

``My lord--my lord--much obliged--much obliged--But Hector is a pedestrian, and never mounts on horseback in battle --he is a Highland soldier, moreover, and his dress ill adapted for cavalry service.Even Macpherson never mounted his ancestors on horseback, though he has the impudence to talk of their being car-borne--and that, my lord, is what is running in Hector's head--it is the vehicular, not the equestrian exercise, which he envies--Sunt quos curriculo pulverem Olympicum Collegisse juvat.

His noddle is running on a curricle, which he has neither money to buy, nor skill to drive if he had it; and I assure your lordship, that the possession of two such quadrupeds would prove a greater scrape than any of his duels, whether with human foe or with my friend the _phoca._''

``You must command us all at present, Mr.Oldbuck,'' said the Earl politely; ``but I trust you will not ultimately prevent my gratifying my young friend in some way that may afford him pleasure.''

``Anything useful, my lord,'' said Oldbuck, ``but no _curriculum_--I protest he might as rationally propose to keep a _quadriga_at once--And now I think of it, what is that old post-chaise from Fairport come jingling here for?--I did not send for it.''

``_I_ did, sir,'' said Hector, rather sulkily, for he was not much gratified by his uncle's interference to prevent the Earl's intended generosity, nor particularly inclined to relish either the disparagement which he cast upon his skill as a charioteer, or the mortifying allusion to his bad success in the adventures of the duel and the seal.

``You did, sir?'' echoed the Antiquary, in answer to his concise information.``And pray, what may be your business with a post-chaise? Is this splendid equipage--this _biga,_ as Imay call it--to serve for an introduction to a _quadriga_ or a _curriculum_?''

``Really, sir,'' replied the young soldier, ``if it be necessary to give you such a specific explanation, I am going to Fairport on a little business.''

``Will you permit me to inquire into the nature of that business, Hector?'' answered his uncle, who loved the exercise of a little brief authority over his relative.``I should suppose any regimental affairs might be transacted by your worthy deputy the sergeant--an honest gentleman, who is so good as to make Monkbarns his home since his arrival among us--Ishould, I say, suppose that he may transact any business of yours, without your spending a day's pay on two dog-horses, and such a combination of rotten wood, cracked glass, and leather--such a skeleton of a post-chaise, as that before the door.''

``It is not regimental business, sir, that calls me; and, since you insist upon knowing, I must inform you Caxon has brought word this morning that old Ochiltree, the beggar, is to be brought up for examination to-day, previous to his being committed for trial; and I'm going to see that the poor old fellow gets fair play--that's all.''

``Ay?--I heard something of this, but could not think it serious.And pray, Captain Hector, who are so ready to be every man's second on all occasions of strife, civil or military, by land, by water, or on the sea-beach, what is your especial concern with old Edie Ochiltree?''

``He was a soldier in my father's company, sir,'' replied Hector; ``and besides, when I was about to do a very foolish thing one day, he interfered to prevent me, and gave me almost as much good advice, sir, as you could have done yourself.''

``And with the same good effect, I dare be sworn for it--eh, Hector?--Come, confess it was thrown away.''

``Indeed it was, sir; but I see no reason that my folly should make me less grateful for his intended kindness.''

``Bravo, Hector! that's the most sensible thing I ever heard you say.But always tell me your plans without reserve,--why, I will go with you myself, man.I am sure the old fellow is not guilty, and I will assist him in such a scrape much more effectually than you can do.Besides, it will save thee half-a-guinea, my lad--a consideration which I heartily pray you to have more frequently before your eyes.''

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