

So, while the Goose, of whom the fable told, Incumbent, brooded o'er her eggs of gold, With hand outstretched, impatient to destroy, Stole on her secret nest the cruel Boy, Whose gripe rapacious changed her splendid dream, --For wings vain fluttering, and for dying scream.

The Loves of the Sea-weeds.

From the time that Sir Arthur Wardour had become possessor of the treasure found in Misticot's grave, he had been in a state of mind more resembling ecstasy than sober sense.

Indeed, at one time his daughter had become seriously apprehensive for his intellect; for, as he had no doubt that he had the secret of possessing himself of wealth to an unbounded extent, his language and carriage were those of a man who had acquired the philosopher's stone.He talked of buying contiguous estates, that would have led him from one side of the island to the other, as if he were determined to brook no neighbour save the sea.He corresponded with an architect of eminence, upon a plan of renovating the castle of his forefathers on a style of extended magnificence that might have rivalled that of Windsor, and laying out the grounds on a suitable scale.

Troops of liveried menials were already, in fancy, marshalled in his halls, and--for what may not unbounded wealth authorize its possessor to aspire to?--the coronet of a marquis, perhaps of a duke, was glittering before his imagination.His daughter--to what matches might she not look forward? Even an alliance with the blood-royal was not beyond the sphere of his hopes.

His son was already a general--and he himself whatever ambition could dream of in its wildest visions.

In this mood, if any one endeavoured to bring Sir Arthur down to the regions of common life, his replies were in the vein of Ancient Pistol--A fico for the world, and worldlings base I speak of Africa and golden joys!

The reader may conceive the amazement of Miss Wardour, when, instead of undergoing an investigation concerning the addresses of Lovel, as she had expected from the long conference of her father with Mr.Oldbuck, upon the morning of the fated day when the treasure was discovered, the conversation of Sir Arthur announced an imagination heated with the hopes of possessing the most unbounded wealth.But she was seriously alarmed when Dousterswivel was sent for to the Castle, and was closeted with her father--his mishap condoled with--his part taken, and his loss compensated.All the suspicions which she had long entertained respecting this man became strengthened, by observing his pains to keep up the golden dreams of her father, and to secure for himself, under various pretexts, as much as possible out of the windfall which had so strangely fallen to Sir Arthur's share.

Other evil symptoms began to appear, following close on each other.Letters arrived every post, which Sir Arthur, as soon as he had looked at the directions, flung into the fire without taking the trouble to open them.Miss Wardour could not help suspecting that these epistles, the contents of which seemed to be known to her father by a sort of intuition, came from pressing creditors.In the meanwhile, the temporary aid which he had received from the treasure dwindled fast away.

By far the greater part had been swallowed up by the necessity of paying the bill of six hundred pounds, which had threatened Sir Arthur with instant distress.Of the rest, some part was given to the adept, some wasted upon extravagances which seemed to the poor knight fully authorized by his full-blown hopes,--and some went to stop for a time the mouths of such claimants as, being weary of fair promises, had become of opinion with Harpagon, that it was necessary to touch something substantial.At length circumstances announced but too plainly, that it was all expended within two or three days after its discovery; and there appeared no prospect of a supply.Sir Arthur, naturally impatient, now taxed Dousterswivel anew with breach of those promises through which he had hoped to convert all his lead into gold.But that worthy gentleman's turn was now served; and as he had grace enough to wish to avoid witnessing the fall of the house which he had undermined, he was at the trouble of bestowing a few learned terms of art upon Sir Arthur, that at least he might not be tormented before his time.He took leave of him, with assurances that he would return to Knockwinnock the next morning, with such information as would not fail to relieve Sir Arthur from all his distresses.

``For, since I have consulted in such matters, I ave never,''

said Mr.Herman Dousterswivel, ``approached so near de _arcanum,_what you call de great mystery,--de Panchresta--de Polychresta --I do know as much of it as Pelaso de Taranta, or Basilius--and either I will bring you in two and tree days de No.III.

of Mr.Mishdigoat, or you shall call me one knave myself, and never look me in de face again no more at all.''

The adept departed with this assurance, in the firm resolution of making good the latter part of the proposition, and never again appearing before his injured patron.Sir Arthur remained in a doubtful and anxious state of mind.The positive assurances of the philosopher, with the hard words Panchresta, Basilius, and so forth, produced some effect on his mind.But he had been too often deluded by such jargon, to be absolutely relieved of his doubt, and he retired for the evening into his library, in the fearful state of one who, hanging over a precipice, and without the means of retreat, perceives the stone on which he rests gradually parting from the rest of the crag, and about to give way with him.

  • 脉法


  • 文王之什


  • Lizzie Leigh

    Lizzie Leigh

  • Iphigenia at Aulis

    Iphigenia at Aulis

  • 广卓异记


  • 洛尘忆之不凡大陆


  • 福妻驾到


  • 荒芜锦衣


  • 逆天人生之涅磐重生


  • 影斗神


  • 道咸同光四朝奏议选辑


  • 求圣


  • 旋转木马不哭


  • 血肉神座


  • 幻神星帝

