

Simultaneous ideas occurring to several people, or thought transference, whatever one likes to call the phenomenon is too frequent an occurrence in most of our experience to occasion much surprise.Yet on the occasion to which I am about to refer, the matter was so very marked that few of us who took part in the day's proceedings are ever likely to forget it.

We were all gathered about the fo'lk'sle scuttle one evening, a few days after the gale referred to in the previous chapter, and the question of whale-fishing came up for discussion.Until that time, strange as it may seem, no word of this, the central idea of all our minds, had been mooted.Every man seemed to shun the subject, although we were in daily expectation of being called upon to take an active part in whale-fighting.Once the ice was broken, nearly all had something to say about it, and very nearly as many addle-headed opinions were ventilated as at a Colney Hatch debating society.For we none of us KNEW anything about it.I was appealed to continually to support this or that theory, but as far as whaling went I could only, like the rest of them, draw upon my imagination for details.How did a whale act, what were the first steps taken, what chance was there of being saved if your boat got smashed, and so on unto infinity.At last, getting very tired of this "Portugee Parliament" of all talkers and no listeners, I went aft to get a drink of water before turning in.The harpooners and other petty officers were grouped in the waist, earnestly discussing the pros and cons of attack upon whales.As I passed I heard the mate's harpooner say, "Feels like whale about.I bet a plug (of tobacco) we raise sperm whale to-morrow." Nobody took his bet, for it appeared that they were mostly of the same mind, and while I was drinking Iheard the officers in dignified conclave talking over the same thing.It was Saturday evening, and while at home people were looking forward to a day's respite from work and care, I felt that the coming day, though never taken much notice of on board, was big with the probabilities of strife such as I at least had at present no idea of.So firmly was I possessed by the prevailing feeling.

The night was very quiet.A gentle breeze was blowing, and the sky was of the usual "Trade" character, that is, a dome of dark blue fringed at the horizon with peaceful cumulus clouds, almost motionless.I turned in at four a.m.from the middle watch and, as usual, slept like a babe.Suddenly I started wide awake, a long mournful sound sending a thrill to my very heart.As Ilistened breathlessly other sounds of the same character but in different tones joined in, human voices monotonously intoning in long drawn-out expirations the single word "bl-o-o-o-o-w." Then came a hurricane of noise overhead, and adjurations in no gentle language to the sleepers to "tumble up lively there, no skulking, sperm whales." At last, then, fulfilling all the presentiments of yesterday, the long dreaded moment had arrived.Happily there was no time for hesitation, in less than two minutes we were all on deck, and hurrying to our respective boats.There was no flurry or confusion, and except that orders were given more quietly than usual, with a manifest air of suppressed excitement, there was nothing to show that we were not going for an ordinary course of boat drill.The skipper was in the main crow's-nest with his binoculars presently he shouted, "Naow then, Mr.Count, lower away soon's y'like.Small pod o'cows, an' one'r two bulls layin' off to west'ard of 'em." Down went the boats into the water quietly enough, we all scrambled in and shoved off.Astroke or two of the oars were given to get clear of the ship, and one another, then oars were shipped and up went the sails.

As I took my allotted place at the main-sheet, and the beautiful craft started off like some big bird, Mr.Count leant forward, saying impressively to me, "Y'r a smart youngster, an' I've kinder took t'yer; but don't ye look ahead an' get gallied, 'r I'll knock ye stiff wi' th' tiller; y'hear me? N' don't ye dare to make thet sheet fast, 'r ye'll die so sudden y' won't know whar y'r hurted." I said as cheerfully as I could, "All right, sir," trying to look unconcerned, telling myself not to be a coward, and all sorts of things; but the cold truth is that I was scared almost to death because I didn't know what was coming.

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