me a very good time, this afternoon.""Prove it by coming again," she advised him.

"If I may.I don't wish to wear out my welcome; but one hasn't so many friends in South Africa.""What about Kruger Roberts?" she reminded him.

"That gives me two."

"And Captain Frazer?"

Weldon's eyes lighted.

"Some day, perhaps.I would be willing to wait for that."Gravely her glance roved from the alert young Canadian at her side to the older, more steadfast face across the table.Then she shook her head.

"You will not have to wait long, Mr.Weldon?" she said quietly.

"Captain Frazer spoke of you, a week ago.I have known him for months; I know what, with him, stands for enthusiasm.""I wish you might be a true prophet.I would honor you, even here in your own garden.For the sake of Captain Frazer's regard, I would give up most things," he replied, too low to be overheard by the couple who were now chaffing each other above their cooling cups.

Later on, he wondered a little how far the apparent inconsequence of her next question was the result of chance.

"What about Cooee?" she asked, in a voice as low as his own had been.

He hesitated.Then he looked up at her steadily.

"Miss Mellen, I am sure I don't know," he answered gravely.

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