

Remorse--she neer forsakes us--

A bloodhound staunch--she tracks our rapid step Through the wild labyrinth of youthful frenzy, Unheard, perchance, until old age hath tamed us Then in our lair, when Time hath chilled our joints, And maimed our hope of combat, or of flight, We hear her deep-mouthed bay, announcing all Of wrath, and wo, and punishment that bides us.

Old Play.

``I need not tell you,'' said the old woman, addressing the Earl of Glenallan, ``that I was the favourite and confidential attendant of Joscelind, Countess of Glenallan, whom God assoilzie!''--(here she crossed herself)--``and I think farther, ye may not have forgotten that I shared her regard for mony years.I returned it by the maist sincere attachment, but Ifell into disgrace frae a trifling act of disobedience, reported to your mother by ane that thought, and she wasna wrang, that Iwas a spy upon her actions and yours.''

``I charge thee, woman,'' said the Earl, in a voice trembling with passion, ``name not her name in my hearing!''

``I =must,='' returned the penitent firmly and calmly, ``or how can you understand me?''

The Earl leaned upon one of the wooden chairs of the hut, drew his hat over his face, clenched his hands together, set his teeth like one who summons up courage to undergo a painful operation, and made a signal to her to proceed.

``I say, then,'' she resumed, ``that my disgrace with my mistress was chiefly owing to Miss Eveline Neville, then bred up in Glenallan House as the daughter of a cousin-german and intimate friend of your father that was gane.There was muckle mystery in her history,--but wha dared to inquire farther than the Countess liked to tell?--All in Glenallan House loved Miss Neville--all but twa, your mother and mysell--we baith hated her.''

``God! for what reason, since a creature so mild, so gentle, so formed to inspire affection, never walked on this wretched world?''

``It may hae been sae,'' rejoined Elspeth, ``but your mother hated a' that cam of your father's family--a' but himsell.Her reasons related to strife which fell between them soon after her marriage; the particulars are naething to this purpose.But oh! doubly did she hate Eveline Neville when she perceived that there was a growing kindness atween you and that unfortunate young leddy! Ye may mind that the Countess's dislike didna gang farther at first than just showing o' the cauld shouther--at least it wasna seen farther; but at the lang run it brak out into such downright violence that Miss Neville was even fain to seek refuge at Knockwinnock Castle with Sir Arthur's leddy, wha (God sain her!) was then wi' the living.''

``You rend my heart by recalling these particulars--But go on,--and may my present agony be accepted as additional penance for the involuntary crime!''

``She had been absent some months,'' continued Elspeth, ``when I was ae night watching in my hut the return of my husband from fishing, and shedding in private those bitter tears that my proud spirit wrung frae me whenever I thought on my disgrace.The sneck was drawn, and the Countess your mother entered my dwelling.I thought I had seen a spectre, for even in the height of my favour, this was an honour she had never done me, and she looked as pale and ghastly as if she had risen from the grave.She sat down, and wrung the draps from her hair and cloak,--for the night was drizzling, and her walk had been through the plantations, that were a' loaded with dew.Ionly mention these things that you may understand how weel that night lives in my memory,--and weel it may.I was surprised to see her, but I durstna speak first, mair than if I had seen a phantom--Na, I durst not, my lord, I that hae seen mony sights of terror, and never shook at them.Sae, after a silence, she said, `Elspeth Cheyne (for she always gave me my maiden name), are not ye the daughter of that Reginald Cheyne who died to save his master, Lord Glenallan, on the field of Sheriffmuir?' And I answered her as proudly as hersell nearly --`As sure as you are the daughter of that Earl of Glenallan whom my father saved that day by his own death.' ''

Here she made a deep pause.

``And what followed?--what followed?--For Heaven's sake, good woman--But why should I use that word?--Yet, good or bad, I command you to tell me.''

``And little I should value earthly command,'' answered Elspeth, ``were there not a voice that has spoken to me sleeping and waking, that drives me forward to tell this sad tale.Aweel, my Lord--the Countess said to me, `My son loves Eveline Neville--they are agreed--they are plighted: should they have a son, my right over Glenallan merges--I sink from that moment from a Countess into a miserable stipendiary dowager, I who brought lands and vassals, and high blood and ancient fame, to my husband, I must cease to be mistress when my son has an heir-male.But I care not for that--had he married any but one of the hated Nevilles, I had been patient.But for them--that they and their descendants should enjoy the right and honours of my ancestors, goes through my heart like a two-edged dirk.And this girl--I detest her!'--And I answered, for my heart kindled at her words, that her hate was equalled by mine.''

``Wretch!'' exclaimed the Earl, in spite of his determination to preserve silence--``wretched woman! what cause of hate could have arisen from a being so innocent and gentle?''

  • 佛说苦阴因事经


  • 画禅室随笔


  • 杂病心法要诀


  • 水经


  • 蟹谱


  • 情网深似海


  • 福妻驾到


  • 名门天使归来


  • 为什么爱上你


  • TF十年不如一辈子


  • 你所不知道的第三种爱情


  • 手写世界


  • 天降物的异常见闻


  • 十方纵横录


  • 纵横天下多情应笑

