

``I understand as much from Mrs.Hadoway--I only hope, my good young friend, you have been fortunate in a quiet horse.I myself inadvertently bought one from the said Gibbie Golightly, which brute ran two miles on end with me after a pack of hounds, with which I had no more to do than the last year's snow; and after affording infinite amusement, Isuppose, to the whole hunting field, he was so good as to deposit me in a dry ditch--I hope yours is a more peaceful beast?''

``I hope, at least, we shall make our excursions on a better plan of mutual understanding.''

``That is to say, you think yourself a good horseman?''

``I would not willingly,'' answered Lovel, ``confess myself a very bad one.''

``No--all you young fellows think that would be equal to calling yourselves tailors at once--But have you had experience?

for, _crede experto,_ a horse in a passion is no joker.''

``Why, I should be sorry to boast myself as a great horseman;but when I acted as aide-de-camp to Sir -- -- in the cavalry action at --, last year, I saw many better cavaliers than myself dismounted.''

``Ah! you have looked in the face of the grisly god of arms then?--you are acquainted with the frowns of Mars armipotent?

That experience fills up the measure of your qualifications for the epopea! The Britons, however, you will remember, fought in chariots--_covinarii_ is the phrase of Tacitus;--you recollect the fine description of their dashing among the Roman infantry, although the historian tells us how ill the rugged face of the ground was calculated for equestrian combat; and truly, upon the whole, what sort of chariots could be driven in Scotland anywhere but on turnpike roads, has been to me always matter of amazement.And well now--has the Muse visited you?--have you got anything to show me?''

``My time,'' said Lovel, with a glance at his black dress, ``has been less pleasantly employed.''

``The death of a friend?'' said the Antiquary.

``Yes, Mr.Oldbuck--of almost the only friend I could ever boast of possessing.''

``Indeed? Well, young man,'' replied his visitor, in a tone of seriousness very different from his affected gravity, ``be comforted.

To have lost a friend by death while your mutual regard was warm and unchilled, while the tear can drop unembittered by any painful recollection of coldness or distrust or treachery, is perhaps an escape from a more heavy dispensation.

Look round you--how few do you see grow old in the affections of those with whom their early friendships were formed! Our sources of common pleasure gradually dry up as we journey on through the vale of Bacha, and we hew out to ourselves other reservoirs, from which the first companions of our pilgrimage are excluded;--jealousies, rivalries, envy, intervene to separate others from our side, until none remain but those who are connected with us rather by habit than predilection, or who, allied more in blood than in disposition, only keep the old man company in his life, that they may not be forgotten at his death--_Haec data p<oe>na diu viventibus._Ah, Mr.Lovel! if it be your lot to reach the chill, cloudy, and comfortless evening of life, you will remember the sorrows of your youth as the light shadowy clouds that intercepted for a moment the beams of the sun when it was rising.But I cram these words into your ears against the stomach of your sense.''

``I am sensible of your kindness,'' answered the youth; ``but the wound that is of recent infliction must always smart severely, and I should be little comforted under my present calamity--forgive me for saying so--by the conviction that life had nothing in reserve for me but a train of successive sorrows.

And permit me to add, you, Mr.Oldbuck, have least reason of many men to take so gloomy a view of life.You have a competent and easy fortune--are generally respected--may, in your own phrase, _vacare musis,_ indulge yourself in the researches to which your taste addicts you; you may form your own society without doors--and within you have the affectionate and sedulous attention of the nearest relatives.''

``Why, yes--the womankind, for womankind, are, thanks to my training, very civil and tractable--do not disturb me in my morning studies--creep across the floor with the stealthy pace of a cat, when it suits me to take a nap in my easy-chair after dinner or tea.All this is very well; but I want something to exchange ideas with--something to talk to.''

``Then why do you not invite your nephew, Captain M`Intyre, who is mentioned by every one as a fine spirited young fellow, to become a member of your family?''

  • 肩门


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    The Magic of Oz

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  • 公主们的复仇与爱情


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