

diluted with water and in small quantity.For wine is spirituous, and of all wines the dark more so than any other.The upper parts, in infants, are so filled with nutriment that within five months [after birth] they do not even turn the neck [sc.to raise the head]; for in them, as in persons deeply intoxicated, there is ever a large quantity of moisture ascending.It is reasonable, too, to think that this affection is the cause of the embryo's remaining at rest in the womb at first.Also, as a general rule, persons whose veins are inconspicuous, as well as those who are dwarf-like, or have abnormally large heads, are addicted to sleep.For in the former the veins are narrow, so that it is not easy for the moisture to flow down through them; while in the case of dwarfs and those whose heads are abnormally large, the impetus of the evaporation upwards is excessive.Those [on the contrary] whose veins are large are, thanks to the easy flow through the veins, not addicted to sleep, unless, indeed, they labour under some other affection which counteracts [this easy flow].Nor are the 'atrabilious' addicted to sleep, for in them the inward region is cooled so that the quantity of evaporation in their case is not great.For this reason they have large appetites, though spare and lean; for their bodily condition is as if they derived no benefit from what they eat.The dark bile, too, being itself naturally cold, cools also the nutrient tract, and the other parts wheresoever such secretion is potentially present [i.e.tends to be formed].

Hence it is plain from what has been said that sleep is a sort of concentration, or natural recoil, of the hot matter inwards [towards its centre], due to the cause above mentioned.Hence restless movement is a marked feature in the case of a person when drowsy.But where it [the heat in the upper and outer parts] begins to fail, he grows cool, and owing to this cooling process his eye-lids droop.

Accordingly [in sleep] the upper and outward parts are cool, but the inward and lower, i.e.the parts at the feet and in the interior of the body, are hot.

Yet one might found a difficulty on the facts that sleep is most oppressive in its onset after meals, and that wine, and other such things, though they possess heating properties, are productive of sleep, for it is not probable that sleep should be a process of cooling while the things that cause sleeping are themselves hot.Is the explanation of this, then, to be found in the fact that, as the stomach when empty is hot, while replenishment cools it by the movement it occasions, so the passages and tracts in the head are cooled as the 'evaporation' ascends thither? Or, as those who have hot water poured on them feel a sudden shiver of cold, just so in the case before us, may it be that, when the hot substance ascends, the cold rallying to meet it cools [the aforesaid parts] deprives their native heat of all its power, and compels it to retire? Moreover, when much food is taken, which [i.e.the nutrient evaporation from which]

the hot substance carries upwards, this latter, like a fire when fresh logs are laid upon it, is itself cooled, until the food has been digested.

For, as has been observed elsewhere, sleep comes on when the corporeal element [in the 'evaporation'] conveyed upwards by the hot, along the veins, to the head.But when that which has been thus carried up can no longer ascend, but is too great in quantity [to do so], it forces the hot back again and flows downwards.Hence it is that men sink down [as they do in sleep] when the heat which tends to keep them erect (man alone, among animals, being naturally erect)is withdrawn; and this, when it befalls them, causes unconsciousness, and afterwards phantasy.

Or are the solutions thus proposed barely conceivable accounts of the refrigeration which takes place, while, as a matter of fact, the region of the brain is, as stated elsewhere, the main determinant of the matter? For the brain, or in creatures without a brain that which corresponds to it, is of all parts of the body the coolest.

Therefore, as moisture turned into vapour by the sun's heat is, when it has ascended to the upper regions, cooled by the coldness of the latter, and becoming condensed, is carried downwards, and turned into water once more; just so the excrementitious evaporation, when carried up by the heat to the region of the brain, is condensed into a 'phlegm' (which explains why catarrhs are seen to proceed from the head); while that evaporation which is nutrient and not unwholesome, becoming condensed, descends and cools the hot.The tenuity or narrowness of the veins about the brain itself contributes to its being kept cool, and to its not readily admitting the evaporation.

This, then, is a sufficient explanation of the cooling which takes place, despite the fact that the evaporation is exceedingly hot.

A person awakes from sleep when digestion is completed: when the heat, which had been previously forced together in large quantity within a small compass from out the surrounding part, has once more prevailed, and when a separation has been effected between the more corporeal and the purer blood.The finest and purest blood is that contained in the head, while the thickest and most turbid is that in the lower parts.The source of all the blood is, as has been stated both here and elsewhere, the heart.Now of the chambers in the heart the central communicates with each of the two others.Each of the latter again acts as receiver from each, respectively, of the two vessels, called the 'great' and the 'aorta'.It is in the central chamber that the [above-mentioned] separation takes place.To go into these matters in detail would, however, be more properly the business of a different treatise from the present.Owing to the fact that the blood formed after the assimilation of food is especially in need of separation, sleep [then especially] occurs [and lasts]

until the purest part of this blood has been separated off into the upper parts of the body, and the most turbid into the lower parts.

When this has taken place animals awake from sleep, being released from the heaviness consequent on taking food.We have now stated the cause of sleeping, viz.that it consists in the recoil by the corporeal element, upborne by the connatural heat, in a mass upon the primary sense-organ; we have also stated what sleep is, having shown that it is a seizure of the primary sense-organ, rendering it unable to actualize its powers; arising of necessity (for it is impossible for an animal to exist if the conditions which render it an animal be not fulfilled), i.e.for the sake of its conservation; since remission of movement tends to the conservation of animals.


  • 学治臆说


  • 东溪试茶录


  • Autobiography and Selected Essays

    Autobiography and Selected Essays

    The purpose of the following selections is to present to students of English a few of Huxley is representative essays. Some of these selections are complete; others are extracts. In the latter case, however, they are not extracts in the sense of being incomplete wholes.
  • 九州春秋


  • 高峰乔松亿禅师语录


  • 烽火剑魂


  • 诡面军师


  • 跟着猴哥去反天


  • 撩动情思


  • 红胡子小蚂蚱(绿绿的小蚂蚱)


  • 穿越庶女很无敌


  • 我家有个狐仙大人:史前最无良穿越


  • 一别经年,初心不忘


  • 罪三生情三世


  • 遗失的一个梦

