

The reception room seemed a mile square, because there was nothing in it except some rows of books, on unpainted white-pine bookshelves, a cracked marble-top table, a rag rug, a hairless horsehair sofa and two or three chairs.Yes, there was a picture on the wall, a colored crayon drawing of a cluster of pansies.I looked around for the portrait of Andrew Jackson and the pinecone hanging basket but they were not there.

Azalea Adair and I had conversation, a little of which will be repeated to you.She was a product of the old South, gently nurtured in the sheltered life.Her learning was not broad, but was deep and of splendid originality in its somewhat narrow scope.

She had been educated at home, and her knowledge of the world was derived from inference and by inspiration.Of such is the precious, small group of essayists made.Whle she talked to me Ikept brushing my fingers, trying, unconsciously, to rid them guiltily of the absent dust from the half-calf backs of Lamb, Chaucer, Hazlitt, Marcus Aurelius, Montaigne and Hood.She was exquisite, she was a valuable discovery.Nearly everybody nowadays knows too much--oh, so much too much--of real life.

I could perceive clearly that Azalea Adair was very poor.A house and a dress she had, not much else, I fancied.So, divided between my duty to the magazine and my loyalty to the poets and essayists who fought Thomas in the valley of the Cumberland, I listened to her voice, which was like a harpsichord's, and found that I could not speak of contracts.In the presence of the nine Muses and the three Graces one hesitated to lower the topic to two cents.There would have to be another colloquy after I had regained my commercialism.But I spoke of my mission, and three o'clock of the next afternoon was set for the discussion of the business proposition.

"Your town," I said, as I began to make ready to depart (which is the time for smooth generalities), "seems to be a quiet, sedate place.A home town, I should say, where few things out of the ordinary ever happen."It carries on an extensive trade in stoves and hollow ware with the West and South, and its flouring mills have a daily capacity of more than 2,000 barrels.

Azalea Adair seemed to reflect.

"I have never thought of it that way," she said, with a kind of sincere intensity that seemed to belong to her."Isn't it in the still, quiet places that things do happen? I fancy that when God began to create the earth on the first Monday morning one could have leaned out one's window and heard the drops of mud splashing from His trowel as He built up the everlasting hills.What did the noisiest project in the world--I mean the building of the Tower of Bable--result in finally? A page and a half of Esperanto in the _North American Review_.""Of course," said I platitudinously, "human nature is the same everywhere; but there is more color--er--more drama and movement and--er--romance in some cities than in others.""On the surface," said Azalea Adair."I have traveled many times around the world in a golden airship wafted on two wings--print and dreams.I have seen (on one of my imaginary tours) the Sultan of Turkey bowstring with his own hands one of his wives who had uncovered her face in public.I have seen a man in Nashville tear up his theatre tickets because his wife was going out with her face covered--with rice powder.In San Francisco's Chinatown I saw the slave girl Sing Yee dipped slowly, inch by inch, in boiling almond oil to make her swear she would never see her American lover again.She gave in when the boiling oil had reached three inches above her knee.At a euchre party in East Nashville the other night I saw Kitty Morgan cut dead by seven of her schoolmates and lifelong friends because she had married a house painter.The boiling oil was sizzling as high as her heart; but I wish you could have seen the fine little smile that she carried from table to table.Oh, yes, it is a humdrum town.Just a few miles of red brick houses and mud and lumber yards."Some one knocked hollowly at the back of the house.Azalea Adair breathed a soft apology and went to investigate the sound.She came back in three minutes with brightened eyes, a faint flush on her cheeks, and ten years lifted from her shoulders.

"You must have a cup of tea before you go," she said, "and a sugar cake."She reached and shook a little iron bell.In shuffled a small Negro girl about twelve, barefoot, not very tidy, glowering at me with thumb in mouth and bulging eyes.

Azlea Adair opened a tiny, worn purse and drew out a dollar bill, a dollar bill with the upper right-hand corner missing, torn in two pieces, and pasted together again with a strip of blue tissue paper.

It was one of the bills I had given the piratical Negro--there was no doubt about it.

"Go up to Mr.Baker's store on the corner, Impy," she said, handing the girl the dollar bill, "and get a quarter of a pound of tea--the kind he always sends me--and ten cents worth of sugar cakes.Now, hurry.The supply of tea in the house happens to be exhausted," she explained to me.

Impy left by the back way.Before the scrape of her hard, bare feet had died away on the back porch, a wild shriek--I was sure it was hers--filled the hollow house.Then the deep, gruff tones of an angry man's voice mingled with the girl's further squeals and unintelligible words.

Azalea Adair rose without surprise or emotion and disappeared.

For two minutes I heard the hoarse rumble of the man's voice; then someting like an oath and a slight scuffle, and she returned calmly to her chair.

"This is a roomy house," she said, "and I have a tenant for part of it.I am sorry to have to rescind my invitation to tea.It was impossible to get the kind I always use at the store.Perhaps to-morrow, Mr.Baker will be able to supply me."I was sure that Impy had not had time to leave the house.Iinquired concerning street-car lines and took my leave.After I was well on my way I remembered that I had not learned Azalea Adair's name.But to-morrow would do.

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